Sign Up for a Buddy! Meet the Crew!


New to The East Pacific? Want someone to walk you through all the fun things there are to do here?

Post below to introduce yourself to the buddy crew. We are veteran players who want to help you. If you have any questions, just ask us. There is lots to do here, like roleplaying as the leader of your nation, and passing regional laws in the Magisterium.

I’m glad you’re here. Let me introduce the Crew:

Meet The Crew!
Old Federalia
He’s me. I’m a grumpy person who likes to debate. I’ll argue just to argue, so be ready with your facts if you disagree with me! Right now I’m the Chancellor of the University. If you have any questions about the University or want to learn more about something specific, I’d be more than happy to help you. My interests include roleplaying and diplomacy.

Lt. Tano Majster Zlodej Holland
AKA, the man with the really fucking long name
Hi. I’m Tano, and I’m here for YOU. Also, for the free cookies that you get as a mentor. (Although I don’t think I was supposed to tell you about those) I can help you with the basics of R/D (gameplay), as well as give you the juicy deets on give you well-informed information on various R/D groups in NationStates. I can also help you with basic roleplaying. So…yeah. Pick me and we can do MEDICORE TO AVERAGE THINGS TOGETHER!*

*No guarantees on that

is wondering how one joins the program as part of the crew

is wondering why no one checks the university for awesomeness

Eh, I check it occasionally, but since I’m not enrolled/a holder, it’s not often.