Red Dove
Your News Source for Across the Federation
20 December 2023
Statement on the International Joint Effort of Containment of Mirhaime and its Allies
Liane Rousseau
The Red Crown Economic Union, Norgsveltian Crown Realm, Kaldrbuth, [Western] Atlalandr, Tretrid, Axdel and Vistaraland have established an agreement to enact a complete containment of Mirhaime and its allies, such as Sayyed. The containment is a complete embargo of products produced from the listed countries. The Atlalandr Prime Minister Nikkolas Bjarnvikda and Kaldrbuth queen, Astrid XI have both made statements to bring the containment act into the North Concordian Economic Forum.
Federal Prime Minister Pierre has made overtures towards other nations such as the Tavari Union and other notable nations to join in the containment, though experts have questioned if the close doors meetings with nations will be as fruitful. As well, most attention by foreign policy experts is more focusing on Vistaraland joining in the containment for a variety of factors, such as the less than optimal relations between the Federation and Vistaraland historically throughout the century.
Starting on 1st January 2024, no further trade, investment and any other form of economic benefit will be conducted by signers of the agreement will be given or received to the countries of Mirhaime, Sayyed, Thalor, other nations deemed by the signers of the agreement to be included. Corporations affiliated with Mirhaime such as Potza Motorworks Corporation are to be blacklisted and removed from relevant stock trading platforms and markets.
The joint effort of containment was led by FPM Pierre of the Federation, negotiating agreements and terms with the signers of the containment treaty throughout the year. Renewed once a year on 1st January.
The governments of the RCEU, Norgsveltian Crown Realm, Vistaraland, Tretrid, and Axdel have jointly issued a complete and utter economic embargo of Mirahime and its allies which will come into full effect on the 1st January 2024. The Anti-Imperialist Containment Agreement establishes and activates the economic confinement and isolation of the Mirhaime, Sayyed, Thalor and nations that heavily aligned themselves within the Mirhaimian network of influence.
Acting on the basis of Mirhaimian aggression, charges of Neo-Imperialism and actions beyond the realm of acceptableness by the international community, we signatories of the Anti-Imperialist Containment Agreement have deemed that Mirahime and its circle of allies are a threat to the stability of the international community and therefore see it fit to issue a complete stoppage of economic activity between our governments and Mirahime as well its allies.
Our governments will cease trade, including stock market transitions, oil imports and other related fields with nations. This includes native companies owned by Mirahimiam or allied nations nationales. Furthermore, companies, firms and related businesses will cease operations, investments or other ways operate with Mirhaimiam or nations aligned to Mirahime lands. This includes banning cooperation between signers’ nation companies and nations targeted by the agreement or nationales from said affected nations.