Referendum on Article F of the Concordat (2023.5)

Voting closed on the listed date. Results shortly.

Voting closed on 2023-11-12T19:53:00Z. 13 individuals voted. No votes were invalidated as all voters were Citizens and cast their vote in the proper time.

15 Citizens voted AYE and 2 Citizens voted NAY for a total of 17 voting Citizens. 0 Citizens declared present or abstinent.

This Proposal for Amendment is thusly ratified as a legally binding Concordat Amendment with ~88.24% of voting Citizens in favor of ratification, surpassing the 2/3 (~66.67%) majority required for ratification by the Concordat.

It should be noted that TeaJolā€™s vote was later found to invalid since they have never applied for Citizenship and are not on the Citizenship list.

The new voting majority in favor is ~87.5, still meeting Concordat requirements for passage.

Tea Jolā€™s vote was valid, I just couldnā€™t find them in the Cit list when I was poking through yesterday. The original results still stand.