RP Mod

The collective heads of the administrative team have decided to re-instate the RP Moderator position. Basically said position will be in charge of handling disputes in roleplay, calling out god-modding, stuff like that. I personally see the benefits of having an RP Moderator, and I look forward to seeing how this goes.

It is my duty to present our newest RP mod, Allegheny. Huzzah!

Hello people of TEP!

Right now I have been busy with a few things in RL and I have a lot of catching up to do in RP myself. But if you Gentlemen and Ladies can, if you see that I do something you might see as not all that fair Please come to me immediately and voice your concerns. All i ever want is to have a fun and fair RP. It’s never been about win or lose with me, but rather than journey.

So as RP mod I will attempt to curb unfair RP practice but I also expect the community to question me on things I do as well. That is the best check and balance.

As always, my MSN is open for getting in contact with me.

Zreid2@comcast.net = MSN

Please do make use of this, contact me if you have a dispute, leave disputes out of IC threads and leave particularly nasty disputes out of IC and OOC channels.

As a promise to the Admin team, I will log things that become something they need to look at for Admin purposes to make your job easier, but I dont see things becoming out of control for me.

If you feel I have done wrong in something that I do, please do not be afraid to message me and ask about it, i won’t be offended or angry.

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Bump because we need a new RP mod.

Does something require our attention? Seen the request had been done already from mod/admin requests.

Also I would be open to discuss a RP mod if the community wanted someone in that role.

I volunteer. I promise to pay as little attention to the RP as possible, and to contradict myself more often than not. If there are any complaints, I’ll tell those nations to TG my nation, but it will be a puppet which has already CTEd. I know what this community needs–a caring leader.

Personally, I’d like someone who:

  • has experience
  • can cast impartial judgment
  • knows what to look for when it comes to good / bad RP stuff
  • reads the RP forums relatively often

— Begin quote from ____

  • has experience
  • can cast impartial judgment

— End quote

Well that disqualifies me https://groups.tapatalk-cdn.com/smilies/52127/1536592192.9124-smiley.gif?ttinline=true