RP Department for Interaction


The Roleplay Department for Interaction is a new body within Forum Roleplay that will act as a union of enlisted roleplayers. It will be helmed by the Forum Roleplay Officer with a mission to invigorate and keep Forum Roleplay fresh via a team of Recruiters. The Department will work closely with the Bureau of Public Affairs (BPA) and its leader, the Forum Roleplay Officer, where Recruiters will interact with EPNS (creating Roleplay specific articles), interact with RO (creating Roleplay specific sections within regional telegrams), other recruitment within the Regional Message Board and The East Pacific’s Discord server and being delegated any other specific tasks from the BPA or Forum Roleplay Officer.

The Forum Roleplay Officer is an elected position by members of Forum Roleplay, this position is re-elected by a Roleplay Moderator immediately following a Delegate Election and the appointed member to this role is this departments’ ambassador to the Delegates Cabinet. The Forum Roleplay Officer may appoint and dismiss up to one Deputy Forum Roleplay Officer at any time to fulfill the specific responsibilities of the FRP Officer during defined or undefined absence.

The Forum Roleplay Officer has a responsibility to maintain a record of who is serving, and who has served within this department in Record of Department Members. There is a thread where you can apply to become a Recruiter Department Application Thread.