Q&A: A Slanted Black Stripe (2013)

Originally http://forum.theeastpacific.com/topic/987186/3/ for an embassy update

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Q&A: A Slanted Black Stripe
by East Malaysia

What made you decide to come back to NS/TEP?

I have a lot of fond memories about the people here. It’s not as much about coming back, as it is the resolution of things in my life that kept me away. Honestly, I hadn’t planned to leave so abruptly. Without getting too heavy or too personal, I needed to spend a lot of my time helping several family members with health issues.

It has also been about 5 years since I bought a new computer and as I was transferring files to the new one, I came across some things I had written for TEP. I wondered how all of you were doing.

So after 4 years, I dropped in. For now, I’ve decided to stay and get involved.

From your prospective, does TEP still feel the same or different?

It’s different. And yet … Todd was the Delegate when I left and Todd is still the Delegate today!

Lots of people have left and lots of new people replaced them. Todd tells me many of them got married. Some now have children. Life happens.

I’ve been reading lots of old forum posts. I missed a lot of turmoil and drama. Just before I left, we spent a lot of time watching for invasions. It feels like a safer place now. Perhaps too safe. Perhaps this is why there are new discussions about changing the government, recruiting for an army, enhancing the university, and ending the “cosmopolitan” era.

Since you’ve been gone, you’ve become a legend and now admired by many people. How does that make you feel?

It’s touching and a little awkward. I don’t feel like a legend. I suspect most people, in a similar situation, would have done as I did. (Perhaps they would have even acted sooner than I did.)

I think it is important to recognize that liberation required the action of many of the nations of TEP. I helped focus the action. I had tons of help. Everyone who participated should be part of the legend.

Based on the list of Delegates of TEP, you had the shortest tenure as Delegate. With you joining the government again as a Magister… would you ever consider running to be Delegate and serving a full term?

Ever? Maybe.

In 2008, it was my sense the only way to liberate TEP required that I serve only as a transitional Delegate. We were displacing a dictator and I wanted everyone to understand that there would be elections and a new Delegate selected by the citizens. Many people were suspicious of my intentions. Some thought I was a secret puppet for a big time game player.

I also don’t know if I have enough new ideas to be the Delegate. There are lots of younger players in TEP who are energized and want to try new things.

(In the meantime, please endorse me. But don’t exceed the endo cap!)

Who would you consider the most influential member of TEP (or NS in general)?

Given the length of time he has been involved as Delegate, his prior experiences in NS, and his involvement across several regions, Todd appears to be the most influential.

But what do I know? I’ve been gone for 4 years.

To follow up with the previous questions. Did you ever have a member of TEP (or NS in general) that you admired?

There are lots of nations I admire and much of it has to do with how I moved from minding my own business, answering issue questions, and eventually getting active in the forum and becoming Delegate.

It starts with Stagnationstan. After the invasion in 2008, Stagnationstan always had mottos like “Free The East Pacific,” “Overthrow Lady Phedre,” and “Fight the Empire.” It was through telegrams to and from Stagnationstan that I began to understand the situation.

Then I joined the forum and I met Loop and all the people who had created and sustained the region. I admired them all.

Eventually, I campaigned together with Dannistaan, asking nations in the region to endorse both of us, so we could replace the dictator.

During this time, Kandarin and Lady Edea (later known as Der Fuhrer Dyszel) asked me a bunch of questions to determine if I was really a naive, slow-to-waken Ent, or some master gamer from the past, masquerading as a simpleton. After I passed the test, they advised and helped me.

Then, after the dictator was gone, I admired all those who worked together to create the new government, which includes all of the above, plus many more that I will list (in no particular order) at the risk of overlooking and offending someone: Free Pacific States, Warre, Morhams, Lazlow, Drakkengard, Packilvania, Nylter, Todd, Bolshikstan, Kelssek, and East Malaysia.

Apologies in advance if I overlooked anyone, but it was inspiring to see everyone working together.

Do Slanted Black Stripes have a favorite color? If so… what is it?

Stripes is not plural. There is only one stripe. A Slanted Black Stripe. So the apparent answer is black. Our flag has two other colors. Below the stripe is the lush green of our tropical islands. Above the stripe is clear blue of our skies and water.

(How’s that for the Chamber of Commerce description of ASBS?)

ASBS is a multicultural place, so we have no favorites. We enjoy all colors. Except fuchsia. It hurts our eyes.

Have you heard about Syrup, a film based on Max Barry’s book of the same title? What do you think about it? Should Jenifer Government get a feature film?

How can you avoid hearing about the film? Max Berry keeps flagging it as news on our nation pages. Yes, Max should have all of his novels made into motion pictures. Then, he’ll have more money to spend on Nation States.

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Fact: This was a normal embassy update but it was also on TEP 10th birthday.