Something is rotten

"Fellow compatriots. My name is General Ernst Voneghoot. Today I speak to you as a soldier, and I speak about the matter of the greatest importance. Our country is staring at the abyss. The situation in which we all are is very dire. Great is the burden of responsibility, that I must fill out today, but it is my duty to take that responsibility. Yesterday we have summoned to existence Military Council of Sanation. The Duke was ousted due to his incompetence, and is currently held in the palace under home arrest. Military Council of Sanation has for now taken over the power until the democratic order will be implemented and a new head of the state chosen. Moreover, in order to stop chaos from spreading, and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, Military Council of Sanation introduced today at midnight, martial law throughout the country. Its sole purpose is to protect the legal order in the country, creating a guarantee regulations that will allow the restoration of order and discipline. This is the only way to save the country from disintegration. Fear not Sachs, for we are able to save it.

The start of that process will be change in name. Current name - Grossduchie of Smigsachenweiz which so much imposes* on us all - will be changed to Demokratish Republik Sachenvorbund - The Democratic Republic of the Union of Sachs.

I appeal to the whole world opinion. We call for an understanding of the unique conditions that arose in our country, and for extraordinary measures that were necessary. Our actions do not threaten anyone. We have one goal: the removal of internal threats, and thus to prevent danger to peace and international cooperation.

In view of the entire Sach nation and of the whole world, I repeat, these immortal words: We will always find a way to peace!"

The red light went out. He wasn’t on vision anymore. Finally he could sigh with relief. It is done.

Meanwhile, many miles away a single glass shattered on the wall, glass fragments falling on the carpet with Serenitech logo on it.

[hr]*OOC: Smigsachenweiz - Loyal Sachian vassals.

“Sir, sir, General Schultz demands you come downstairs immediately!” yells a courier, running towards the Kaiser.

“What is the meaning of this?” barks a very irritated Kaiser. “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of drinking my nightly coffee?”

“Sorry sir, but General Schultz mentioned something about a military coup in a neighbor of ours. It’s still really fresh so I am not up to speed on the full details regarding this event”.

“Alright that’s an acceptable reason, tell the General I will be there momentarily.” says the Kaiser.

As the Kaiser jogged down the stairs he couldn’t help but think about the odd timing of this event.

“Alright General, get me up to speed.” says the Kaiser.

clicks heels “Well sir it appears that there is a coup in Smigsachenweiz. Allegedly the Duke messed up bad, but details are still fuzzy. At midnight they’ll be in martial law.” replies a clearly stressed General.

“Hmm send who ever is in power -”

“It’s General Ernst Voneghoot” interjects the General

“Alright, send General Ernst Voneghoot the following message.”

— Begin quote from ____

General Voneghoot,
It has come to my attention that you have overthrown the government inside of Smigsachenweiz. At this moment I am inclined to stay out of the way, but if you or any members of your government harm an innocent civilian or threaten the Prussian Empire, I will ensure that bombs rain down on you.
May you make wise decisions,
Kaiser Wilhelm der GroBe
Kaiser of the PrussianEmpire
“So Say We All”

— End quote

“General, make sure this gets to him. Notify me if anything happens. So Say We All.”

“So Say We All!!!”

Meanwhile at the capitol building well after the sun has set…

A two phones ring simultaneously, each one being at the nightstand of each president’s bed. They slept in separate rooms with their wives and room was also provided for their children, if they had any. Begrudgingly they picked up their respective phones, and were briefed on the situation developing on the other side of the ocean.

A few minutes later they were in their presidential relaxed clothing consisting of a polo shirt and khaki pants walking to the emergency meeting that had been assembled. The room was rather modern and business-like in comparison to the exterior of the capitol. It wasn’t a weak-point also, the building stretched 5 floors down below the 1st floor, it being on the very bottom floor, offering more than enough protection against any bunker-busting bombs and even nuclear weapons should the need arise.

At their respective seats they sat, the rest filled by prominent members of government, including the Grand Admiral and now recently renamed " Marshal of the Air Force." The General of the Army sat to the right of them. The general of the Marines was there, but the Grand Admiral had precedence over him.

“Sirs,” said both the Grand Admiral and Marshal.

The Presidents sat down. 30 minutes passed and no one in the room were happy about the developing situation that’s happening as they speak. One of the Presidents spoke up, “So now we’re getting closer to witnessing the outbreak of a war huh?”

The Marshal spoke up, “Not necessarily, but there’s a chance it could happen.”

“Oh way to sugar-coat it Marshal,” said the Secretary of Defense, chewing on his cigar, insulting his successor as he was once “General of the Air Force” until they changed it to “Marshal” after his leave to become Secretary of Defense.

