Red Dove Media; News from the RCEU (Open to RCEU Syndication)

Red Dove Media is the primary news media of the Federation of the Southern Coast and services Red Crown Economic Union member states.

Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

21st April 2023

Federal Prime Minister Pierre meets with the President of Dvergerland, Durin Førui

Marie-NoĂŤlle BaumĂŠ

Dvergerland’s relationship with the RCEU was the topic of discussion between Pierre and Førui as a diplomatic conference was held in the Dvergian capital of Duribi early this morning. With the Dvergian president having been open in the past about his nation’s issue with accessing the international market as a result of several nations refusing to recognise it. With Førui having for years attempted to get Dvergerland to join the NCEF to gain larger access to the international market. However with little success as its application was continuously blocked by Atlalandr and Vistaraland over political and economic concerns.

The president having stated in a press conference days prior proclaiming that: “Unless the current stance of certain member states in the NCEF changes in the near future then the possibility of us joining the NCEF is slim. It is not our fault they do not want us there.”

The Federal Prime Minister spoke before the conference as well longside the president: “The RCEU will always have its doors open to those who had every door shut on them. We will meet them where they are at, and together we will uplift all of us by working together.”

Though the idea of Dvergerland’s application to the RCEU has met with support from several parts of the public, especially among the supporters of the social democratic party of the Dvergian Democrats, it has met with some opposition. With the Dvergian Frontierists party having held pro-NCEF protests, which was met with counter protesters from the Dvergian Democrats. With the capital having almost 60k protesters gathered in the street by both pro-NCEF and pro-RCEU members. Tcevky Romini, leader of the Frontierists and Secretary General of Dvergerland has yet to comment about the meeting but has stated his sympathy to the pro-NCEF protesters.

It has been speculated that another reason why the President is seeking a meeting with Pierre is over the possibility for further security guarantees against Tiervan which still claims that Dvergerland is a part of them. With Dvergerland being forced to spend nearly 5% of its GDP on the military to feel safe from its neighbor. President Førui has stated he wants to decrease so extra spending could be used to ensure investments.

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Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

8st June 2023

Live Streamer receives a 1.5 Billion RKR Fine

Alexis Dupont

Famous Norgsveltian Streamer, Asbjørn Axelsen received a 1.5 billion Red Krone (15 million in SHD) fine for excessive luxurious floundering, luxury-good tax avoidance, public rudeness and champagnism. Champagnism, for our readers outside of the Federation, is the public display of champagne socialism, or more simply explained as the act of a person who displays extravagant wealth, raised in a peppy environment or otherwise living beyond the means of the majority of the population while espousing socialist ideals but not providing proportional support to their beliefs. The Federal Tax Service rarely hands such heavy fines to foreign tourists and rarely gives a fine for Champagnism, the latter requiring the FTS to prove it in court. According to the FTS office, the streamer acted in such a way that was disrespectful not only to the Federation but to the greater socialist movement in the world by his repulsive displays of wealth. Citing numerous streams where he shown off his wealth with Valkyr brand name clothing while talking about how much it all cost, his luxury sports truck that he had brought over to the country which did not meet the Federation road and safety requirements for urban driving, which he openly talked about it being illegal on the road and stating he would just pay the fine to keep driving his truck; Stopping and asking several kemonomimi if they are from Nystatiszna, then offering to buy them a new wardrobe if they would sign a waiver to be on his channel; Climbing the memorial statue of the children that died in the Ymirland civil war for his stream; Sitting on a gravestone of PÊpin Morel as well many other examples.

The fine was calculated based on the sales price of his clothing, truck, food he ate on stream and jewelry as well several other factors such as income of his streams during his month-long stay in the Federation. Additionally citing his avoidance of paying luxury sales taxes while in the Federation has been included into the fine.

The streamer released a statement with his lawyer while on stream:
“I would first like to apologize to the people of the Federation, I was unaware of the meaning of the memorial statue and I was unaware I was sitting on a gravestone of the first Federal Prime Minister of the Federation. I would like to say sorry to the kemonomimi I might have offended asking if they were from Nystatiszna, I am now aware Kemonomimi had always been the majority population of the country since the days of the Queendom. I would also like to apologize for assuming they were all refugees, and my comments about their wealth status on stream. It was incredi- Shut the fuck up you dumb fucking chatter, you will die alone and poor Gaylord420.”

The stream was turned off by his lawyer, who stated they will be seeking a haircut on the fine rather than fighting it in court.

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Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

17th June 2023

Dvergian government announces major military budget cuts and military aid to Sayyed

Marie-NoĂŤlle BaumĂŠ

Dvergian President Durin Førui announced during a press conference in Duribi that his government will cut 80 billion RKR (800 million SHD) from the military budget which will include the Dvergian National Guard from 300k to 100k. Leaving the official Dvergian military budget for 2023 to be at 1,4 billion around 3,1% of Dvergerland’s gdp. This reform, though heavily celebrated among the Dvergian Unionists and Dvergian Democrats, is facing harsh criticism from members of the militaristic Dvergian Frontierists who are accusing the president for placing it vulnerable to an Tieresh attack. It is expected that the reform will be blocked by the Voyennsozu, largely made up of Frontierist representatives. Though the Secretary General Tcevky Romini has yet to announce his opposition to the reforms.

The President also announced an active support to Sayyed’s continued fight against invaders stating that his government is organizing a military aid package of worth 90 billion in RKR (900 million SHD) in military equipment from the Dvergian stockpile. Worth over 2% of Dvergerland’s entire gdp. Most equipment being weapons that the Dvergian partisans were supplied with during the Dvergian War of Independence. Being mostly of Meremain and Norgsveltian origin. When asked why the Dvergian government was sending so much the president simply stated that: “We had to fight for our independence, for our freedom. It would not be right for us to not take a stance. We will not ignore when other states think they have the right to violate other nations freedoms and sovereignty. We are a small nation so there is not much we can give, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t send anything. As such we must do something. Death to oppressors, death to tyrants.”

The Dvergian government has also not only sent military aid but is also organizing a small expeditionary force made up by volunteers that the government has stated reaching out to the Mirhaime government to be allowed to fight under Mirhaime command. With around 1k having already enlisted for the force that the government has nicknamed the Erezky’s Axes.

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Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

23th June 2023

RCEU Council overwhelmingly passes a new environmental bill to tackle environmental damage.

Liane Rousseau

The Red Crown Economic Union; Council of the Union passed a law to target and tackle the growing destruction of the environment, in particular targeting pre-existing damage in nature such as the Serpent forests in the Federation. The forests in the Federation have long been ignored, destroyed and otherwise chopped, all of which was primarily done by the previous Federal Prime Minister, Judith Ardouin of the Advancement Faction through her deregulation and mass industrialization of previously untouched areas of the Federation.

The Bill was met with internal concerns within the Royal Worker’s Party in the Federation, primarily driven by the Rocheforts and Advancement Factions of the party. In addition the the internal concerns, there was been a measure of larger support from the other two parties of the Federation; Queendom Restoration Party and the Straw-hat Coalition have announced their support for the bill, suggesting the Federation should take the lead in reclaiming destroyed forests as well pushing for a new bill to increasing funding to the Organization of Environmental Renewal.

The bill itself focuses on the establishment of breeding programs for native animals with special care going towards the endangered animals; creation of tree nurseries and specialized biodiversity facilities for native plants and insects. The bill additionally provides protection and regulates lumbar industry, citing a preference for selective clearing rather than clean-cutting. In addition the bill cites agricultural expansion as a source for deforestation, and to compensate for the loss of agricultural exports and farming. The bill put-forwards resources for farmers across the RCEU, to buy eco-friendly fertilizers, technology and equipment. Subsidies to farmers across the Union was seen as a massive bonus to the Federation’s own agricultural cooperatives, and was highlighted as one of the best parts of the bill by the Straw-hat Coalition, citing the general neglect by the Federal government towards farmers of the country.

