
I am beginning the process of my retirement from NS in general. I will still be around, however, my logons are going to be far enough in between that I will not be able to be an effective leader for the mod team. As of 5 minutes ago, I hereby delegate all Administrative duties of the Admin Leader (Hoodad) to Barb. She is to have the same powers that I do, and her decisions will be final and unopposable.

To clarify for new people, Administrative positions have nothing to do with the EP government.

Difficult to see you retire, Pack. I learned a lot about the EP from you. Best of luck.

The buzzing in my head stopped and there was a click, no - more like a key in a lock turning. No longer did I feel like I was being assimilated. I just was. I am humbled by the elevation of privileges. How much a lady likes to have “ho” in her title, I still have to consider.

You cannot leave us yet, my tallest. I appreciate the acknowledgement that there needs to be a transition. It will go best if you lend a hand for a while yet.

No one can estimate (well, actually any Admin can estimate - there’s a log) how much Pack has done for the region. Moved quietly, carried big stick. All of us who love TEP owe Pack an inestimable debt of gratitude for excellence in stewardship.

— Begin quote from ____

No one can estimate how much Pack has done for the region. Moved quietly, carried big stick. All of us who love TEP owe Pack an inestimable debt of gratitude for excellence in stewardship.

— End quote

That is true, and that’s exactly why I don’t want to see Pack leaving…can’t you reconsider?, we will behave, we promise :frowning:

No we won’t.

Honestly, I wish it were so. I’d be happy with another 10 years of Pack as root Admin. We find ourselves in circumstances not of our choosing.

It’s what we do next that defines us.

Best of luck Pack. Hope you enjoy yourself. Please don’t tell Barb where the assimilation button is.

Too late. As much as I wish Pack would reconsider and throw me a frickin’ bone, I’ve learned to respect the decisions of people I respect. I do all the second guessing of my own decisions to max out the CPU cycles of my tiny brain. Doesn’t make me indecisive, just paints a walnut glaze on my unicycle.

Oh I’m sorry, we neglected to mention that a chip was implanted in your brain when you joined the TEP forum? Near the amygdala, right about here.

Being a manatee, such things have unintended effects.
squeal, jeté, salute

The chip is entirely harmless. Unless you apply for citizenship. The Viceroy has the button, not admin. When you are naturalized, the chip is activated. The genius of the entire process is that you feel nothing weird. Ya kinda like it. You want to log in, contribute, be active, stake your claim in the history of the region. So I am told.

Now admin, we have a different weapon - I mean tool - wait, no we don’t. Nevermind. The caek is a lie.
There are no friends, no foes, no resisty. There is only the hive. Welcome to my nightmare. I think you’re gonna like it.

— Begin quote from ____

No one can estimate (well, actually any Admin can estimate - there’s a log) how much Pack has done for the region. Moved quietly, carried big stick. All of us who love TEP owe Pack an inestimable debt of gratitude for excellence in stewardship.

— End quote

Despite so many (RP) quarrels, I cannot but quote Barb’s statement here. Pack has been a “TEP titan” and yup… will be missed very much.

Fare thee well… and good luck for everything!!

I’ll miss you Pack! I hope you come back!

Shame to see the Pack go, I’ve been trying to get a new laptop so I can return but at the rate it’s going it will be a few months away.

You’re way more than welcome back Loop. I never claimed to be able to carry the BB Hodad mantle without help.

I need schooling. Maybe even a spanking.

Good luck on whatever it is that you want to do Pack.

Does this mean there are plenty of new territories ripe for picking? :lol:

Retirement just means that Barb gets to make all my decisions. Lol

I’m still around.

Hopefully this proves to people that I am not Loop…

:frowning: but I understand completely. See you around (hopefully often)!

(For the record: yes I do still exist, no I haven’t retired from NS, I’m just busy but I am going to try to fit in some time for TEP – a few times a week.)

— Begin quote from ____

Retirement just means that Barb gets to make all my decisions.  Lol

I’m still around.

Hopefully this proves to people that I am not Loop…

— End quote

It proves nothing.