Some resignations

I will be scaling back my involvement in the East beginning at around nine in the evening UTC -8, on Sunday November 15th (so that things look pretty in my spreadsheets). This thread will be notice of my resignation from the magisterium and as a diplomat to Caer Sidi in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I don’t feel like I’ve been terribly effective in these roles, and I don’t have the time to give them as much attention as I think they deserve. So, as things become stressful or uncomfortable, those are easy targets for things that I’d like to simplify in my life. I’ll be stepping back from some NS roles outside of TEP around the same time.

Thanks for having me, and I’m happy to remain on in the Ministry of WAA and EPSA for the time being, or at least at the discretion of those ministers.

  • L

Thank you for your service, Refuge. Glad to still have you around <3

waves waves

Bye bye Lucalucalucalucalulululululucaluuuuuuuuuuuu!

Thank you for your efforts.

Thank you for your service.