Hail fellow Romana, well met!

Our herald from the Glorious Fiefdom of Absurdistan brings ye a message, on behalf of Joe Beane, the CFO of Coffief and current Royal Emissary of Absurdistan.

Greetings from the nation of Absurdistan!

I bring good tidings and best wishes for the kingly nation of Arramall. Many years ago, our leaders were united by a common bond of closeness, and no ruler of Urth shared the connection our nations once did. I wish us to establish this connection again. That is why I would like to propose to unite our kingdoms in holy matrimony! My daughter, America, is a fantastic individual who would be a lovely addition to your family. We shall send her along with our royal delegation as they set up our embassy in Aramall. There you may meet her and your eldest son may begin courtship.

And do not worry about preparing the wedding, we in Absurdistan shall take care of everything. Tell me though, how does your nation prefer their coffee? We shall set up a trade agreement posthaste to export our delicious coffee in bags for your citizen’s home consumption. I assure you that it is just as delectable as it is in one of Coffief’s shops!

I look forward to hearing back from you, and I look forward to meeting my son-in-law to be!

Joe Beane
CFO of Coffief and Royal Emissary of Absurdistan

Joe Beane
CFO of Coffief and Royal Emissary of Absurdistan

Good day!

I would like to accept your proposals for an embassy. Also we prefer our coffee plain old black and I am also happy to accept your trade agreement.
Regarding your proposal for marriage I have consulted my son and he has agreed to meet with your daughter at your embassy in Arramall City.
I hope we can bring both our nations together in the future for the betterment of all.

Warm Regards,
Head of Foreign Affairs of The People’s Socialist Republic of Arramall
Aleksandr Romana

A messenger from the Kingdom of Absurdistan has arrived in Arramall City!

Lord Romana,

My Lord, the CFO of Coffief and current Royal Emissary of Absurdistan, Joe Beane, is delighted to hear you have accepted the requests! We shall send over our noblest brew of coffee posthaste! America is en route to Arramall City, and is delighted to meet your son. May their love grow to envelop both of our nations, and may our alliance last as long as the Romana family line!

Joe Beane

Dear Romana,

My country of Greater Aljman wishes to open an embassy in your country and in return you can open one in our capital. Furthermore; we also want a non-aggression pact and a trading treaty which we can trade different products with one another. I’ll love for a reply

Sincerely, Minister of foreign affairs: Macron Bismarck