Shake with fear mortals

Long ago Loop arose from the primordial goo and stepped about
And soon he may again.

Trying to get a new laptop so I can get online with something more than just an iPhone
I’m finally on Facebook if anyone wants to friend me I used so just loom for that email

ok where to begin, last year on Nov 26th the wife and I got robbed
they took my TV, xbox and a bunch of stuff, most importantly my macbook
since then all I have had to get online was my old android and more recenty my iphone
both of which dont seem to like the music box down below and I have recently reacquired my
OOOOOld ibook that mom had in her storage (bless her heart for only taking 11 months getting it for me) and well it is even not that great online anymore but it tries.

and the sad part is I have not typed in so long I: am having a hard time doing so because I type
Dvorak and I cannot remember some of the layout lol

so Im hoping to get a new mac book air at tax time if all goes well as I said Im aslo on the facebook if anyone remembers me.


Hey there. Glad to see you again and I hope you’ll be on more. Sucks about getting your stuff stolen though.

big grin

Nice to hear from you, Loop!!!

Loop! Hardly knew ye. Actually I never knew ye. Nice to see an old timer back on the ranch. shakes Not with fear, something in my shoe.

In your absence Pack gave me the keys. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ahem. Sorry about the robbery - man, that sucks.

My macbook video card appears to be dying (well more like coughing and occasionally throwing up blood - which is annoying) and I do a lot of training IRL, so I snagged me a mini. Half a terabyte HD and 4 gb of RAM for the price of an iPad. The bluetooth keyboard that runs on AA batteries is ergonomic and slick. The mini’s heavier but certainly not larger than a laptop (so it’s portable) and Lion is the first cat-OSX that has been a joy for me to work with with no major annoyances.

I need to replace my old laptop, but the mini is a great bridge until I scrape together the dough. Everything I’ve plugged into it, including some pricey apps built in the Leopard days, has simply worked.

The Leopard days - LOL. Anything you buy from Apple is out of date before the next solstice. Anywho, good to have you back. Even if it’s on an iPhone at the moment.


Long time gone buddy!

Me and Barb have run this thing into the ground :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, well I still dont have a computer of my own, ( want that snazzy macbook air the big one with the SD slot) I have finally broken down and used the wifes wintel device (ick windows cooties and no dvorak support so Im hunting and pecking a bit again).

so an update is in order since my last post

I have since moved back to florida
(got married on 1/1/11, moved to Fla, had to go back to TN that fall to sell house, moved back in dec 11, got a house here now)
and the wife had a baby
he was mad that morning lol
taken this afternoon he just got the shades.

not much else I can say but im gonna try to check in somewhat regularly now that I have access to the interwebs.

like I said before im on facebook my email is
and on PSN im BigBadHodad

ok the pics didnt work

Hey Loop! Sounds like you’ve got a Loop Jr now!

lol yup hes actually the fourth.

Whoa, really?

Oh no, it’s a FOR loop.

  • hides. *