For other members of the Union, Kuduk, Zemeprievadai and the newest member of the union Dvergerland proved to be the largest pushers of the bill. Especially Councilor Wahan Nåasat of Kuduk, being one of the most aggressive councilors in favor of the bill, pushing for the selective clearing over clean-cutting. Councilor Žibute Bujauskaite of Zemeprievadai, citing the large experience the country has with the development of tree nurseries, as such Zemeprievadai will be taking the lead on the development of the biodiversity facilities across the Union. Dvergerland, despite lacking ability to contribute to the investment into the bill, claimed they will have plenty of volunteers for the program, already being the second largest amount of volunteer sign up for the program and the highest per capita for volunteer sign ups. The Counselor from Ymirland Simen Rise, pushing for inclusion of compensation of the lost profit for the farmers and technological aspects of the bill.

The bill will be on a volunteer basis for funding and recruiting volunteers. While the majority of the donations is coming from the Federation, it noted that all members are donating a ‘significant’ amount to the organization. Despite the Federation’s concerns of donating such an amount, suggesting the more developed nations to be the ones to donate a significant amount to the bill. Letting the developing nations should only contribute volunteers, despite that. The developing nations have announced their financial contributions.

Despite the bill being passed in through the RCEU rather than the parliament it represents the largest environmental protection and climate change effort the Federation has ever been a part of in the history of the country. With many activists and environmental experts suggesting further environmental bills should be passed through the RCEU council rather than the Federal parliament all together.


Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

24th June 2023

Springtime for Naylorbrookisza; Urth’s most curious musical

Liane Rousseau

Springtime for Naylorbrookisza, a Nystatinne musical was performed at the Shano Tuvria

Memorial International Theater to a very confused audience. The musical was performed by native Nystatinne actors and was paid for by the RCEU Committee for Art, Media and Culture. The committee claims they trusted the Nystatinne delegates to the committee to ensure the appropriateness of the musical number. The delegates from Nystatiszna, and show producers said the musical is historically one of the most well received and popular plays throughout the country and in East Borea as a whole. While it was confirmed the musical is extremely popular in Nystatiszna, due to the nature of East Borea it couldn’t be confirmed. The musical was created in the 1980s by an ‘unknown screenwriter’ and played to a full house in Newport. Quickly becoming the top musical and theater play in the country. It was played in Newport eversense then and is considered to be a classic within the Borean country.

The musical had reviewers perplexed, with the majority of reviewers suggesting this might be some sort of joke or parody by the Nystatiszna government. However, the producers and actors of the musical assured reviewers the musical was completely straightforward with only slight liberties taking place for the theater itself. The musical was filled with slurs, offensive language, crude clothing and questionable historical accuracy in character personality and designs. With the Nystatinne Dictator, Naylorbrookisza being played by an ultra-macho woman who throughout kept stating they were straight and not a lesbian. Dotseth, a character in the musical (and a war criminal in real life), was displayed as a kemonomimi man dressed in a woman’s kimono, talking and singing in a woman’s tone. The main plot of the musical was about the Naylorbrookisza coup of the Nystatiszna government and later rule over the country, with a side plot of Dotseth and Naylorbrookisza wanting to spend time together to be manly and masculine coded ‘things.’

At many points it seemed like the two leads would form a romantic relationship together then it would immediately cut away to another act. In the musical, it deals with Dotseth’s family being killed in various methods by unknown forces and Dotseth throwing himself into his work and leaning on Naylorbrookisza for emotional support. All while Naylorbrookisza goes deeper into being sane by using various rituals to increase her mind powers and to become immortal, depending on Dotseth to gather the ingredients for the dictator. Which, according to audiences, confused them why Naylorbrookisza would need to be sane, when at no point she did anything insane. Several musical acts in the play reassured that Naylorbrookisza was completely sane, which led to mixed results among audience members, believing that the musical numbers are a quiet nod that she was insane.

The musical came under fire due to concerns that the special snacks being sold at the theater concession stand with several different types of eggs being sold that were coloured green. The producers of the musical claimed that the eggs have always been sold at the productions of the play and have no relevance to the namesake of the theater.

Reviews of the play have been heavily divided between giving the play a two out of five and five out of five. While all highlight the music, performance and the actors themselves was nothing less than spectacular. Reviewers highlight the plot to be deeply offensive and strange. Other more positive reviewers claim that the musical was made with a Nystatinne and East Borean mindset; claiming that not all forms of art or culture can transition into enjoyable experience for all peoples.


Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

1st April 2022

Opinion Piece: Slavery in Modern Urth; Not just Nystatinne Interns and Pax Drones

GaĂŤlle Fabien

When you think of slavery, your first thought is Nystatiszna or East Borea in general. Maybe you first think about debt slavery in Packilvania. Now slavery in Nystatiszna is getting better, actually better with the recent slew of laws and policies being enforced by the NIB and Ingrid the Reclaimer. You can even make an argument that in Packilvania their version of slavery is getting better under the new Sultan Bedon. However, where slavery is not getting better, is everywhere else, if anything it is getting far worse.

The kind of slavery that isn’t run or backed by the government, the slavery that creeps into the developed world through organised crime. Now there have been efforts globally to counter this, namely the only one that truly has teeth is through the RCEU, however the planet lacks any decency to come together in anything but the most vague agreements and terms. You can have powers like the Great Morstaybishlia, Norgsveldet or United Confederation of Concordian States, make a push for being against slavery and scream about everyone stop doing it. However at the end of the day, only through actual international consensus and agreement to combat international sapient trafficking. It will continue even more so when it likes any teeth to enforce laws.

Slavery comes in many forms, government-forced labour or prison labour that catches the headlines. However it’s the quiet slavery run by criminal organisations or ‘businesses’ that often passes by unnoticed for the most part, bond slavery or debt slavery. Intrapping people in a debt designed to be never paid off fully. The price of modern slaves nowadays are 95% cheaper than it was in old days where it was common and lacked any of the protections they had, well at least in the Queendom era. This, of course, does not include the price of a Pax Drone or a Nystatinne Intern only in countries that list slavery or forced labour as illegal. Which does bring me to another topic but we will come to that soon enough.

The largest and most common form of slavery, more than debt slavery or government slavery is forced migrant labour. Through visa worker programs, undocumented immigrants or what happens more often, ‘immigrant services’ to be able to pay for immigrating to new countries in the first place. Coming from a dirt poor country like Ny’Natrotomi, Lapliszna, Syrtænzna and others to a developed world, is for the most part a dream or a fantasy. Travelling from one country to another is expensive, and chances are they won’t have the technical skills or degrees you find a developed country would need. They are not going to have computer science degrees or modern construction and trade skills. Meaning governments or agencies are going to have to fund education (for trade skills) for them, while that won’t be a big cost from a government perspective (factors vary.) It is a factor to consider, as a result even if a immigrant can somehow afford to go to a developed country, they run into the issue their market value is low and then toss ability to not speak the native language of the developed nation then you end up finding them having to do low-wage jobs or so forth.

That’s when criminals organisations or capitalists firms (also criminal organisations) step in, they can offer well paid jobs and the chance to immigrate to one of developed countries. For a cost, which they would be so politely charged extremist interests on. They smuggled them in and had them work those same low-wage jobs, but without any of the labour protections, overtime or actually getting paid.

You can point out all the open immigrant-friendly developed nations, asking why not just go to the police since they won’t get deported. To that, I would like you to imagine yourself in their shoes. You take their offer, maybe you want to send money to your family or something. You get sent to one of those developed nations, but now you work under threat of violence. If you go to the police, they know where your family lives and they know where all your friends live. Hell maybe you made some friends while working in bondage and they would be punished if you tried everything. So what if while you’re at work someone from the government comes by, maybe they suspect the company for slavery. Chances are, you do not have the inter strength to stand up and talk to them. You have that fear of punishment or that fear for your family. So you will lie to the official, you’re going to lie your ass off to them to protect yourself, even when they are pressuring or trying to show you support to tell them about the abuse but you’re going to end up keeping quiet and working.

Is what I said a little harsh? No, not even remotely harsh enough honestly.

