Review the University: 0 to 5

Please, please review the University and tell the Council of Holders what you think. How are we doing? Are your expectations being met, or exceeded?

Here is a list of ratings. Please use one and give a description why.

0: Complete standstill, no activity. Delegate should nominate a new chancellor.
1: UTEP is being counterproductive.
2: Teaching is irrelevant or useless.
3: Some consistency and usefulness.
4: Worthy of your recommendation to other players.
5: Exceeds your expectations, and is exciting.


For me, it has been more of a library than a classroom. I know that several people went through some introductions to NS activities, but I have used the University as a library resource, reviewing publications from the past.

I don’t expect a lot of classroom activities for me. I’m glad if they occur and are helpful to others. I’m happy to see the documents housed at the University have been expanded.


I think the UTEP has done stuff but should aim to do more in the future.

— Begin quote from ____


For me, it has been more of a library than a classroom. I know that several people went through some introductions to NS activities, but I have used the University as a library resource, reviewing publications from the past.

I don’t expect a lot of classroom activities for me. I’m glad if they occur and are helpful to others. I’m happy to see the documents housed at the University have been expanded.

— End quote

^^ I agree

I agree with the assessement that it could certainly use some more activities, other than displaying works. I did a whole lot of stuff here, and I will leave it to others to judge it, but I hope the new chancellor will do some additional and/or new stuff.

3 seems certainly a fair number to me. Compared to what it was before, I’m happy with that.

Thank you all. Your thoughts have been very helpful.