Sibling Love or Rivalry?

OOC: This takes place prior to Cecilia’s trip to the mall in the Coronation thread

Top Secret DIEIS Military R&D Facility located in the Torshku Province, several weeks before the Southern Yugoslavian visit

Natalka looked at the giant siege walker prototype, now called Project Asgard. A vulpine engineer ran up to her. “Marshal Rainard, here is the latest report.” He handed her a clipboard. She looked at it.

“I see. So, we are ahead of schedule?”

“Yes Ma’am. We could expect to be finished by late or even mid April! The Golems are the reason behind that.” As the two of them watched, the Golems were busy assembling Project Asgard.

Natalka knew that the Golems would probably be approved by the Southern Yugoslavians, especially how great the Golems could be used in mining and construction. Already, Natalka had ideas on how to improve the Golems.

Cecilia looked at the designs and blueprints for all of the various projects. Especially the ones that her sororal sister, Natalka was directing. Actually, Natalka was in charge of all of them, including the ones she saw at the research facility in the Neoger Province. She had laced her fingers together as she stared at them. Her tail was wagging in frustration. “Damn it Natalka!”

The two projects she was concerned with were Project Yorktown, the one concerning the battlecruiser prototype, and Project Asgard. It was Project Asgard that she was worried about. There was no information about it, which meant that it was big. And this made her very very worried. She knew that Natalka was worried about Sam and how people viewed him and Vulshain right now, especially after the DIEIS fisaco. She was raging mad when she heard how the Lazlowians had criticized him. Cecilia was too.

She was concerned that her sororal sister would go to extreme measures to help their little brother.

Cecilia had been able to get into the research facility in the Torshku Province. It wasn’t difficult, especially since she was the Premier of Vulshain. She was actually quite impressed. A lobo researcher, with brown fur but graying in some areas, was surprised to see her here, and decided to show her around. “And here we have the T-95 Siege Tanks, capable of transforming from tank mode to siege mode, the siege tank can either reinforce a defending army or blow it to kingdom come and back.”

Cecilia whistled. “Wow. Impressive. And this was made by our technology?”

“Yes Ma’am.” He showed her the Goliaths and the new marauder equipment.

“Hm…Goliath doesn’t sound like a good name.”

“Well, personally, I think it sounds good. The Goliath is designed to be both a urban assault walker and an anti-air support machine. When paired with infantry, the Goliath is quite formiable. Although, it is formiable by itself. Surely, the Southern Yugoslavians will be most impressed by the Goliath.”

“I see.” Cecilia thought they looked good, but she wondered what Stu and Zak would think. “And these things are?”

“Golems. They are actually called Golem Construction Suits, but we call them Golems for short. They are actually quite useful. They can repair vehicles and structures, and they can even be used to mine resources. Golems can even construct buildings and equipment as well. They are meant to be used for civilian purposes, so we can expect a lot of people, especially the Southern Yugoslavians, and maybe even the Vekaiyuns, to want to buy them from us.”

“Uh-hu,” was all that Cecilia said in reply. She then asked about Project Ragnarok.

“Um…Well…We’re really not supposed to talk about it without Marshal Rainard’s permission.”

“Yeah. About that. I’m the Premier of Vulshain.”


The researcher led her to where Project Ragnarok was.

“Oh Den Mother.” Cecilia grasped ahold the railing, until her knuckles turned white under her white fur, while her tail bristled like a bottle-brush. She stared at a massive, robotic behemoth.

“Impressive, isn’t it?” Cecilia’s ear pointed straight up when she heard Natalka’s voice.

“Marshal Rainard! I can–I can…I–”

“Head Researcher, it is quite alright. My sister has authorization to be here.”

Turning back to her sister, Natalka asked, “What do you think? It is quite amazing, although the researchers did go overboard.”

“What—what do you mean?”

“They put in a toilet, so that the pilot wouldn’t have to leave the Ragnarok to…do his business.” Natalka laughed. She stopped when she saw that Cecilia wasn’t laughed. “What’s wrong? That’s a little silly of them to do that don’t you think? Cecilia?”

“Natalka, you were going to just continue this project?”

“Of course. This is an important project that needs to be conducted carefully. DIEIS worked on a lot of weird stuff, and I need to be careful of what we do. I want to help our nation, and our brother. People are laughing at us now because of what happened.”

“And you think this will make things better!? Den Mother’s holy name! This will make them scared of us!”

“Natalka, look I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I was planning too. I just–”

Cecilia slapped her sister across the face. Cecilia glared at her sister.

Natalka just touched her cheek, a look of shock on her face. Upon seeing that she had slapped her sister, a look of horror washed over Cecilia’s face. While the two had argued and bickered once in a while, never once had either one raised a hand against the other…until now.

Cecilia, tears in her eyes, said, “I’m sorry.” And she left…

Cecilia was dressed in her terrycloth bathrobe, crying. She was holding a picture of her and Natalka together at their high school graduation. “Oh Den Mother what have I done?”

“You didn’t do a thing,” Natalka said. She smiled at her sororal sister.

