[PROPOSAL] Amendment to RO Act


…3.1- The in-game powers that may be given to a Regional Officer (herein “Powers”) are defined as the following:
……3.1.1- “Appearance”- The power to change the flag, world factbook entry, or tags of the East Pacific.
……3.1.2- “Border Control”- The power to eject/ban nations.
……3.1.3- “Embassies”- The power to accept, reject, and/or send in-game embassy requests from/to another region.
……3.1.4- “Communications”- The power to send out region-wide telegrams without stamps and the power to suppress messages on the Regional Message Board.
……3.1.5- “Polls”- The power to host polls on the in-game page of the East Pacific.
……3.1.6- “World Assembly”- The power to cast a vote on the behalf of the East Pacific in an on-going World Assembly resolution vote. By merit, this power shall only be given to the in-game Delegate.

…3.2- Anyone with the “Appearance” Power shall not be allowed to instate the following tags: Imperialist, Mercenary, Defender, Invader, Independent, Neutral.

…3.3- The ability to utilize the Embassies power, or accept/reject requests for forum embassies, shall be left at the discretion of the Delegate or anyone the Delegate appoints to complete such a purpose.

…3.4- The “Border Control” power is reserved solely to the Delegate, the Viziers, including all Designated Viziers defined by this Act, and any individuals approved by the Regional Administration, as defined by Article G of the Concordat, to be Regional Message Board Moderators. Granting the “Border Control” power to any individual not listed in this Section is unlawful.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. It will help a lot in avoiding certain events from happening again.

“Vizier reaction” is nondescript but I’m in favor of this amendment.

Okay so I removed “Vizier reaction” because I think we’ll have a separate thing about emergency powers and enforcing this sorta thing and whatnot, and the debate is considerable, so leaving it like this is probably best for now.

I hereby motion this amendment to a vote.

Seconded and Acknowledged.

Vote here