Now I promise to talk about Packilvania, now at first you think of a Pax Drone and your first thought is disgust as any moral person should be. However I want you to keep in mind the slavery within the developed world and parts of the world where it is criminalised. Now there are billions of people in the land, it is a developing nation and for the most part quite poor. There is a huge wealth divide, and all of it seems to be ripe for a huge slavery problem. However rather than having a huge problem with the illegal slavery market, instead they organise it. They provide protections, structure and organise systems to their slavery. It is not the perfect system, not even remotely the perfect system given the complete control over the person including eating and hygiene. Even being able to beat (or in cases murder) the slaves with little recourse to the slave owner. However, this opens the system to change to actually enforce the laws on the books to protect the slave. Now this is still a horrid and criminal practice of course, but in comparison to other forms of slavery run by criminal organisations like the corporations that abuse visa worker programs. It provides a degree of honesty and transparency, which corporations and other forms criminal organisations lack. It also provides information about how slavery is operated within the country, information which could be used to counter and fix the issues that caused slavery in the first place.

Now chances are none of these issues would be ever fixed in Packilvania, they always used slavery and by this point they’re not going to get rid of it when they depend on slavery as an institution. They lack the moral character to challenge themselves to be rid of such a horrid system, and I doubt the Sultan’s heart is currently bleeding for his people in bondage when he still gains from it while sipping on his freshly slave-picked tea. However I like being able to look at the back of a package to see if it was made in Packilvania to know if I’m going to buy it or not. To clarify, I’m not buying anything made in Packilvania and neither should any truly morally upstanding person. It just saves time at the store.


Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

24th July 2023

Ny’Dodo Cavern Explored; Despite pushback from Religious groups Protests

Alexis Dupont

The Ny’Dodo cavern is a small, sapient-made cave system in between the Miqo’te Akuan Republic and the Jarldom of Fiolett Himmel. It is considered to be a special place sacred by the Akuanists, Ulvriktru and various folk religions. As well a hotbed issue for the two petite-nations within the Federation arguing over the ownership of the cave system.

For a brief political history of the dispute between the petite-nations, the cave entrance originally laid in the edge of the original Jarldom of Fiolett Himmel-Ishva in the old Queendom. However after the Socialist victory in the Unification war, the Royal Workers’ Party redrew the internal borders of the country to better reflect ethnic populations. Dissolving the former duchy of Ishva and supplying the lands to the Akuan republic of Miqo’te. However in 1922, the Fiolett Himmel jarldom sued Miqo’te for ownership of the cave, citing cultural and historical importance of the site. With the Akuan Republic fighting on the grounds of its own cultural and religious importance of the cavern, with having a greater population nearby by the site as well.

The following court case verdict ruled in favour of the Miqo’te republic on population grounds. The capital of Fiolett Himmel, Blönverfi erupted in a riot lasting for a week until the Self Defence Forces was able to subdue the rioters. This didn’t end the tensions between the two petite-nations, with issues of destruction of property on the border and attacks by unarmed groups being widespread along the border.

The resulting tensions, the Federal government deployed additional SDF across the border and declared the Ny’Dodo cavern to be a Federal natural park, and thus under neither petite-nation’s control. While the solution ended up in several lawsuits against the federal government, it did decrease the tensions between the two. With being able to demobilise the SDF and allow business to continue business as usual.

Religious history, the Ulvriktru (specifically: Hjørdist Gustafism) view the cavern system as a holy place where Saint FÊlicitÊ FÊtique sealed away a family of dragons after slaying the mother dragon of Verneer. With the modern folk-lore believing entering the cavern would release the dragons. Akuanists have a similar view, with the belief of the cave system to be haunted by cruel spirits who kill those who enter into it. As such should not be entered at all.

The cavern was sealed with double fences made from steel in 1929, at the request of the two petite-nations to the Federal government and was not removed until 2023 when the research expedition into the cavern system removed the fences. When the expedition was announced, it was met with large protests across the two petite-nations.

The expedition itself was primarily done through a drone due to the concerns of the environment of the cave not being suited for sapient life. The expedition found a ‘treasure trove’ of artefacts, dating back to the early 1200s, and as far back to the 600s. Various metal pieces of art, axes, mirrors and bones. There were several skeletons of kemonomimi found, which is still under study in a university which did not wish to disclose its name to the RDM. There was notable discovery of various dead diseases being found on the remnants and on the artefacts themselves.

The removal of artefacts and skeletons triggered large backlash from the religious groups, accusing the Federal government of graverobbing. The largest two groups, the Akuanists and the Ulvriktrers claimed the remnants of the bodies as belonging to them, as proof that the cavern belonged to their own faith. Notably artefacts being pulled from the cavern system was an equal mixture of Ulvriktru and Akuan religious artefacts. The Ulvriktru side, suggesting that the Akuan artefacts are only there because vikings brought them with them. The Akuan side stated their only Ulvriktru artefacts because of Akuan merchants buying them.

To date, the Federal government has not issued a response about the situation.

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Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

24th July 2023

Ingrid the Reclaimer gives speech about abortion; Concerns have been raised about possible repercussions

Liane Rousseau

The Matriarch of Nystatiszna and Fyllikenkrasjlander, Ingrid the Reclaimer, has recently released a speech in front of the Scarlet Castle with the speech having been broadcasted by Pengu-1, one of two radio stations in Nystatiszna, for the entirety of Nystatiszna to listen too. In which she strongly condemned the rising pro-choice movements around the world and proclaimed the act of abortion as an inherent violence that cannot be allowed. Stating that: “It is within any Akuanist duty to act in defence of the defenceless.” Ingrid has announced that she will enact a new policy relating to abortion which would place anyone reported to perform abortion to be sent to a lifetime in prison in a NIB-ran facility rather than a state-ran facility. She went further on to proclaim that: “It is within the duty of any moral government to oppose these heinous acts of violence.”

When approached, Olav refused to comment about the Crown Princess and heir to the Norgsveltian monarchy speech. Matriarch Ingrid the Reclaimer’s mother, Wilhelmina offered a small statement, “I love my daughter very much.”

Esta the Protector the Jarlnja of Lapliszna released a comment about the speech on her social media accounts, stating her support of Ingrid’s speech. As well a new ruling to be enforced about carrying similar punishments in Lapliszna. Giving another statement as “Anti-Abortion is a shiny example of East Borean Unity and Morality.”

The Crown Prince of Blåskog, Wilan Carlsøn, wrote on Pigeon that: “My nation has its disagreements with Nystatiszna, but in this we stand united. Abortion is a sin that must be eradicated, I urge the Blåskovian parliament to take Ingrid’s words to heart.” According to recent reports members of the Blåskovian King’s Party have pushed for a motion to give doctors performing abortion five years imprisonment and having their medical licence revoked. A large increase from the earlier six month imprisonment that is in place today.

CEO of Gusanaszna, Kenddary Varinheart released his own statement on Pigeon, suggesting that instead of abortions, birth control drugs can be used in replace of such practice. Offering a discount on birth control medicines for their neighbouring countries as a way to avoid abortion. With several commenters replying that Akuanists in particular East Borean Akuanists, don’t believe in birth control due to religious belief.

The High Priestess of Noraida, Ava III, proclaimed in her own speech that: “Us faithful Duarists stand with our Akuan siblings against barbarity.” With Noraida abortion having been completely banned on the small island nation since 1989, with death penalty done towards any who dare perform abortion, including imprisonment to those seeking to get it. With it being known that children would be taken from their mothers to be raised by Priestesses in the Noraii Church. With the Duarist Church stating that: “Any mother who contemplate to murder their child has lost their right to have their child and must be raised by those who are faithful.”

In a joint statement by several Norgsveltian and Côtois pro-choice agencies; Norgsveltian and Côtois intelligence service agencies, released a statement condemning the speech and cited concern that it would increase violence towards medical professionals involved in the abortion process. However, the Federation government has made no comment about the speech, and Federal Prime Minister Pierre, when approached by reporters about the speech, stated: “No comment.”

