Sarvian Federative Socialist Worker's Republic

Nation Name (long): Sarvian Federative Socialist Worker’s Republic — Sarvimaanen Liittovaltion Sosialistinen Työväentasavalta
Nation Name (short): Sarvimaa/SFSWR

Motto: Työ tekijäänsä neuvoo. — Work teaches the worker.
National Animal: Elk
National Flower/Plant: Lingonberry
National Anthem: 
Nouse, työläiset! — Arise, workers!

Capitol: Valkoniemi
Largest City: Valkoniemi

Demonym: Sarvian
Language: Vesienvällic
Species: Around 72% tiefling, with a large human minority of about 20%, and 8% other assorted species, mostly lupines, ursines, and elves.
Population: 17,589,201

Government type: Democratic socialist federal republic
Leader(s): Chairwoman of the Worker’s General Council — Roosa Matintytär Mikkonen
Legislature: Työväen Pääneuvosto — Worker’s General Council
Formation: 1891

Total GDP: 833 billion
GDP per capita: 49,041.34

Calling Code: 358
ISO 3166 code: SA - SAR
Internet TLD: .sr

Historical Summary: Prior to 1542, Sarvimaa was not a unified polity, but rather a collection of feuding tribes. However, one tribe, the Sarvekas, so named due to their especially prominent horns, conquered their neighbors by abandoning the ritualistic, ineffective traditional combat tactics of the other tribes and trading it in for unabashed pragmatic brutality and reorganizing themselves under the guidance of their Chief, Jalmari. Jalmari, taking inspiration from their more “civilized” neighbors, declared himself the first Tsaari of Sarvimaa. Under Jalmari and his successors, Sarvimaa progressed rapidly and caught up with its neighbors through extensive trade, and the monarchy maintained control of the country through a complex network of feudal fiefdoms, derived from the conquered tribes.

Not all was well in Sarvimaa, however. They had the misfortunate of being neighbors with Tretrid, one of the premier powers on Novaris, and accordingly, the Sarvians developed an attitude of vigilance in order to avoid being conquered, although it is more likely that Tretrid never considered whatever resources they could gain from conquering the Sarvians worth the costs it would require to take them.

Sarvimaa was an early and enthusiastic adopter of industry, and the Industrial Revolution did much to change the face of the country. An overwhelmingly poor, agrarian society began developing new classes of urban workers and bourgeois business owners supplementing the centuries-old relationship between peasants and their local lord. A burgeoning worker’s movement was birthed, only to be ground under the boot of the Tsaari’s secret police and corporate thugs. It was under these conditions that the Sarvian Worker’s Party was formed. Initially a broad left-wing coalition of primarily urban workers, they were forced underground, and believing that “electoralism” was doomed to fail in a state as oppressive as Imperial Sarvimaa, they became militant, a paramilitary revolutionary force that quickly expanded into the countryside, far from the watchful eyes of the Tsaari.

It was there that the party truly flourished, with midnight “agitation sessions” held in barns, featuring party cadres disguised as a itinerant farmhands reading socialist literature by candlelight to illiterate peasants. It was a terribly effective formula, and soon smuggled copies of the same books being read to peasants found themselves being read in barracks in and bars full of disgruntled workers. This way, slowly, but surely, the SWP built itself into a true mass movement, with party cadres ensuring both secrecy and revolutionary spirit were maintained.

The time came in early 1890, with the first peasant uprising in the province of Lantinen cascading into a full-blown rebellion. Uprisings on bases and in major cities soon followed, and a short, but brutal civil war followed. The Imperial Loyalists were both overwhelmed through sheer mass and thoroughly outmaneuvered, and by January of 1891 the socialists had the capital surrounded. The last Tsaari, Ahti IV, was lynched in the streets of the capital on January 22nd, 1891, an event celebrated annually to this day by Sarvians and recognized as the day of the founding of the SFSWR. In the heady days that followed, a mass exodus of surviving nobles and business owners, fearing further reprisals, fled the country and took refuge in neighboring Tretrid.

The slapdash and authoritarian state organization that followed gave way to the stable, democratic “Council System” that Sarvimaa employs today. Popular reforms, a continuing sense of revolutionary spirit, and the threat of Tretrid has ensured that the SWP has remained in power nearly continuously for more than a hundred years, although in harsh years it has been forced to enter into coalitions, and although it has never abandoned its ultimate goal of achieving communism, its decentralized organization and market socialist approach means that it has little in common with the party of 1891. If there is one thing that the SWP has not wavered in, however, it is the hard line it has consistently taken against Tretrid, becoming a close ally of Arkalarius during the Tretrido-Arkian Cold War. Their cooperation peaked in the late 1960s, when Sarvimaa allowed Arkalarius to place airbases and ballistic missiles on Sarvian soil as a deterrent against potential Tretridian aggression.

Nevertheless, with the end of the Cold War, Arkalarius degenerating into an imperial state and Tretrid’s international prestige increasing, Sarvimaa finds its own status in question.

Apologies for the delay in the carto evaluation process.
Following a vote on 20th November 2021, this nation claim has been APPROVED by a vote of 4-0-0. Further votes will be amended to this post as they come in.
CC: [mention]A_Random_Guy_3[/mention]