The Realm of Lyra
Lyra is a nation in northwest Yasteria. It is a parliamentary and monarchic democracy. It’s people are the lyrans, or the folk of lyr, and are often depicted as either a pacific people who are deeply in touch with their tradition, their land, and the sea, or, less positively, as a folk held back by their conservative and superstitious beliefs and whose isolationism is not fueled by concern to avoid sensless strife but out of a sense of xenophobic superiority to others.
The legislature of Lyra is called the Assembly of the Hundred though most often simply referred to as the Assembly. It is composed of 100 members elected by universal sufrage, each one being elected to represent one of the hundred caerns, which act both as electoral distritcs and local authorities, every four years, who can at any point in time be recalled by the citizens resident in their caern by petition. Only citizens that have served in the military may become a member of the Assembly of the Hundred.