The Norgsveltian Prime Minister, Wilhelm Kirkeland, made an statement during a press conference on the speech proclaiming it as an: “Lapse of judgement from the Matriarch of Nystatiszna and we cannot let heated emotions get in the way of progress.” The statement has gotten heated reactions from Norgsveldet’s Ulvriktru Democrats whose leader, Bjørn Varg, issued a demand to the Labour Prime Minister too: “Retract his statement if he wishes our coalition to continue.”


Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

24th July 2023

Bill of Enforcing Solar Shingles; Committee of Green Industry Created; Pâturages Verts assigned special status

Alexis Dupont

It a party unanimous vote in the parliament the ‘Projet de loi sur l’application des bardeaux solaires aux logements résidentiels’ [Staynish: Bill of Enforcing Solar Shingles on residential housing] has passed with the detractors coming from the members of the Queendom Restoration Party. The bill will require all new housing to be built using photovoltaic shingles instead of regular roof tiling, and require all residential cooperatives and tenant unions to transition their roofs to solar shingles by 2040. The bill enforces residential complexes to include wall-batteries into their maintenance rooms and for individual housing units such as the ones found in pensioner villages, veteran districts or agricultural collectives to include wall-batteries into the homes.

The bill includes favourable credits to the individual housing units and is considered to be ‘essential’ for waiting list terms. Allowing them to be ahead of the queue for the waiting list for solar shingle and wall-batteries installation. Funding for the bill will in addition provide funds for mass remodelling of residential cooperatives roofing, with several of the petite-nations Miqo’te and Lalatina publicly stating they will be directing the states’ budget to assist in funding the remodelling and the construction cooperatives to assist with the Federal new law. Majority of the other petite-nations commenting they will follow suit in providing funds for remodelling and construction to follow the new law, with the largest commit of funding being Normand for their own Jarldom.

Sector Administrator of District-de-la-République-Capitale, Rébecca Souchon releasing a statement “C.D. has been working on including integrated photovoltaics into construction and remodels of buildings for almost a decade now, and we are glad to see the Federal government finally committing to real and substantial change to combat climate change.”

Environmentalist groups protested signing the bill, with spokesperson of ‘Tuer la planète’ [Staynish: Kill the Planet] Lance Hébert stating: “The bill is not actually fighting climate change, it is just an excuse to build more and new factories. The bill will promote and even go so far to protect mining operations that have been polluting the planet and stripping it of resources. I’m not against building with integrated photovoltaics in mind like with solar shingles but this will do nothing but further drive environmental harm through the increase of building new factories, mining operations and so forth.” The government did not respond to Red Dove requests to reply to this comment.

The Minister of Energy and the Minister of Economy & Finance came out with a joint statement promoting the bill. Stating it will massively decrease the cost of electricity and massively create new jobs in the manufactory, technology and other related sectors. With economy minister, Placide Fabre stating “This is one of the greatest jobs creating bills signed in the last 40 years. Jobs being created are not like the ones being provided by ‘Service National d’Emplois’ [Staynish: National Employment Service] but high-wage job opportunities.”

Several Norgsveltian companies have shown interest in the bill, Ørnsen & Etveren providing investments and loans to several green-energy firms with plans on expanding pre-existing factories, mines and processing facilities. As well plans with creating new facilities and mines all together within the Federation. Norgsveltian companies are not the only ones seeking to capitalise on the green energy push, with Federation own cooperative investment firms seeking opportunities within the RCEU and internally within the Federation for mining operations and processing facilities.

Federal Prime Minister of the Federation, Jeanne Pierre releasing a statement on approving the bill. “This bill is just the start of the green revolution. Through this bill we take the first step in making the Federation into the workshop of green technology and production. We’re leaping ahead of the capitalist nations, creating tens of thousands if not more new jobs, all while going green. The assigning of a Pâturages Verts as ‘special status’ and providing funding for it, will insure the Federation stays ahead of its peers with the technology curve. While the initial demand of the products will be high due to the scale of the project, I have been assured by my cabinet that prices of the products will quickly fall within the coming years. The new committee of Green Industry is made up of various experts, cooperative electors, Rochefort ceos and other important leaders in the sector, to ensure the Federation will be one of the leaders in green technology and its production on a truly large scale.”

Pâturages Verts (Staynish: Green Pastures) is a medium size port-city outside of Batkong, Normand. The city has been a hub of technology, primarily of environmental reclamation, recyclement and green technology. The city has long desired the rarely given special status, with several attempts at trying to receive it. Special status gives a city or a specific region several benefits; the most important two of the special status is an exception from Rochefort policies IE letting a traditional capitalist firm operate within the confined borders of the city and having to only pay city tax rather than any petite-nation or federal tax. In addition the Federal government provides incentives for businesses to operate within the district for foreign capital provided they meet the guidelines set out by the arrangement of the special status. This makes it one of three special status cities within the Federation.

In addition to the new bill and policies established. Concerns have been raised about potential of excessive energy production by the Federation nuclear power plants. Minister of Energy, Jean-Louis Pomeroy stated that the energy production of the power plants will not be slowed down by the new direction, rather they plan on exporting the excess energy to nations part of Together LapĂŠrouse! at low cost in order to keep production going after the notable impact of the bill is felt. Already the Federation power grid is connected to the nations, offering a source of cheap power, however concerns have been raised by various energy experts that unless the TL! nations increase energy consumption that the nuclear power plants will still be overproducing for the region needs. Taking in the aspects of local power plants operated within the TL! nations, and other related factors. While nuclear power plants will still produce power during the downtime of solar power, there will still be excessive power being produced.

As such, high level meetings between Vistari officials and Federation officials have been underway to connect power grids sometime in the 2030, when the effects of the solar residential transition is felt massively. However it is currently unknown if the agreement will come to pass due to protests and the raised concerns from the provinces on the Guilder’s Strait.


Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

2nd September 2023

Helslandrer refugees experience in the Federation

Marquite Bertrand

The war in Helslandr tore apart families, killed hundreds of thousands of people and broke a nation. The Fascists Front, attempted to outright genocide tielfing and kemonomimi minitories in their mission to cleanse the peninsula. The war is long over and the fascists are in a death rattle, what few are left that is. As such, a discussion about the return of Helslandrer to their country or should they stay in the Federation? The Federation took in 2,85 million refugees, all without the assistance of capitalist charity. Our country sustained them, and helped them. Students torn from their university classes were allowed to attend the CĂ´tois universities, assimilation courses to help refugees better acclimatise to their new home and so many more.

The sudden culture shock from living in Helslandr to the Federation is known and has been a recent topic of study for sociologists. With many refugees reciting their initial impression when first arriving in the Federation. Among those being Vanisitir Tatere, a young Duarist tiefling who fled to the Federation after the Fascists Front destroyed his village. According to Mr. Tatere was the accommodation for tieflings in general stores, taking into account the clear physical difference between tieflings and non-tieflings when matters of clothing come to mind. Something which he recites as being extremely rare in Helslandr, limited to only tiefling run stores and regions in which such accommodations are even considered. Though stating his biggest relief being the openness within Federation society. Proclaiming that: “Even before the war there were still clear issues with specism in Helslandr. I was seen as a horned freak back home, I thought I would be safe in my village from such hatred….”

Another refugee, that of a kemonomimi Hjørdist by the name of Annette Gauthier, who was held prisoner of war by the Fascistic Terrorists until she was able to escape across the border also stated her experience. With her stating her admiration for the Federation’s military efforts, including the involvement of the Self Defense Forces (SDF) which gave her a temporary place to live. Mrs. Gauthier stated in an interview that she would have joined the SDF if it wasn’t for fact her balance been terminly weakened after weeks of torture by the NRRH terrorists. With her having proclaimed respect to the Liberation Heroine Ela Ymlaia, the current Helslandrer Minister of Labour and Social Inclusion. Stating that: “From what I’ve read of the news I can just state that it is an honour to know we can rely on her and the Federation for Helslandr’s future.”

With more money having been put into the Bassot Plan with 22,8 trillion RKR (228 billion SHD) having been given to Helslandr over the course of two years. With it being estimated in recent reports that large amount new housing being built in Helslandr for returning refugees, with the Minister of Children, Elderly and Families, James Ny’Chutte, having stated that hundred of thousands refugees in the Federation has been planning on returning back home. With the SDF playing a vital role in helping the returning refugees with it being a joint effort by the SDF and the Helslandrer Army in ensuring the security of it all.

