Repeal: “Marine Protection Act”

General Assembly Resolution #510 “Marine Protection Act” (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses - Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Noting that GA#510 authorises the Committee for the Preservation of Marine Environments (CPME) to declare certain “areas within international waters” to be sanctuaries, and tasks it with making and enforcing “regulations in said areas to further the purpose for which said sanctuaries were designated,”

Moderately annoyed that GA#510 grants the CPME excessive power in regards to sanctuaries, because:

  1. it defines regulations as “reasonable restrictions” on certain marine activities, allowing the CPME to see reasonability through whatever lens it desires to get the outcome it desires, and
  2. its Article 4 authorises member states to request that sanctuaries be delisted or regulations applicable to them be amended, yet only requires CPME to “thoroughly review” those requests without setting any rules for under what conditions it must accept and reject them,

Utterly infuriated that Article 2a(i) allows CPME to designate a sanctuary merely because it is “critical to the survival and growth of a species,” even if that species is invasive or destroying marine habitats local to the area, eviscerating the kinds of biodiversity that it may wish to protect elsewhere via Article 2a(ii) designations, and

Believing that any resolution which creates or focuses on as much redundant red tape as GA#510 should not stand…

The General Assembly hereby repeals GA#510 “Marine Protection Act.”

More info here; NationStates • View topic - [QUORUM] Repeal GA#510 "Marine Protection Act"

This resolution is now up for vote.

Bai Lung will vote FOR.

Repeal “Marine Protection Act” was passed 8,502 votes to 2,820.