Ratgate - Who saw this coming?

Ladies, Gentlemen and those who consider themselves neither, it’s me your old RMB pal Holy Rat! You may be wondering why the rat is running? Is this a joke campaign? Nope. I am actually very serious about wanting to fulfil the duties of the delegate. I serve to live and live to serve and I want to serve you, people of the East Pacific!

I’ve been reading other fellow candidates’ campaigns and I must say everyone has done such wonderful jobs. I see time and time again the issue of revising treaties come up. If there are problems concerning such treaties with other regions, I can assure you I will sit down with my cabinet and we will discuss together and fix them as soon as they are brought up.

Now to address the unusually sized rodent in the room. I am clearly not as experienced as my fellow candidates. I will not argue against this. What I will do is take my time to understand everything brought up by my cabinet. I may lack experience but what I don’t lack is the willingness to learn and the care for what the citizens of this legendary region think. I will gladly listen to all suggestions. My DMs and TGs are always open and will always be open if you elect me as delegate!

When it comes to administration, I will likely keep most of the previous administrations appointments in place, whilst still bringing in other experienced folk to offset my own inexperience in certain fields of governance. Of course these new appointments will go through a rigorous set of questions to ensure they are the right person for the job. Can’t have the first fledgling to walk on the RMB become a RMB mod after all!

Now at my core I’m a member of the RMB first and foremost, and quite frankly I think the RMB is neglected when it comes to events. The flag making contest was a great RMB event. Personally, I observed many people talk about it over the days the event was held, which is why I think that the Ministry of Culture must use its talents to further expand into the RMB!

The Ministry of Culture holds great importance to me as it can serve as a tool to further emphasise both activity within the RMB and as a way to show the practicalities of TEP government, perhaps intriguing members of the RMB to join the government, fresh minds with fresh ideas!

Now we have talked quite a bit about what I might do, but not a lot about what properly sets me apart from other candidates. I am an RMB man. I spend my days doing RMB RP, chatting with my fellow RMBers and role-playing with my fellow RPers. I have proudly stood alongside you fighting zombies on Z-Day and nuking fascists on N-Day. Now I must ask. Can I count on you to vote the Holy Rat as delegate of this great East Pacific? All questions, criticism and concerns will be answered happily in a timely manner.

Thank you,

The Holy Rat

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Any plans to recruit from outside of NS?

I personally have no such ambition to recruit outside of NS itself but I will happily coordinate efforts with the Ministry of Outreach if they wish to find more members for our lovely region outside the NS sphere.

You made strong points about events and RMB integration – what makes you interested in the Delegacy rather than the Culture Ministry or the Recruitment Ministry?

Related but distinct – what plans/ideas do you have, if any, for the other Ministries? UTEP, EPNS, FA, EPSA, WA, and Endorsement Affairs.

Great questions thanks for asking them, sorry for the response time!

Why the Delegacy:

Well my answer is multifaceted but in the interest of keeping things short i’ll boil it down to one simply point The Delegacy is the most known by everyone, if any aspiring RMBers see a fellow RMBer as Delegate they are more likely to think that they will have a chance in TEPs government. I want to inspire new and old RMBers to show them they too can join the government and make a difference, the Delegacy I found was the best way to do this.


The EPNS is doing a wonderful job as of now and I don’t really see a need to change it perhaps including a few more RMB oriented parts being expanded, personally I see no issues with it as of now even without including more RMB oriented parts I would still be happy if it continued on its current trajectory.

Foreign Affairs:

When it comes to Foreign Affairs I plan to consult my cabinet heavily on the topic along with treaties as I mentioned in my campaign. You can rest assured that if a problem is found we will sit down and hammer out any issues as they come our way.


To my understanding UTEP is a forum institution that not many know about on the RMB or if they do they likely feel indifferent about it. Perhaps promoting UTEP on the RMB could be brought in during a Ratgate Delegacy as a part of forming a unity with the RMB and the Forums.

Endorsement Affairs:

To be completely honest, I think the current way we’re going with endorsement affairs is the perfect way to go. There was an initiative to gift legendary cards for meeting certain requirements which I believe should be expanded upon. Essentially, I believe we should give WA nations more incentives to spend their time endorsing everyone in the region. Which will help with the slowing endorsement rates here in TEP.


The EPSA… where should I start? I don’t have much to say, really. R/D isn’t really my forte. Like I stated before, my priority is our region. Perhaps if there is an appetite for EPSA related activities, I’ll work with the Admiral of the EPSA to promote it regionwide. Regardless, I still think highly of the work our army does. I have seem them do well at keeping bigoted regions of NS and I see it as a worthy and honourable endeavour.

Can you elaborate a bit more on who you are, and what qualities or experience in TEP (of course including your activities on the RMB) might be of use in a Delegacy-role?

Do you plan on changing the list of Regional Officers if elected?

This is more-so out of curiosity than it is out of seriousness.

My FA 5 cents:

  1. What is your take on current structure of the FA Ministry and Council?

  2. As Delegate, it’s not required but nice seen, when you have connections outside. In which regions do you hold active personal relationships these days?

  3. What is your take on Frontiers, Frontierist ideology and recruitment from Frontiers?

  4. What is your take on our NDay faction, which is composed of not only culturally neutral regions, but also raiders (TCB, TBH, etc)?

  5. What is your take on TWP? Will you attempt to fix relations? If so, how?

  6. What is one key issue of TEP FA and how will you fix it?

  7. How will you choose your MoFA?

  8. In your eyes, what regions we could have relations with but don’t?

  9. As a Delegate you face a situation. You learn, that one of fellow TEPers has been spying on a region we don’t have diplomatic relations with and our interactions are semi-hostile. What do you do?

  10. What is Lausanne and what regions are a part of this?

  11. What is FNF?

  12. What is cultural neutrality?

To be determined.

1 I do not have a ‘take’ however if members of the FA ministry have issues I will happily discuss changes that can be made with them.

2 I chat in TNP sometimes though very rarely and mostly to the user Baby Duckies since I used to talk with them during my early months of NS besides that I am semi-active in the region Avaldonia.

3 I personally dislike how they have reduced the flow of nations into feeders, which has slowly reduced the number of nations chatting in TEPs RMB. Besides that, I don’t have an opinion.

4 Nday is at the end of the day a bit of fun! Why let politics get in the way of it?

5 I have no take on the West Pacific however I would not be opposed to fixing relations with them I would be in favour of it. As always I would have to discuss such matters with my Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

6 I have not looked into TEPs FA so I wouldn’t know but on the second half of that question, one man can not fix the issues of a whole ministry. I will have to talk with my Ministry of Foreign Affairs to hear their opinions on that topic and how we can fix any problems together.

7 I will as stated before interview anyone who wishes to join the ministry if none impress me I will attempt to inherit the previous administration’s appointments.

8 I do not have eyes on this topic.

9 A rule-breaker is a rule-breaker; they should be punished as the law dictates even if the region they are spying on is semi-hostile to TEP.

10 Lausanne seems to be an agreement between the regions Alstro Commonwealths, Thaecia and the Free Nations Federation

11 Free Nations Federation.

12 Based on something you have said before I would say it means community over politics.