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Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

5th November 2023

The inter-RCEU chess tournament to be held

KalyĂĄan Wasnei and jointly written with FĂŠlicitĂŠ SĂŚtre

The Red Crown Economic Union will be hosting its first ever internal chess tournament in District de la République-Capitale, with members across the RCEU sending in their grandmasters. The tournament was heavily pushed forward by Federation of the Southern Coast Lapérouse, and by Côtoise councilor Anette Dupont who hopes to promote more sports tournaments and games between member states in the future. Despite the general reluctance from the Federal government to guide or use it’s influence on the RCEU, outside of the absolute necessity due to the fear of inadvertently unjustly pushing its will onto the member states. The counselor is a strong proponent for internal cultural and sport events, being the strongest defender within the RCEU for ‘Springtime for Naylorbrookisza’ and other controversial plays, films and other art pieces on display across the RCEU.

The tournament will be hosted in the People’s Tournament Hall for Board Games, Chess Boxing and Combat Boardwalk. The tournament will be on 19th of November, and available on stream on Nordflix and Ruisseau.FCS. Residents of C.D. are requested to be polite to the incoming grandmasters and international master. The opening ceremony will be held by High Jarlnja Alexandra, who will give a short speech before the start of the tournament.

International master Deita Káan will be representing the Tribal Federation of Kuduk in the up-coming chess tournament. Born in the heart of the Foya Tribe, Káan has been interested in chess from a very young age. Ever since his mother gifted him a chess set, he’s played the game nonstop for just over a year now. He is considered one of Kuduk’s top chess players in the isles’ history. “I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to do,” said Káan in an interview, “but I’ll make sure to wear my lucky mask on the day of the tournament.”

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Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

10th November 2023

Tale of Sister-Cities; Clan Heads of Yinyin and Èzevann

KalyĂĄan Wasnei and jointly written with FĂŠlicitĂŠ SĂŚtre

Sister-cities are no stranger to the Federation, however for our fellow member-state in the RCEU Kuduk it’s a fresh idea similar to mixing ketchup and mustard sauce together. With recent modernization efforts in Yinyin, the mayor of Èzevann, an old small fishing town in Dragefjord, decided to offer a friendly challenge to the Representative Zai of Yinyin to see who can modernize first. Mayor Simone Roux of Èzevann published a picture on the town’s social media accounts of a small letter she wrote to the people of Yinyin.


“To the lovely people of Yinyin of Kuduk, words of your efforts to modernize and build your city. My own humble town of Èzevann is undergoing our own modernization process. As such, my fellow comrades and myself would like to challenge Yinyin. Whomst ever is considered to be the most ‘modernized’ by judgment of an equal and fair group of six judges selected by both our towns. Shall win this statue of a goat, and the grand title of ‘Fastest Modernization City’. In addition to the grandest of challenges, we would like to establish ties between our two cities as sister-cities in better ability to keep an eye on each other.”

The tongue-in-cheek letter was sent off and the Representative of Yinyin sent back a steaming reply.

“Dear Esteemed Mayor Simone Roux of Èzevann,

Your challenge has been seen and equally met! Our community is most excited to begin work on our town. In a year the judges will decide which of us most deserves to be called “modernized.” As we embark on this competition, we wish your town the best of luck in hiking up the slope of modernization. In order to better keep track of each other’s progress, we should indeed establish ties as sister-cities.

Best Regards, Representative Zai of Yinyin”

The Kuduk letter was published on Mrs. Roux social media accounts, and have been republished on other news sites.

Reportedly the Èzevann mascot and town’s pet a myotonic goat or more commonly referred to as a fainting goat online. When informed of the challenge between the two cities, fainted and was unable to be asked questions by the local reporters.

The Heads of several Clans in Yinyin were asked about what they thought of the competition and how they would contribute to it.

The Head of Yinyin’s Midnight Sun Clan said, “We will graciously accept the challenge. Building houses is our main focus in Yinyin, and we will continue to do so to help modernize our town. I’m sure I speak for more than my own Clan here when I say that we will help Yinyin grow into a prosperous city.”

The Head of the Waning Moons had this to say: “If it’s a challenge they want, it’s a challenge they’ll get! Our Clan will help with anything Yinyin needs in order to defeat Èzevann at the modernization game!”

The Head of the Kuiláan, Good Fortune Clan responded with: “We’ll do our best to grow this town faster than Èzevann can! We’ll provide the handiwork necessary to create hand-made goods for the town’s people.”

Èzevann, is an old fishing and farming village located around 70km from the capital of Dragefjord, Keratila. The village was settled sometime in the late 1200s, and was for the most part untouched by the Unification Wars. The village slipped through the cracks of Mending the Land projects, and other mass-constructions projects committed by the Federal government. As such, the buildings in the town tend to lack indoor plumbing and electricity in every housing unit. Most of the houses are still built with wood and clay roofing. Notably the village has a higher population of goats and sheep than to people. The town barely reaches a population over 1,000 and is totally outnumbered by the livestock to a 1-to-5 ratio. Historically, the town tended to opt- out of various renewal programs including Pierre’s 2019 ‘Agricultural and Rural Renewal Program.’ However with the recent election of Simone Roux, the humble town has opt-in into several modernisation and renewal programs pushed by the Federal government, though some critics from the town have raised concerns such as a elderly elven man who refused to go any other name than ‘Geitmann’ when questioned by reporters said that it would raise property prices around the village too much and far too noisy for the trolls under the bridge. Red Dove reporters found there were no trolls under the bridge nor are there any magical trolls existing on Urth. The mayor of the town became of great importance after the viral media post, with several Keratilans (residents of Keratila) stating their interest in moving into the town in order to win the challenge.

Yinyin is an old village town located on the southwestern coast of the Island of Sagut in Kuduk! It is located right on top of the Yinyin River Delta, which provides the town with most of its water and transportation. Yinyin was settled sometime in the beginning of the 12th century by the Asitasi Grand Lodge during the KuxwĂŠi Era. A Naa SĂ ati scholar named Wou ZĂĄai was the one who ordered that water canals be dug within the town in order to use the river delta as a means of transportation. In 1257, the town came under the rule of the Yevak tribe, which it has been under ever since. Today, Yinyin has 2,250 people and counting as modernization begins to draw people in from all over Kuduk!

In addition to the letters being exchanged, Roux sent a large plaque to Yinyin. The plaque is the longitude and latitude of Èzevann, with the name written above the coordinates. As well a large blanket made from the goat’s wool created by Mrs. Roux’s grandmother with the symbol of the town’s mascot stitched into it being sent along with the plaque. The Red Dove would like to note that the blanket was thoroughly cleaned and sealed in a plastic bag to avoid contamination.

In return, Yinyin sent a tapestry woven with the Taita Sun Drum, Yinyin’s official emblem, woven into it! It was created using sheep’s wool and traditional weaving methods from the western tribes.

Red Dove

Your News Source for Across the Federation

20 December 2023

Statement on the International Joint Effort of Containment of Mirhaime and its Allies

Liane Rousseau

The Red Crown Economic Union, Norgsveltian Crown Realm, Kaldrbuth, [Western] Atlalandr, Tretrid, Axdel and Vistaraland have established an agreement to enact a complete containment of Mirhaime and its allies, such as Sayyed. The containment is a complete embargo of products produced from the listed countries. The Atlalandr Prime Minister Nikkolas Bjarnvikda and Kaldrbuth queen, Astrid XI have both made statements to bring the containment act into the North Concordian Economic Forum.

Federal Prime Minister Pierre has made overtures towards other nations such as the Tavari Union and other notable nations to join in the containment, though experts have questioned if the close doors meetings with nations will be as fruitful. As well, most attention by foreign policy experts is more focusing on Vistaraland joining in the containment for a variety of factors, such as the less than optimal relations between the Federation and Vistaraland historically throughout the century.