The rest of the room exploded into a heated argument about the situation and the differences each member has had with each other. The only people not participating were the two presidents, the Grand Admiral, and the General of the Marines. The Admiral, in his dress whites, took out his tobacco pipe and proceeded to light it up, puffing for a short while, enjoying the shitshow that erupted. The Marine General, in the classic dress blacks and marine cap. He was never much for the white cap that was issue and preferred his lucky cap. The high distinguished marine just stood at the side of the room and propped himself against the wall.

A hand came down on the desk resonating a loud noise throughout the room followed quickly by a series of exclamations. “GODDAMMIT YOU SHITS! I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS BULLSHIT TO HAPPEN WHILE WE COULD BE WITNESSING A WAR BREAKING OUT AND US GETTING SUCKED INTO IT!” Everyone that was arguing was standing up, they sat down quietly and slowly without a single noise as they saw one of their President’s standing up with his hand on the desk and his face swollen red. His hair was out of place before he smoothed it back to it’s original position. “Admiral, what do you recommend that we do?”

The Grand Admiral sat their calmly puffing his tobacco pipe for a minute, pondering as to what should be done while everyone in the room stared at him for an answer. He spoke up gently and in a rumbling voice, “Well, as we all know, the military is more than funded and capable of defending ourselves from a war. The Army being the last line of defense. If any ships come in our direction, we can easily sink them before they even have a chance of reaching our soil. Any bombers or tactical jets will be shot down with the Naval air fleet and the Air Force’s help. Even if they did try and surpass all of our defenses, which is highly unlikely, they must also keep in mind that there will be a rifle hidden behind every blade of grass thanks for our citizenry and the right to keep and bear arms. But all that is nonsense really.”

“How so?” replied the Secretary of Defense.

“Simple, we just stay the fuck out of it.”

The Marine General piped up, “but what if they involve us in it?”

The Admiral replied, “Are the Veks or the Hivers really going to involve us and spread their shit around when the rest of Urth already is gonna have low disapproval of them?” He called the two potential warring factions by their nicknames, although Hivers were more of an insult to Pax Draconia.

The one president that didn’t erupt in anger over the heated argument stated, “But how do we know that for sure?”

Everyone looked at each other in silence, then the red phone at the conference table in front of the two presidents rang. Everyone in the room stared at the phone. The ringing became deafening until one of the Presidents picked it up and said, “Hello?” followed by a series of uh-huhs and ok’s. He put the phone down and looked at everyone before saying, “That… Was the director of Special Activities…”

“Huh,” replied the Grand Admiral, “I was wondering when ol’ snoopy would get involved.” He chuckled for a while. “Well, don’t hold out on us. What went on?”

“He mentioned that there was a stealth satellite in perfect orbit keeping an eye on the region for anything of interest…”

“Damn, he outdid himself again. That sly and cunning bastard Snoopy.” The Admiral called him by his nickname, having graduated the Naval Academy with the man himself and spent considerable time with him after the graduation, trying to keep up with each other. The admiral became a fighter pilot for the Navy while ‘Snoopy’ became a person of interest working in the Office of Naval Intelligence, rising up the ranks as a hotshot and even being offered the position as chief of ONI, until he turned it down for a position in Special Activities.

“How is that even possible, we keep all records of anything being launched into the air,” said the Marshal of the Air Force.

“It’s because it never happened,” said the Grand Admiral, winking at the Marshal and grinning…


"Well, there are those protester of course, but the situation is stable. " he placed the picture on the desk and continued “I think as soon as we will show them our intentions the protests will stop.”

“So you want to go as fast as possible to the democracy?” said another general, with a little letdown in the voice.

“What do you mean Kordian?”

Kordian Lehen, the second in command, looked at other generals, and then back at Ernst. “Well, I think we can all agree that the Duke really marginalized us. Militairy didn’t get as much money as we should. And now WE are at power…”

“Stop. I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear this. If anyone speaks something like this again, I personally will shoot him. We didn’t dethrone the Duke, to just become a Military Dictatorship.”

“Of course, sir!” said Kordian trying to hide his wince.

“Said like a real hero!” sarcastically said the man in the suit. “The doors were open, so I let myself in.” His accent give away that he wasn’t from here. It also gave away that this person was born in Xoriet, but has spent last 10 years or so working for Serenitech - exactly the story of Derion Vessir, Executive Director for Smigsachenweiz, or rather Sachenvorbund now.

“What do you want?”

“Ernst, ernst… What could I want?” he said warmly, trying to be as polite as he could. “Maybe some information. Like what the fuck do you think you are doing?” his voice suddenly turned shrill. “Do you know how the business is reacting to the political instability? This little stunt has cost us a lot of money!”

“Vessir, shut up. What do I care about your dirty dollars?”

