I was able to open a new archive subforum titled 2009-2019 OOC Exhibit… Yeah some old stuff going on. I did leave some topics I would like to review before they get sent off to their final resting place as they still seemed interesting and should be reduplicated. To keep people from adding to them they will be locked after this has been posted. Current topics are untouched.
This will likely continue into the IC section after discussion with rp staff and community input on timetable for archival of threads… I was thinking doing them by nation and events like Urthvision will its very own subforum for the old threads.
Discord is nice but it’s an ongoing dialogue that can have discussions be hundreds of messages of several other discussions and easily lost in a server channel.
So how would you like to see OOC used with roleplay? And what’s your thoughts on archival timetables?
I don’t know. It’s a hard one. Recently the migration to discussing OOC on Discord has shown that it is far more effective than on the forums, but as you said those conversations get lost quickly. Perhaps a way to tackle this would be if the dialogues of the conversations, or the conversation text was posted to OOC forums as a way of making them official and everlasting.
I realise that the OOC is hardly ever touched nowadays, but hitherto been a necessary tool. Maybe OOC would be a sort of forum recap more so than a discussion panel. Maybe we could re introduce Forum Awards. I’d like to get a few balls rolling in the next few weeks now I am designated ‘Roleplay Captain’; I’m not sure if that is the same as RP Moderator but I will play on it as if it is.
I love using Discord for its ease of access, but the forum aspect of OOC discussion should remain integral and needs to survive even if its modern transformation deems it a data dump.