Starting on 1st January 2024, no further trade, investment and any other form of economic benefit will be conducted by signers of the agreement will be given or received to the countries of Mirhaime, Sayyed, Thalor, other nations deemed by the signers of the agreement to be included. Corporations affiliated with Mirhaime such as Potza Motorworks Corporation are to be blacklisted and removed from relevant stock trading platforms and markets.

The joint effort of containment was led by FPM Pierre of the Federation, negotiating agreements and terms with the signers of the containment treaty throughout the year. Renewed once a year on 1st January.

The governments of the RCEU, Norgsveltian Crown Realm, Vistaraland, Tretrid, and Axdel have jointly issued a complete and utter economic embargo of Mirahime and its allies which will come into full effect on the 1st January 2024. The Anti-Imperialist Containment Agreement establishes and activates the economic confinement and isolation of the Mirhaime, Sayyed, Thalor and nations that heavily aligned themselves within the Mirhaimian network of influence.

Acting on the basis of Mirhaimian aggression, charges of Neo-Imperialism and actions beyond the realm of acceptableness by the international community, we signatories of the Anti-Imperialist Containment Agreement have deemed that Mirahime and its circle of allies are a threat to the stability of the international community and therefore see it fit to issue a complete stoppage of economic activity between our governments and Mirahime as well its allies.

Our governments will cease trade, including stock market transitions, oil imports and other related fields with nations. This includes native companies owned by Mirahimiam or allied nations nationales. Furthermore, companies, firms and related businesses will cease operations, investments or other ways operate with Mirhaimiam or nations aligned to Mirahime lands. This includes banning cooperation between signers’ nation companies and nations targeted by the agreement or nationales from said affected nations.


Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

1st January 2024

Nystatiszna’s Matriarch, Ingrid the Reclaimer holds her new year speech

Ylva Calirisen

Matriarch of Nystatiszna and the Enshrined spirit of the Fyllikenkrasjlander, Ingrid the Reclaimer, held a speech in front of the Scarlet Castle stating the goals for Nystatiszna this year:

“As we celebrate this new year, one in which I hope every Nystatinne citizen has warmth in their houses. Not just in energy but most importantly family as well. The warmth of family… It’s truly the most important part of all life. I can go over once more the great progresses that we have pushed through together as a nation. The great successes that my government has pushed forward economically and politically. We are growing, we are changing and we are creating a far more just and secure society. But that is not the point of this speech. No. Far more important than all our progress, all the security we have established. Is our families, our children. Things that are so deeply sacred it needs to be protected by all costs. As such it horrifies me, when Anti-Akuanist sentiments are growing globally. Frightening our children, threatening our families. As such, this speech will not be about my successes of the past.

Rather it’s about a promise, a promise that I will fight to ensure with best of my capability to oppose this global rise of Anti-Akuanism. To oppose Anti-Akuanist regimes in the world. No longer will Nystatiszna stand on the sidelines as our neighbour in the East trample on the rights of Akuanists, I shall make clear to all my citizens and all Akuanists in the world. We shall never let the atrocities of the 19th and 20th centuries be repeated, not without a fight. The sins of the Blåskovian King, shall be answered too. Sooner rather than later. Until then we shall strengthen ourselves, through our like minded states in the RCEU we shall prevail against these hateful states. We must strengthen and improve if we are to face them.

I urge all moral states of the world to not forget the crimes of the BlĂĽskovian government, nor of their like minded peers. From Jarisven in East Novaris to East Atlalandr in West Concord to Tiervan in South Novaris. These states, despite differences in ideologies and system of power, are fundamentally states that write Anti-Akuanist laws and espouse Anti-Akuanist rhetoric. Be it in the name of nationalism or secularism, it does not matter. These states must be opposed, and If they were to reenact the atrocities of old? Then let us work together to ensure their governments will no longer stand.

Until then, we can only pray for these states to change. That the spirits will guide their leaders to see reason and some basic level of decency. May the spirits give justice to the victims of their cruelty.

The Fyllikenkrasjlander and I of the same mind, spirits guide my hand.

Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

16th January 2024

Madame Pierre meets with leaders of Tavari Union and the new PM of Republic of Bana

Ylva Calirisen

Federal Prime Minister Jeanne Pierre hosted a multinational conference in C.D.R, meeting with the various leaders of the Tavari Union and the new PM of the Republic of Bana at the Chantilly. The conference started on the 14th, and ended today on the 16th. Due to tradition of the Federation, of not negotiating with non-elected leaders, and concerns of the perspective of the conference being tainted, Emperor Otan IV was politely asked to enjoy himself at the Museum of Industrial Fabrication of Tool-Making rather than attend the conference himself.

The meeting has been speculated to be from the recent massive government reforms completed by the FPM office and recent developments in Gondwana with the Republic of Bana. The conference didn’t come as a surprise to senior foreign policy experts, despite the renewed tensions between the Federation and the Tavari Union after the United Corporatocracies States of Concordia suddenly shifted its stance in the region. Having moved the nuclear missiles and naval base to Tavaris.

The coup in Bana, followed by the arresting of dozens of corrupted officials both government and business led to renewed tensions between the Bana government and Tavari. Including the newly admitted hand the corrupt officials had during the succession crisis in the Kingdom of Tavaris. Amidst the fears, the new constitution last year and the dismantling of the old Federation system in favor of a republic with a strong executive branch. Concerns have been raised by Tavari foreign office about outbreak of another war in the already war stricken continent.

Regardless of concerns by Tavari officials, the new PM of Bana, former air marshal Abayomrunkoje Gbohunmi after being elected to Prime Minister after retiring from the military. Issued an official statement of apology on behalf of the Bana people to the Tavari Union for the corrupt and rogue agencies of the former Bana government. As well as a notice of wanting to Brew a new cup of coffee between our nations.’

The notice being co-signed by Madame Pierre as part of her initiative in Foreign Policy relations. Going so far as to refer to the Tavari Union as “Domineering Capitalists” rather than calling the Kingdom of Tavaris the traditional term for Tavaris of “Imperialistic Dragons.” A notably far more positive response towards them, and FPM Pierre praising the PM of Tavaris, Žarís Alandar for handling of the succession crisis. “PM Alandar performs a satisfactory job in her handling of a delicate and precarious issue.”

While a majority of discussions were held behind closed doors. There were several discussions open to the public and/or televised. One of the most controversial in the Federation was the discussion between Madame Pierre and Matron Vana Dandreal, where Madame Pierre addressed Vana Dandreal directly as a religious head of Akronism. As mentioned before, Federation tradition and policy directly rejects negotiations with unelected heads of state. Even more so when it is a religious head of state.

While it is not unsurprising due to massive government reforms in the Federation. Several newly unemployed former government figures protested the meeting believing it was happening too soon and was not voted on through a committee to meet with the leader in a religious sense.

The conference confirmed the approval for all sides for cross-investments, including CĂ´tois cooperative investment funding into each other. Plans for decreasing tensions with the Republic of Bana and Tavaris, including establishing emergency communication channels between the two leaders. Cross cultural events, such as a sport tournament held between the two Gondwana powers.

“On behalf of the entire Tavari Union, we are all of the resounding opinion that our meeting was a tremendous success,” said Shtonar Talakar, who is President of Metradan and this year’s President of the Union Council. “Our world is rapidly changing, and it’s of critical importance that we ensure it changes for the better. There is a lot that we as a Union have needed to discuss with our fellows in the Federation, and we have been able to make real progress. We hope to keep these channels open and keep progressing forward.”

The Tavari Prime Minister agreed, noting in particular that “Peace in Gondwana is something that matters to all of us. I’m very pleased we have been able to get together and really establish a rapport. And I do want to say, this is a beautiful city, and so easy to get around. I love the public transit system, we’re big fans of it ourselves in Nuvrenon. Perhaps we can arrange more summits in the future.”


Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

20th July, 2023

Military Reforms

Marquite Bertrand

Minister of Defense Émilien Lefurgey announced reforms to Côtois Combined Armed Forces, including budget rebalancing to focus more on strategic long-term goals and heavily increasing recruitment standards. The Guerre non orthodoxe en Côtois (Codexian: Côtois Unorthodox Warfare) branch, taking the blunt of the budget replacement and the target of an intense auditing investigation after a recent inspection of one of the research bases the branch maintains. The change and large increase in recruitment standards, requires significantly higher MVAT (Military Vocational Aptitude Test) scores to join, and more intense physical and mental wellness requirements.

