Series about International NS Politics (TNP, LAZ, TRR, TEP)
By Wealthists / The Free Confederates
- Special Thanks to the Naivetry Reference Library -
These are small lectures conducted by Wealthists, a former delegate of Confederation of the Empire of Novus Arcadia (CENA), regarding the state of The North Pacific, Lazarus, The East Pacific and The Rejected Realms in early 2005. Although the lectures are basic and intended for new players, these lectures are considered historically significant and worthy of preservation because, (1) they describe the state of feeders in 2005 and (2), the author, Wealthists was the delegate of Lazarus and a member of The Meritocracy at this time (under the name of “The Free Confederates”).
NS Lecture: The North Pacific
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Wacky stuff be happening in one of the largest regions in Nation States.
The North Pacific (TNP) has about 7,000 nations. For months this region was under the control of Francos Spain (who has now Ceased to Exist). During the summer defender groups banded together behind a nation called Better Times to overthrow Francos Spain and his organization called the NPO.
Francos Spain CTEd, and the NPO changed their name to the PRP (People’s Republic of the Pacific) and they still control the Pacific under a nation called Unlimited.
So anyways, TNP democratically elected Pixiedance (real name Cathyy) to be their delegate. Well, Cathyy recently ran into some real life troubles and decided to give her nation Pixidance to a guy named Pierconium who is a member of the hated PRP (NPO). Pierconium then bans Better Times (who was the #2 in endorsements behind Pixiedance controlled by Pierconium)… and then unbans him.
Pierconium in turn gave it back to Cathyy due to the fact that he was receiving a lot of criticism for what was being called an NPO coup d’etap. Cathyy however then recieved a lot of critisim for giving it to Pierconium in the first place! So she gave it BACK to Pierconium who is not establishing a NEW TNP government mainly using allies from New Sparrow (an ally of the NPO) and other allies of Pierconium and former Francos Spain supporters.
Still with me?
Ok, so just when you think you’ve heard it all, the ADN (alliance defense network), one of the PRP’s main opponents, is now trying to set up a conference to determine what to do about Pierconium. Oddly enough it appears the PRP has been invited to this conference, and even stranger is that PRP is now court martialing Pierconium for his activities in TNP.
So, confused as hell I decided to speak with Pierconium… and he basically said that he was going to be leading TNP because he and his supporters were put into power. It was a very short conversation.
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NS Lecture #1: Lazarus
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This is the first lecture in a series about International NS Politics.
This first few will be about feeder region politics. A feeder region is a region created by the mods and or the game creator Max Barry. The first region to be covered is Lazarus.
The Region of Lazarus is the smallest feeder region with approximately 500 nations. This is where a nation is resurrected. If your nation Ceases to Exist (due to inactivity), you can bring it back to life and it will appear in Lazarus.
For years, Lazarus was ruled the same way any other feeder region is ruled, by the nation with the most endorsements. However, because Lazarus has so few UNs, the delegate rarely had more then 20 or 30 endorsements.
It is every invaders dream to crash a region with more then 400 nations. So Lazarus was frequently crashed. The mods realized this was a problem and they have now set up a founder to control the region.
Regional Advertising is strictly banned in Lazarus, this rule is enforced by the moderators with punishment of deleting the advertiser.
I apologize for the rather staleness of this first lecture. This is because Lazarus is a fairly stale and inactive region. The next lecture will be on one of the most exciting in NationStates, The Rejected Realms!
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NS Lecture #2: The Rejected Realms
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This second lecture is on the 2nd smallest feeder region in NationStates, The Rejected Realms. As explained in Lecture #1, a feeder region is a region created by the mods or Max Barry.
Ever been banned from a region? Well, then you should know what the Rejected Realms are. The Rejected Realms is where banned nations go. It has a population of around 2,000… many of whom are inactive.
For the first few months after Nationstates was created, The Rejected Realms was not to different from Lazarus in the sense that it was very inactive with no real stable government or leadership. It was primarily controlled by invaders until around May of 2003 when a nation called Gres (who is still active in the Rejected Realms Army) took control of the region. In his short tenure as Delegate Gres established the RRA which is still a very well known defense organization.
The Rejected Realms were invaded a few more times until a nation called Kandarin took over in July 2003. Kandarin compleatly changed the way the Rejected Realms operated. The Rejected Realms were no longer Nationstates wild west, The Rejected Realms became a real well established region.
After a year and half of rule, Kandarin is delegate of the Rejected Realms and is possibly the most well liked in all of Nationstates. Many of his critics claim that he has failed to set up a real democracy or a government even. Kandarin rules the region almost single-handidly and has never held democratic elections.
Now, it is in my opinion that Kandarin is the only delegate in Nationstates who does not need to hold democratic elections, why? Because no one is allowed to be banned from The Rejected Realms. If anybody were to try and take power from Kandarin, they could simply ask people to endorse them, and Kandarin wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.
In fact, this has happened recently. A nation by the name of G0thicville tried to take the Rejected Realms. G0thicville pulled in a lot if international support from various invader regions namely the Coalition of Invaders. Kandarin called on his allies in the ADN (for which The Rejected Realms are a member of) and other defender groups to aid him. The armies of the West Pacific and The North Pacific also came in to aid Kandarin until G0thicville gave it up.
The RRA is currently headed by a nation called Crazygirl, also called Zandra. She has lead the RRA against invaders throughout NS and is one of NS’s most respected defenders.
Up Next: Apathy and a Dictatorship in 1 Infinite Loop, The East Pacific.
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NS Lecture #3: The East Pacific
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This is the third lecture on Nationstates foreign politics. It is on one of the largest regions in Nationstates, The East Pacific.
The East Pacific has a population of about 7000 nations and are currently ruled by a nation by the name of 1 Infinite Loop. 1 Infinite Loop, a former crasher, has been in power since June of 2003, and is hated by many in Nationstates. Since Loop took over, The East Pacific has become known as the apathetic Pacific.
Residents of The East Pacific are generally inactive and could care less about regional and political matters. Loop has given all government jobs to those who he supports and has never opened the region to democracy. Political opponents and those who challenge him are frequently banned despite the rules that Loop has set up.
On the flip side, Loops claims that apathy is just the EP’s cliché. “Left out, no idea, apathetic, yup, we are rather apathetic. All the Pacifics have a cliché, most notably the South and Central. The South is the party Pacific, and the Central is the political ideology pacific. The East, we are both apathetic and eccentric. What other Pacific makes light the menace of the Fridge Owl?” Declares Loop in an opinion piece for NS News.
In response to the dictatorship charge, 1 Infinite Loop came out angrily. "To those who scream Dictatorship, have you ever been to the forums to speak to those who govern the EP, of course not. All too often the wag is applied by those who wish to overthrow one so that they my use the delegacy as their own Weenie extension.
The EP is fine, I alone brought peace to the region as it had none until I took the seat and started the forums. Until then the EP was a writhing mass of chaos. Believe whatever propaganda your own little Michael Moores may scream between the swilling of hot dogs I will keep the East safe and Peaceful as I have done these last 18 months."
Ok, I confess this piece is a little biased. I see 1 Infinite Loop as a tyrant, a dictator… another Francos Spain. Yet while all the hubbub is around The North Pacific these days, no one concentrates on The East Pacific.
Up Next: Fun in the sun, a true democracy, The West Pacific.
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