“Old” Concordat Leaders (2008 - 2020)
Delegate Todd McCloud
1st Delegate under the Concordat (Two terms)
Fifth Head of Government
January 20th, 2009 to March 13th, 2010
“I have been nothing but honest in my intentions and work in this region, and I don’t really see a need to stop that. Isn’t that a great quality for a delegate to have? If something’s up, you’ll hear from me. If I need help, you’ll hear from me. If there’s a situation and I could use some advice, you’ll hear from me.”
~ Todd during his first term Delegacy campaign.
Delegate Der Fuhrer Dyszel
2nd Delegate (One term)
Sixth Head of Government
March 13th, 2010 to September 15th, 2010^
“I do believe that I have been successful in correcting the notion and idea that a delegate is an independent decision maker in TEP and that the delegate is not a “leadership” position as it is a “figurehead” position, a voice and face representing the region’s wishes.”
~DFD before initiating discussion on administrative reform.
Delegate Allegheny
3rd Delegate (One term)
Seventh Head of Government
September 15th, 2010^ to April 1st, 2011
“One of the things I would like to see is a counteraction of the recruiters. Why should we let them take away all the new blood when we can have them as friends here? What I would like is for a few dedicated members volunteer to create a TG message encouraging people stay in TEP and join our community along with what he have been doing such as advertising our links in the RMB.”
~ Allegheny discussing a plan to engage more new players in the East Pacific.
Delegate Todd McCloud
4th Delegate (Two terms)
Eighth Head of Government
April 1st, 2011 to April 26th, 2012
“Until further notice (or until my term runs out 3 months from now), I’ll exercise my delegate right as a representative of TEP abroad and pick the embassies. I do this not out of a desire to control, of course, but out of necessity: we can’t have embassies sit unanswered for months on end. If anyone would like to help with this, by all means feel free to PM me and we can work stuff out.”
~ Todd whilst trying to decide on a new embassy-acceptance policy.
Delegate A Mean Old Man
5th Delegate (One term)
Ninth Head of Government
April 26th, 2012 to December 6th, 2012
“Understandable, though deliberately emasculating ourselves wouldn’t be wise. TEP needs to keep up with the times. The feeders are raising armies. It’s about time we were able to swing our collective weight around rather than sit about passively and let people like those in the GGR walk on us.”
~ A Mean Old Man proposing the creation of an army to the Magisterium.
Delegate Todd McCloud
6th Delegate (One term)
Tenth Head of Government
December 6th, 2012 to June 13th, 2013
“The East Pacific stands resolved: order must be restored in The South Pacific. Citing feeder unity and past positive relationships between our two regions, we wish to aid our fellow region to the South in obtaining order. This may include, but is not limited to, working with other regions to restore the government by force, and assisting natives during these perilous times.”
~ Part of Todd’s statement regarding Milograd’s coup of the South Pacific.
Delegate A Mean Old Man
7th Delegate (One term)
Eleventh Head of Government
June 13th, 2013 to November 8th, 2013
“Gatesville is not an entity I intend to negotiate with, however. An indefinite state of war, even if neither party acts on it, is preferable to what Gatesville would spin as a declaration of surrender.”
~ A Mean Old Man when the Magisterium discussed ending war with Gatesville.
Delegate Bachtendekuppen
“The Puffin Delegate”
8th Delegate (Two terms)
Twelfth Head of Government
November 8th, 2013 to June 30th, 2014
“This is not who we are, we are better than that and this kind of conduct must not be allowed to flourish. I’m not interested in targeting specific persons here. Not everyone is doing this and those who might have are, I am sure of this, not of malicious intent towards TEP or this community.”
~ Bachtendekuppen giving a statement regarding growing conflict in the region.
Delegate Ramaeus
“The Loligarch”
9th Delegate (One term)
Thirteenth Head of Government
June 30th, 2014 to October 30th, 2014
“I’ve droned on more than I intended, so I’ll make this conclusion short. The biggest difficulty that TEP faces is combating the Summer Lull-something that hopefully won’t be too difficult with the Ministers that have been appointed to the Directorate. They are capable, active, and committed. Ex oriente lux!”
~ Ramaeus during his inaugural speech.
Delegate Xoriet
“The Ocelempress”
10th Delegate (One term)
Fourteenth Head of Government
October 30th, 2014 to March 5th, 2015
“We regret that this was conducted on our forums and that some of the involved were from our region. The South Pacific can rest assured that The East Pacific as a region, and particularly its government, will always do its utmost to safeguard and respect the sovereignty of other regions, especially of its allies and fellow Game Created Regions. As Delegate it is my sincere hope that, in a not too distant future, The South Pacific will agree to once more enhance the diplomatic relations between our two governments and their Citizens, in common trust and respect.”