The budget rebalance, with the focus on strategic goals. Places an increased focus on the naval and aerospace branches, but the majority of the new budget is going towards strategic infrastructure in particular conversion to environmentally-friendly structures. Examples include several projects being pursued by the recently created Committee of Green Industry and placing more funds towards R&D green-technology. Additionally several funds earmarked by the budget rebalance, are marked for projects in RCEU member-state countries such as electric railways in Dvergerland.

The rebalance also calls for shrinking the stockpiles of the military, putting forward that much the stockpile must be either sold or donated and placing a focus on RCEU member state nations receiving discounted rates on the surplus while still being open to selling to various other allied or third-party nations at a discounted rates. The surplus being primarily various infantry equipment, vehicles and third-generation tanks.

Budget also shifted funds and established an increased role for the Force d’autodéfense du Côtois (Codexian: Côtois Self Defense Force), being the biggest taker out of all the branches. S.D.F. taking the increase budgeting for strategic infrastructure projects and taking a larger role within the C.C.D.F. With the new reforms having the C.C.D.F. absorb some of the army’s responsibilities in various duties within the Federation itself. Examples being garrison duties within the country, peacekeeping operations and so forth. The new roles, alongside taking on duties traditionally done by the army include increasing the militarised policing roles and at-risk emergency services. Such as ambulance and firefighting duties in at-risk rural areas. As well maintaining healthcare facilities and fire-watch stations. The S.D.F. now as well, acting as the border control, completely replacing the border control law enforcement.

Several special force divisions have been absorbed into together, during the rebalancing projects as well and decreased in funding. The reform also pushes for allied nations and RCEU member states for joint-training in specialised training, such as pararescue, special reconnaissance and several others. The Côtois government already heavily uses joint-training alongside within the Crown Realm for special forces, and reform puts forward to increase the use of cross-training with more nations. However, requests that newly signed nations for joint-training would share the cost of maintaining training facilities on top of paying for the special force soldier’s training.

Military bases along the Guilder’s Strait, and of more consequence ‘Mur des camarades’ (Codexian: Comrades Wall) has been heavily decreased and demilitarised. Comrades Wall, being a series of static and mobile fortifications, interlocked together along the coasts of the Federation, backed by several ‘rapid-transition’ garrisons and naval presence. Comrades Wall being an incredible expense on the Côtois military budget, and established during the Concordian Cold War. The series of defence platforms being massively decreased but completely not-decommissioned, with several of the bases still being kept due to their strategic value however much of the missile silos are in the process of being decommissioned. Several military bases, in particular ones bordering Vistaraland all being decommissioned besides a single base to act as a new headquarters for border control.

The change in border control duties, leading to the CĂ´tois Policing Service to be shrunk in size and budget. With layoffs planned and implemented later this year.

The ArmĂŠe de terre du CĂ´tois (Codexian: CĂ´tois Army) has been put on notice to transfer various assets to S.D.F. in service of their increased responsibilities and to the naval, to provide the Marine Corps with additional materials. The army now requires increased recruitment standards, alongside their budget changes.

Experts on Côtois politics and military planners expressed similar opinions. The new reforms put forth by Madame Pierre’s administration are by all but name as budget cuts to the Côtois military size and a shift from previous Côtois doctrine. The new focus on taking away from the previous large-scale advance army fighting force to a more balanced approach towards intervention operations, in particular the growing role of the navy as more Côtois-RCEU bases are established around the globe. The previous doctrines of the Côtois military relied heavily on surplus of advance and more importantly expensive to use, train and maintain equipment. A balanced approach of keeping the technological edge, but massively decreasing the amount of personnel and equipment. Military planners, citing Côtois experience in the Ymirland liberation war that having surplus in equipment doesn’t translate into improvement on the battlefield when one can’t easily or readily transport the equipment over to the front. Though advanced technological equipment of course, always a positive. The shift in growing a navy and the marines, reflecting the struggle the Côtois had with the Concordian navy and the heavy use of marines in the war.

For the political experts, the disguised budget cuts in increased standards for recruitment and so-called budget rebalancing is the closest thing the Côtois government has done to a budget decrease since 1937. As the budget rebalance, while still having a great deal of funds for military research, actually funds more of Pierre’s ambitious projects in foreign policy and in Green-Revolution. The sales of military equipment at decreased market price, going towards her various research projects and infrastructure plans.

Genuinely, it is considered by foreign political analysts when looking towards the Côtois military policy. That the military, culture and government are all entwined together, resulting in having such a massive military nearing 3% of the population despite being volunteer military. The military, in particular the S.D.F. being the go-to source for university students for their work credits. As the military is the only source that provides both work credits needed to graduate and education credits within their degree field at the same time. Côtois culture extremely heavily pushes towards joining the military, at virtually any point in a citizen’s life besides retirement. The military is incorporated within entertainment though its sponsorship programs and leasing military equipment in exchange of promoting it. Education through its extra-curricular groups and programs, in particular in youth education. As well in societal nature and upbringing, as (non-Akuanists) parents pressure their children to serve their country through the military.

Announcing these changes, F.P.M. Jeanne Pierre gave a statement.
“The military reforms and shift in budget reflects our newfound experience in conflicts, as well as shows the stability and peacefulness of our region. We have won the war in Ymirland, we have ended the genocide civil war in Helslandr, and our nation is safe from any potential threats lingering from the [Concordian] Cold War. We have new, and better strategies for the defence of our nation. The increase in the Self Defense Forces role within our nation is natural. We already use them for emergency situations and incases of policing where the suspect may be heavily armed. Expanding their roles for more emergency situations and assisting with local communities will only have positive benefits rather than negative drawbacks. The focus on building up our strategic infrastructure will pay dividends later in our children’s future and defence. The use of specialised funds to help our essential allies, and members of the Red Crown Economic Union furthermore will assist them in their defence outside of simple troop movements.”

Pierre’s reforms were met with heavy protests in petite-national capitals, both pro-reform and anti-reform groups coming out in droves. The anti-military reforms stated it was unpatriotic, pro-capitalism and anti-Côtois to use the military budget for civic R&D and infrastructure. As well, citing this will decrease the amount of citizens able to join the military. While pro-reform protesters agreed with Pierre’s statement and saw the need to reform the military to be less equipment heavy and need for higher standards in the military.

Experts estimate the total number of soldiers within the C.C.A.F. will shrink over the coming years, in a pattern that would reach a similar-sized nation’s level of military personnel within a decade. Though arguments countering the projects are not factoring in Côtois culture.

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Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

16th May, 2024

Federal Prime Minister meets with Tano Government-in-exile

Marquite Bertrand

Madame FPM Jeanne Pierre and foreign minister Joséphine Blanchet, meet with the Tano government-in-exile, Sultana J’alice iz-Beneri at the Chantilly. While the majority of the meeting with the Sultana J’alice iz-Beneri was a closed doors meeting. The meeting with the Tano government was criticized by the United Corporatocracies of Concordian States Government, citing the meeting would increase tensions and further radicalization of certain extreme but small factions within the state. Regardless of the criticism from the UCCS, the meeting was held on the tenth anniversary of the Dverian War, which led to the Kerilo Accords and the illegal annexation of Tano, and was met with local supporters and Tanoese refugees as well as the Tanoese diaspora within the Federation. Meanwhile in Tano state itself, there have been reports of widespread protests and civil disobedience to Concordian Federal officials.

