Shimajiro Today

SHIMAJIRO TODAY | Shimajiro’s #1 News Source

Established in 1912, and rebranded in 2025, Shimajiro Today is a privately-owned weekly news service that delivers the most engaging and relevant news stories out of the Empire of Shimajiro. More to come!



25 January 2025

Princess Asuka: “It’s about time we were all a little bit nicer to eachother”


PRINCESS Asuka, the Princess of Seikan, has expressed a sentiment of compassion and togetherness in a recent interview since her coming out in November.

The princess, who came out as bisexual in November 2024, has faced a great amount of media scrutiny and minor public backlash ever since the fact, causing a rift between the monarchy and other various institutions in the country. But in a recent interview, Asuka remains steadfast in wanting love, care, and compassion amongst everybody in Shimajiro, and it appears the country agrees.

“I think it’s about time we were all a little bit nicer to eachother,” the princess said on Friday, “We’re more than just our sexuality, the colour of skin, or our nationality. We’re all family here. Shimajiro has always been a place of love and I hope to ensure it says this way for centuries to come.”

The princess remains ever popular amongst the people of Shimajiro, particularly amongst younger, more liberal generations. The princess also expressed her enjoyment of the rising S-pop genre, praising S-pop group Popcorn during their recent run in beloved national talent show GZTSS.

“A massive congrats to CHIBIMETAL, I can’t wait to see them representing Shimajiro globally in the next Urthvision. I also absolutely loved the various performances Popcorn did throughout the entire show; a massive well done to all contestants. I look forward to hearing more music from them in the future!”

Aozora metal band CHIBIMETAL chosen to represent at next Urthvision


You loved them, and you selected them! Aozora-born CHIBIMETAL have been voted as Shimajiro’s top pick for the next edition of URTHVISION.

The band made their first appearance on Gōkana zenkoku-teki sainō shō (GZTSS) in November, and the audience and judge panel were immediately hooked to their on-stage extravagance, eccentricity, and overall love of the heavy metal genre. Despite a close tie with S-pop group Popcorn in the semi-finals at the end of 2024, CHIBIMETAL proved themselves in the grand final of the beloved talent show last Saturday and have subsequently been elected by viewers all across the nation to represent Shimajiro at the next Urthvision. We look forward to seeing this Aozora-based band rock down the roof worldwide!

Seikan street food scandal: 1 dead and dozens more left seriously ill after eating at beloved Seikanese street food restaurant


ONE man in his 40s has died and another twelve have been left seriously ill after eating at the infamous Seikansukōpion street food diner in Southern Seikan.

Two weeks ago, multiple people were hospitalised after experiencing symptoms of extreme fever, projectile vomiting, and extreme dizziness, and investigation by hospital staff discovered that all had dined at Seikansukōpion that same night. In the coming weeks, dozens more were hospitalized after eating at the street food restaurant and tonight, subsequentlty, one man has died.

“We are extremely sorry to hear that somebody has passed away as a result of this virus,” police spokesman Yamato Iwasaki said in an interview tonight, “Please be assured that our investigation will only become more intense from this point forward and we will be sure to update the public with any further information.” Iwasaki urged anybody who felt ill after eating at the restaurant to admit themselves to a doctor immediately.

As a result, the restaurant has been closed temporarily pending an ongoing police investigation, however reports suggest that the restaurant may be forced to now shut its doors forever.



26 January 2025

Former chancellor Shinsuke Mizuno interviewed at populist rally


FORMER Chancellor Mr. Shinsuke Mizuno was spotted and interviewed at a populist rally last night organised by the Change The State group calling for the dissolution of the monarchy.

Mr. Mizuno, who is known for his difficult relationship with the Emperor during his tenure as Imperial Chancellor, was interviewed by INK during last night’s rally, swathed by vast waves of protestors and rally attendants grumbling about Kotei Daishin’s poor health and “continued fumbling” of certain issues.

“It has and always will be the elected governments and representatives who make the change in this country, never the institution the greedishly feeds off the people,” Mr. Mizuno stated, “This country would be better off with an elected head of state and I intend on making that incredibly clear in my upcoming book, which I will be releasing later this year.”

Incumbent Chancellor, Sayuri Fujimura, has since made her thoughts on the situation very clear after an interview this morning:

“Mr. Mizuno is a sick man who couldn’t manage his own government, let alone his own personal relationship with the Kotei,” Mrs. Fujimura stated earlier this morning, “It is the role of the elected government and indeed the legislature to act as the voice of the people to the monarchy, it’s the very thing we are elected to do. Might I remind him that the electoral alliance that I lead very much proves that. The same alliance that removed him from office nearly 4 years ago.”

Current FPP leader of the opposition, Kazuya Igarishi, has refused to comment on the situation. He suspended Mr. Mizuno from the party in 2023.


10 February 2025

IDAINARU NENDAI-KI rebrands to “Shimajiro Today”
We are incredibly pleased to announce that we have merged with various other newspaper services to form a brand new news service and will henceforth be known as “Shimajiro Today”! Expect greater coverage of news and events across all of Shimajiro from today onward.