The Kessel Accords
The treaty on the end of the Tawusian embargoes on trade and forbiddance of slamgate use.
A lot of the CTCs shortcomings in the field of FTL advancement and territorial gain stem back many decades ago to before the signing of The Kessel Accords in 2153 with the Axdelian Interstellar Federation. This date is considered a cornerstone for Tawusian sovereignty and credit is given to its impact surrounding the consolidation of colonies past the Novaporta slamgate. The previous Tawusian government wished to circumvent the slamgate travel restrictions implemented by the AIF in order to accelerate trade with Urth. This conflict of interest caused the Adxelian government to embargo Tawuse, resulting in a ban and harsh crackdown on TEA expeditions through the Novaporta slamgate. Although travel was still theoretically possible, travel without the slamgate caused journeys which would typically last days to take months to complete. This coupled with outdated technology caused a drastically reduced trading opportunity for Tawusian ships. Uncertainty which accompanied these issues caused initial colonies to struggle as volunteer turnout was low, resulting in most colonial ventures being unviable and over time, colonial populations began to stagnate due to nonexistent job opportunities.
With pressure mounting from all corners of Tawusian society, the old government had no other choice but to enter diplomatic discourse with the AIF in order to put an end to what is now known as the time of great depreciation and any fears of revolution due to resource shortages. That being said, the current government of the CTC is wildly different in structure to that of the past. The terms of The Kessel Accords, formed In order to ensure the future of Tawusian culture and society, stated that the archaic government of the Vongolean dynasty had to come to an end with the installation of a more compliant democratic government in order to pursue healthier relations with the AIF. Since ratification, relations between the two nations have become cordial but tension still exists inside the CTCs scattered population centres.
In the year 2178, the CTC and AIF entered a new age of diplomatic relations with the ratification of The Ferraccoan Corridor Agreement (FCA) allowing increased trade between the powerhouse AIF and the fledgling of a nation that is the CTC. Although fragile, the CTC has manifested a growing industrial sector which can only be accredited to the increased trade between itself and its much larger neighbour. As recently as 2185, the FTL cortex was erected in the Ferracco system, acting as a confluence of trade routes passing through CTC space and is now considered the most important trading station within colonised Tawusian systems.
Many ponder if an agreement will arise in the near future allowing CTC shipyards to purchase blueprints of better, more streamlined, FTL drives from Axdelian sources. However, so far it seems that the AIF intends to maintain its vast technological superiority over the CTC with any chances of a deal being rejected without negotiation.