At the end of the meeting, Madame Pierre pledged Côtois support to the Tanoese legitimate government and reaffirmed Côtois denouncement of imperialism by the Corporatocracy of Concord. The Federation will be hosting the Tanoese government-in-exile, and offer Fontenay-aux-Roses province in Jarldom of Østland as a seat. As well the Bastion de Belmiers, to the Sultana as temporary living quarters, though the Sultana must still follow orders and rulings from the petite-nationale on historical society. To make it clear, the Federation is not giving up governing nor administrative control of the province, but is assisting with funding for the government in exile. Fontenay-aux-Roses, having the largest Tanoese diaspora within the Federation and was met with approval by the supporters there. In addition to assisting with funding of the legitimate government of Tano, funds have been marked for Tanoese cultural projects and plans to open a cultural center within the province in early 2026.

For those who have not kept up on Iturian history, the Dverian War was a three month long invasion by the Corporatocracy of Concord and its subsidiaries Vekaiyu and Volkia against the free nations of Dveria and Tano. The creation of the Kerilo Accord illegally enabled the annexation of these independent nations by the three corporate culprits. Dveria was split north and south between Volkia and Vekaiyu, while Tano, the largest piece, was taken by the Corporatocracy and has been under its direct oppressive control since.

The Sultana held a small speech after the meeting was finished to a crowd of her supporters. “Be steadfast my comrades, my compatriots, my friends. One day soon, we will be rid of our corporate slave masters! Be strong for the glory of the Tanoese! We will retake our beloved homeland once again, we will be free once more from the capitalist dogs feasting on our bones and force out the colonizers of Concord. Together in hand with our staunch allies, we will revolt against their tyranny and oppression. Ushering a new area of peace, enlightenment and socialism in our homeland. As such, I am pleased to announce with assistance from our good friends in the Chantilly. We are reforming our government, to be one true to the people unlike those rapists on Concord. We will be hosting a conference in Belmier to best organize our Monarcho-Socialist reforms and constitution. Yelena Protect Us and our Revolution.”


Red Dove

Official Public Notice from Cabinet 7; Nystatiszna Intelligence Bureau

23th July 2023

Invitation for Interview & Corrections

V.L. Ny’Holmorson

-This decree has been translated by Pratenisma-

Reason of notice: Invitation for Interview & Corrections

Approved by: Cabinet 7th Council; Director Dotseth

Author: Senior Agent, V.L. Ny’Holmorson


The Auroran mindset is a plague on Urth, one that reeks and sinks into all that it bleeds into it. It rottens and ruins anything it touches, most importantly within Auroran in themselves. How many Aurorans are even aware there are more than two species on Borea, let alone anything more complicated than that. How could they when their ‘learned’ individuals, experts and their representatives suffer from the rot of the Auroran mind.

When you look at any Auroran publishcation speaking anything other than Aurora, for this experiment let’s say your own nation. Has it ever once seemed even remotely truthful or accurate? Does it ever seem like they actually asked anyone in the situation, about their opinion? Or does it seem like they made it all up in order to sell a lie and spread the rot.

Auroran mindrot comes in several stages, first is to deliberately misunderstand, misread or simply make up something about a nation, culture or identity. Then the second stage is to pearl clutch, preferably either by having some highborn journalist who believes being disciplined by their parents is abuse or have an alleged expert on the situation speak about a situation they have not studied for in the slightest. Example of this would be having an economist speak about Nystatinne policy of privatizing an outdated formerly owned state-owned enterprise to raise capital for establishing new agricultural means. Third stage is to shake your head, then use your previous incorrect beliefs and attach it to the new situation. Fourth stage is to confirm your own biases about the whole situation and then that leads to the final stage of the Auroran mindrot. Spread it as far as possible until your representatives hear it and then pat yourself on the back while they use their authority to correct wrongs that didn’t exist in the first place.

Clear as ice in the north, SEY ‘News’ in every publishcation they push. It reeks of nonsensical fantasy to the degree one must question who is filling their pockets. Who benefits from the Auroran Mindrot? The answer is Aurorans themselves, who need to understand a complex situation when you can have your personal favorite overpaid patsy confirm your utterly idiotic beliefs for you. Aurorans enjoy their mindrot, they love how comfortable it makes them feel in their isolated bubble of the world. Believing every lie that comes their way about anyone without the mindrot.

Latest example of this Auroran mindrot can be found in the most recent publication of one Lukhwadeem in SEY. I won’t belittle journalists by calling it news. The article is utterly riddled with examples of the mindrot, and self gratification.

First example is declaring something as mundane as surveillance and censorship. Declaring it as undemocratic, in stage two of the mindrot. Every nation on the Urth to some degree surveillance and censors their population, some more than others. Are we to be infected with the mindrot that keeping cameras in public places is suddenly a moral wrong? What about internet connections, the Valkyr failed to keep their limited surveillance up and paid the price for it in blood. We live in a world full of radicals and evil people, it would take a diseased mind to believe that the government shouldn’t protect their citizens from further radicalizing their most vulnerable. Censorship? While I don’t believe that the Auroran mindrot has gone so far to believe in the nonsense of age abolishing and employing children in adult films. Though the Nicki Jenkins report does make it rather suspect and potential future symptoms of Auroran mindrot. At the end of the day, censorship in majority of cases is done with the support of the people to promote as well protect their religious and cultural identities from tides of endless trash stimming from false belief in a globalized culture. In others it is done for protection of the state, in which citizenry has mandated for their protection within.

I would like to highlight the ending paragraphs of the article. Particularly when the Auroran Mindrot fully engages when speaking anything about Borea. Implying Blaskog to be democratic state, when not once in their history they have ever actually openly called themselves democratic nation. Rather impressive feat for them to backslide into democracy when they never were democratic in any meaningful way in the first place.

Then the charge of Nystatiszna selling ‘food source for nekomimi’ of course this was before their retraction where just briefly the mindrot of them was overpowered and they decided to stop insisting on pushing their names onto a diverse nation. However, the charge of privatizing a company that has been underperforming for decades to provide. In order to use said funds to assist with establishing and creating new ventures for food production. Nystatiszna for the first time in decades opened itself up to outsiders for investment, companies like Ingrain opening up and using the funds from the privatization assisted with production more foodstuff.

One would think Aurorans being as economic liberal as they are would dance around their collective hats and cheer. To which, one needs to be reminded of the Auroran Mindrot, they see change in East Borea and scramble to confirm their own bias. They presume that is actually a new strategy to bring misery to the people and that only the pearl clutchers can save them. While forgetting the source of misery originating from or having directly assisted it themselves.

How does one treat a mindrot when it is this infection and spread across such a large land? Unfortunately the disease has no known cure yet. The CĂ´tois Ministry of Health has stated that lobotomization has no medical benefit when compared to modern medicine unfortunately. As such, I invite Mx. Lukhwadeem to come Nystatiszna themself, to not only further divine the truth in complexed place like Borea but assist with discovering a cure for the Auroran Mindrot before it infects even more innocent people.



Red Dove

News from across the RCEU

31st October, 2024

Snap Election in Kuduk Overthrows Ruling National Progress Party Majority

Yeil Gedou

Earlier this month, Kuduk’s Conservative Party (KCP), along with allies from the Labor Party and defectors of the NPP, gathered enough seat members to vote for the commencement of a snap election. According to Tata Xáanshi, the party leader of the KCP, the election was called due to concerns over how the NPP might mismanage the tensions building up within the region and disagreements over foreign policy.

The election resulted in the NPP’s loss of their majority over the parliament with the KCP gaining most of the NPP’s lost seats. Currently, no party holds a majority in Kuduk’s parliament, leading to its current power vacuum. Over the course of the next few weeks, many in Kuduk and from abroad will be watching closely at the movements of the parties to see what will come of Kuduk’s parliament. Talks between the leaders of the three parties are taking place to see if a coalition can be formed.

Regional analysts have noted that the instability in Kuduk’s government could impact local trade. Economists have warned that without a swift resolution, Kuduk could face an economic downturn due to stalled reforms and delays in regional projects. Observers fear that continued instability may also embolden fringe Tribalist groups, who have already begun organizing protests across the country, demanding a return to “traditional values.”

It looks like the next few weeks will be critical in determining Kuduk’s political future. With internal scrutiny intensifying, Kuduk’s party leaders face growing pressure to form a government that will address the issues people care about. As party discussions unfold, Kuduk remains on high alert, bracing for the potential impact of its new government.

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