PNN Dispatches: The Invasion of Hippiedom
The invasion of Hippiedom was a subtle thing; it didnt start with a bang so much as a murmur. That murmur began with a single nation moving into the region, a puppet nation from The Black Hawks (TBH) called AnxiouslyTrueFae.
“AnxiouslyTrueFae has never been active, it remained dormant within the region for about seven months before the actual raid,” stated Strawberryfields, the regions delegate prior to invasion. But the quiet was broken, quite suddenly, in the dark of the evening of Friday 21 September as the first wave of invaders hit. By the time the dust settled ten nations had barged in, with two nations working as secondary sleepers to spoil any potential “defender” attacks. The Black Riders, Land of Kings and Emperors, and The New Inquisition all contributed to the attack. According to AnxiouslyTrueFae, Hippiedom was selected as a target because “[of] its size and activity. It’s always more fun to raid a region that will be more affected by the raid itself. Also, the delegate had double digit endorsements which made it a greater, but more exciting challenge.”
Hippiedom is a region of liberal leaning nations celebrating aspects of the Hippy community. The region was described by one of the natives, St Stephen n Critters, as a group of pacifists who’ve been discussing politics, music, arts and life for seven years. I came here because I was interested in Max Barry and his books." Hippiedoms highlights were the weekly song of the day and the regional map.
After the invaders began to attack, defenders attempted to protect Hippiedom, a single defender moved in to support the Delegate whilst the invaders arrived and later a liberation was attempted by a coalition of around 19 defenders. Neither of these attempts was successful in preventing the invaders from taking and holding the region. AnxiouslyTrueFae said the invader numbers varied throughout the course of the invasion, but that the peak was between 35 to 40 nations.
Inhabitants of the region said they were treated well by the invading forces, until the invaders began to eject some of the inhabitants. Fae commented that relations were pleasant and overall positive up until we started ejecting natives. Thats enough to get anyone pissed at us. Now they hate our guts and want us out. What can you do?"
As Fae began to eject the natives - in alphabetical order - Strawberrry Fields founded Hippy Haven as a refuge for those ejected from Hippiedom in what he referred to as a vile griefing. However, the invaders soon grew restless and moved out of the region, with AnxiouslyTrueFae stating “we left because there are other regions to raid. Good luck to Hippiedom in its rebuilding.” Stawberry Fields thus re-assumed the Delegacy. Midwilaisa, native of Hippiedom, said knowing Hippiedom and its community I think well go back to the way things used to be. This was the First successful raid of Hippiedom, according to St Stephen n Critters, Been raided before, they just weren’t successful. In June 2011 we were saved by TITO forces. Back then we had our founder around too, so when he came back after a long break, he could fix things.
Things seem to be getting to a new normal however, Delaroca and Ora Amaris are discussing the qualities of different incenses, and the region is starting a new recruiting drive to increase the numbers of endorsements for the delegate. Hippiedom is once again a socialist, cannabis friendly region with free clinics, solar power organic gardens with fruit & nut trees, cannabis, opium, mushrooms, eggplant, chick peas, onions, tomatoes, melons & zucchini.
Heronlord - Foreign Affairs Correspondent
Pacific News Network