Ping Spam Protection Treaty

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Ping Spam Protection Treaty

Section 1: Findings

a. Finding that Libertanny (henceforth “Serge”) is insistent on pinging us multiple times.
b. Believing that this is hazardous to health.
c. Arguing that protection is immediately necessary.
d. Finds that a treaty is the only recourse.

Section 2: Protection

a. A ping on one is a ping on all.
b. All signatories must retaliate against Serge with pings of their own when under attack.
c. All signatories must affirm unending hostility to TWP.

Section 3: Serge

a. Serge may not sign this treaty.

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Signed by me, shadow, and aiv so far.

Lies. I signed it too.

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Lies. I signed it too.

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No proof + I forbid you to leak the FA Leadership Council chat

Signed on behalf of the Magisterium of the East Pacific by the Commonwealth of ArenaC


Signature added with great pride