“Natalka?” Natalka walked forward. Cecilia expected her to strike as she had done. Instead, Natalka embraced her.

“What? I don’t understand…I hit–”

“You didn’t hit me. You never have hit me and you never will.”


“No buts. Let’s just forget the whole thing happened.”


“I said forget about it, okay?”


“Besides, I come bearing gifts in the form of food.” She held up a bag of spicy chicken sandwich, french fries, and a bacon-double thick cheeseburger.

"Pauline’s!? (OOC: Pauline’s is the Vulshainian equivalent to our Wendy’s).

“Remember we use to eat there when we went to Kitsuniva?”

“I remember. Those were good times,” Cecilia said with a smile before eating french fry.

“I guess we could go shopping. Maybe pick up some Christmas gifts and even some gifts to give the Southern Yugoslavians. Which reminds me, tell me about Stu.”

Cecilia blushed as she told her fraternal twin sister all about Stu.

The next day…

“So, Project Ragnarok’s reason is…?” Cecilia sat at her mahogany desk, her fingers laced as she looked at her sister.

“From what I can tell, Vekaiyu is building some sort of super-weapon, and personally…”

Cecilia held up a hand. “I understand Natalka, and believe me, while I do agree that Vekaiyu’s research concerns me greatly, especially with their research in particle acceleration, we have to think about this carefully. I don’t want people to think we are like Vekaiyu, a nation that thinks everyone is out to get her. There is also the problem of Ragnarok itself. Ragnarok is quite impressive, but at the same time, terrifying. It is capable of carrying and even launching nuclear missiles, ICBMs, mind you.”

“Well the ability to launch ICBMs isn’t quite ready yet. The ability to launch nukes is ready though.”

“I see. Still, the ability might make some, no a lot of people, both frightened and upset, especially Southern Yugoslavia, our closest ally.”

“Well, there are other promising technologies, such as the Heimdal, the siege tank, and the Goliath. But most importantly, the Golem.”

“Yes, the Golem was most impressive. I see no problem with that.”

“And what about Project Yorktown?”

“Project Yorktown will have to continue. While I would prefer that these projects wait until we see what our Southern Yugoslavian guests have to say, we have already begun to work on them, so we might as well continue.”

Before Natalka could say thank you, Cecilia warned her. “However, if Southern Yugoslavia tells us to pull the plug, we have no choice but to cease all of the projects, or the ones they tell us to stop working on.”

“I understand. Still, why would they want to halt any of them?”

“Political reasons is my guess,” Cecilia answered. “Still, we have to be careful of certain black spots, one of which are stimpacks.”

“Ouch. I hated using those things. Gave you a migrane and a nasty hangover after using it. Not to mention, I hate drug use. One reason why I never used them after that one time.”

Cecilia nodded. Only infantry used stimpacks. They were discontinued being used, but there were a lot of people who were considering of restarting their usage. MedTech, a Southern Yugoslavian medical research company, was curious about stimpacks and were starting to study them. It was a matter of time until they started asking Zak to demand Vulshain to cease all usage and production of stimpacks and to destroy all remaining stimpack in storage.

The stimpacks were meant to greatly increase a soldier’s reflexes and speed, but they had some nasty and risky side-effects, too. It was these side-effects that led to almost, if not, all production and usage of stimpacks.

“We have to be prepared to do as Southern Yugoslavia says, if we want to repair the damage done to our alliance with them,” Cecilia said.

Natalka nodded in agreement. “By the way, Project Yorktown has a little…side project.”


“We call it the Spitfire Cannon, or Spitfire gun. Basically it is an experimental particle weapon.”

“Oh Den Mother, Natalka, pleased tell me this isn’t something stolen from Vekaiyu!”

“It isn’t. It is basically technology gained from Rygard. They had three experimental laser weapons, reverse-engineered, crudely I might add, from East Malaysian technology, stolen and smuggled by East Malaysian anti-government groups. DIEIS found documents and blueprints of them. The Spitfire Gun uses an intense magnetic field to focus a small nuclear explosion into a cohesive beam of energy. Really impressive, too. Perfect for a siege weapon.”

Groaning, Cecilia finally sighed. “Please, please, please don’t put that on the Yorktown Project until after we talk with the Southern Yugoslavians!”

“I won’t. Still, you have to stop worrying about making your boyfriend angry. He’s a soldier, so he should understand. I think.”

“I don’t know Natalka. Still, I think we should be prepared for what they tell us.”

Cecilia was very nervous. She had just seen the impressive and successful tests of the siege tanks, Goliaths, Heimdals, and the reaper flight pack. “Den Mother, please don’t let Stu get upset with me.”

“Why do you care if Stu gets upset,” Natalka asked while leaning on the doorframe.

“Because sis, I want to pursue a relationship with him, and I really, really don’t want anything to ruin it.”

Natalka sighed. She placed a hand on her sister’s shoulder. “Look, Cecilia, if he cares about you, then he will understand. If not, then it was never meant to be.” Cecilia sadly nodded.