~ Xoriet releasing a statement on Operation Brave Toaster.
Delegate Ramaeus
“The Loligarch”
11th Delegate (Two terms)
Fifteenth Head of Government
March 5th, 2015 to October 31st, 2015
“Despite everything that’s happened, despite the internal and external catastrophes we’ve endured, we have become stronger and more united as a region. I am incredibly proud to have served as your Delegate for these past four months, and I would like the opportunity to do it once more.”
~ Ramaeus during his second-term campaign.
Delegate Prussia
12th Delegate (One term)
Sixteenth Head of Government
October 31st, 2015 to December 20th, 2015
“I believe that together as a region we can work to make this region even greater than it currently is. If we put our petty political differences again we can truly do great things. If we work harder today than we did yesterday we will know that great things can continue to not only continue, but improve.”
~ Prussia during his Delegacy campaign.
Acting Delegate/Delegate Todd McCloud
1st Acting Delegate | 13th Delegate (One term)
Acting Sixteenth Head of Government | Seventeenth Head of Government
December 30th, 2015 to January 18th, 2016 | January 18th, 2016 to March 11th, 2016
“Aye. If I’m asked to do it, I’ll do it.” - Todd agreeing to serve as Acting Delegate
Delegate McStooley
14th Delegate (Two terms)
Eighteenth Head of Government
March 11th, 2016 to October 10th, 2016
“Compromises must be made of both parties, but depending on the situation, one group will trump the other in who’s case is right, based on TEP law. Communication is key though. Once communication stops, everything else will break down. This will cause unnecessary animosity between the Conclave and the Magisterium. That is not acceptable. We are all on the same team.”
~ McStooley during his Delegacy campaign, on issues between the Magisterium and the Conclave.
Acting Delegate Todd McCloud
Interim Delegate | 2nd Acting Delegate
Acting Eighteenth Head of Government
August 201th, 2016 to November 16th, 2016 | November 16th, 2016 to November 24th, 2016
“In the meantime, I will be working with people in the region to bump up your endorsement count. I’ll be sending TG’s and figuring out ways to get more nations endorsing the true delegate of the region. It’s my hope that when you do come back (hopefully next week) you’ll either be really really close or well over my count.”
~ Todd apologizing for accidentally bypassing McStooley in endorsements.
Delegate Aelitia
15th Delegate (One term)
Nineteenth Head of Government
November 24th, 2016 to December 2nd, 2016; January 3rd, 2017 to March 25th, 2017
“In the celebration of Democracy Day, the Order of the Golden Ocelot shall be bestowed upon some more deserving nations. Democracy is at the core of this Region, and our values- and each of the inductees are recognized as examples of what any citizen may achieve for their contribution to The East Pacific.”
~ Aelitia awarding the Order of the Golden Ocelot- the second time in history when it had been awarded.
Delegate Hobbesistan
16th Delegate (One term)
Twentieth Head of Government
March 25th, 2017 to July 25, 2017
“The Sovereign East has its reputation as a good dealbroker, friend, and good neighbor among NS because of our reputation of placing our values above alliances and treaties. While I am not against treaties and alliances, including military ones, they must be in line with our values and ideals.”
~ Hobbesistan during his Delegacy campaign, regarding Foreign Affairs.
Delegate Mexregiona
17th Delegate (One term)
Twenty-First Head of Government
July 25, 2017 to August 27th, 2017
“Lazarus as a singular entity shall be considered sovereign by this Pacific; however, this statement bars either of said governments to be entitled to the region unless otherwise stated in future Orders, Acts, et cetera. Peacekeeping efforts brought to a divided Lazarus via Eastern Pacifician means are to go along without governmental recognition and/or governmental sponsorship.”
~ Mex’s Executive Order regarding the 2017 Lazarus coup.
Delegate Yuno
18th Delegate (Three terms)
Twenty-Second Head of Government
September 23rd, 2017 to October 21st, 2018
“It’s been an honor to work with citizens who’ve been in TEP during these past months, and Id love to see more members join the government! I’m open to further suggestions and development of this campaign. What I’m good at is organization. (And if I don’t win this election, I’ll still stay active here like usual. TEP’s been amazing and there’s a ton of stuff for me to do XD )”
~ Yuno during her second-term Delegacy campaign.
Delegate Fedele
“The Fedelegate”
19th Delegate (Three terms)
Twenty-Third Head of Government
October 21st, 2018 to October 15th, 2019
“It was considered at the time, if I remember correctly, that trying to get meaningful reform of the Vizier role through the Magisterium would expend far too much political capital. Not intending to run for re-election, I suppose I may as well use whatever political capital I have in my pockets toward compelling the Magisterium to draft a more permanent fix.”
~ Fedele pushing for Vizier reform in the Magisterium.