Repeal: “Injunct Magna Aurea”

Security Council Resolution #469 “Injunct Magna Aurea” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The Security Council,

Evoking the weeks of turmoil cast on the young region of Magna Aurea in the wake of a massive incursion by invaders, leaving liberators and natives alike to struggle against the grip of despotism that sought to choke the life out of their home,

Recalling that, in response, a resolution to Injunct Magna Aurea was passed in recent weeks to thwart the efforts of invading forces in seizing the Governorship of the region, which would have guaranteed the permanent displacement of its community,

Recognizing that the occupation of Magna Aurea continued for seventeen straight days, the region kept on a lifeline by a continuous torrent of sieges against the occupying forces, during which time the natives were subjected to a variety of abhorrent and immature behavior, as well as disingenuous and secretive peace offers from the egoists that sought to destroy their community,

Impressed that despite the terrible circumstances wrought upon their home, many native members of Magna Aurea, led by Ovenerium, refused to waver in their struggle to liberate their home despite overwhelming odds. Ovenerium continued to coordinate the defense of the region despite being forced into exile even as some of their own leaders chose to forsake their region and its ideals, instead choosing to back what they thought might reward them more, acting in short-sighted self-interest,

Thankful that sieges to free the region continued for weeks on end, ensuring that Magna Aurea could not be permanently barricaded or destroyed prior to the passage of Security Council Resolution #468, Liberate Magna Aurea,

Elated that once conventional siege tactics were put on hold, the liberating forces gathered to organize a liberation veiled in secrecy which successfully seized the Delegacy of Magna Aurea once raiders attempted to refound the region with the intention of irreversibly damaging the region, preventing its destruction and allowing them to return control to what remained of the native population,

Pleased that with the success of this operation, Magna Aurea’s native flag proudly flies high above the parapets of their home once more, with its community finally free to begin the process of rebuilding their region back to its former state,

Supporting defender efforts in the aftermath of this invasion to stabilize the region in coordination with native leadership, including in allowing the region to appoint a Governor of its remaining community’s choosing, necessitating this repeal of the Injunction,

Maintaining that the spirit of the original Injunction — the hope that Magna Aurea may recover from this invasion as a stable and blossoming community — continues to guide the hand of this Council necessitating its repeal,

Hereby repeals Security Council Resolution #469, Injunct Magna Aurea.

More info here: NationStates • View topic - [SUBMITTED] Repeal "Injunct Magna Aurea"

This resolution is now up for vote.

Bai Lung will vote FOR.

Repeal “Injunct Magna Aurea” was passed 11,574 votes to 900.