“Well, maybe you should care! Your economy is full of Serenitech owned companies. We could bankrupt you in a month!”

“And lose even more money? Vessir, don’t be stupid and just fuck off, I don’t have the time for you right now, guard let him out.” Two soldiers came up to the suit, one of them grabbing his arm.

“It’s unnecessary, I was just leaving. It’s not over Ernst.” Derion turned to the doors, but caught someone’s gaze. Kordian was looking at him and nodded. Derion understood. He has just found a new client.

“What of the nation Sachenvorbund?” Minister of Foreign Affairs Ehjy Yslevestri asked Ikrisia.

“What of it?”

He continued to walk with her as they both headed for another conference regarding the Allegheny crisis. “Well, with respect to the coup. Suppose the state is too volatile to use as a staging point for Packilvania?”

She stopped walking, which prompted the minister to stop as well. She smiled, then brushed off some dust from his black suit coat. “No matter. They will not cause us any concern. For they are landlocked between two superpowers. And we are much nicer than the one to their south.”

“Yes, but…”

“We will support their coup. We will support it by offering them assistance in subduing any resistance and ensuring they remain the ultimate authority in their nation. We cannot have an unstable neighbor in these unstable times.”

“Can we really do that? Are we able to stretch ourselves that far?”

“Of course. With each new day Dveria and Isklevyu become stabler. Soon we will be able to divert attention from those theaters and, if necessary, siphon troops to Sachenvorbund if needed. Bear in mind, we have a strong contingency of troops from colonies at our disposal should we need it. Those movements will require time.”

“But what are the plans with this state?”

Ikrisia sighed. “We must always ensure they are under the Vekaiyun sphere of influence. It would be unwise to force them in league with our union, at least now. Vekaiyification is a slow process, and it is not one I am willing to start with Allegheny being a tremendous question mark. In due time, perhaps, but not now. In the meantime, ensure they have our support, that we will be behind them and will aid them in this process. Of course, if they contact you or one of us directly, we will formulate the appropriate steps. But as it stands now, I would assume they would prefer our help over all other nations.”

“Yes milady.”

It was rare, but Noi was at an impasse. There seemed to be no immediate action the Pax could take. While an openly hostile nation on the PD’s border was not a happy prospect, the Pax could also not support the nobility. She decided to send a quick message, and continue with her own plans. The Allegheny ascention to union was going smoother than anticipated, with the combined efficiency of George’s martial law and Serintech’s propoganda campaign. She dictated a message.

“We of the Pax greet the Sach nation, and crongradulate you on your removal of outdated nobility. We trust that we will share the same rather peaceful borders we always have. We would inquire as to your intentions with your current ambassador to the Pax Draconica. Should we expect a replacement, or does he still speak or you? We await your reply.”

She sent it off, and went on to other matters. On her desk was an approval form for a massive construction project.

** La Fera Kurteno **

With most of the ambassadors given the choice : officially endorse the new regime and represent Sachenvorbund, or come back and end their career, most chose the first option. He didn’t. Hector von Tusherbaer, official ambassador to Rhodesialund, and nephew of the Duchess, was a royalty, and so, he wasn’t a big fan of what was going on in his home country. He, and a handful of other people who escaped the coup, wrote:
— Begin quote from ____

To the President of Rhodesialund

Due to the circumstances in Smigsachenweiz, we must ask for asylum in your country. We also would like to meet to discuss things related with what is going on there.

Hector von Tusherbaer,
former ambassador of Smigsachenweiz
current leader of the Government in exile of Smigsachenweiz

— End quote

Day four of the protests since the coup. Ernst was looking at the various papers, some of them from the governments of other nations.

“We must do something about those protesters!” Kordian entered the room.

“No, we shall show them that we are the good guys here. They will stop those protests when they realize that what’s going on is good for them.”

“But they are rioting! They are opposing us!”

“And we will let them, so they will see we are doing this for them! And that’s an order Lehen!”

Kordian grumbled a half-muffled ‘yes, sir’ and left the room. He took the phone out of his jacket and dialed a number.

“Yes, that’s me. I’d like to meet. Yes. I’ll tell them. Sounds perfect, Derion.”

Due to lack of response from Rhodesialund, maybe because of the fuss with islands, Hector von Tusherbaer wrote to another country that wasn’t far away from him. Moreover, country that was in a fairly good relations with the Duke - RGP.

— Begin quote from ____

To the Daniel Quinn,
Direcor of Foreign Offices

Due to the circumstances in Smigsachenweiz, we must ask for asylum in your country. We also would like to meet to discuss things related with what is going on there, and possibly base the further work of Smigsachwian Government in Exile from within your borders.

Hector von Tusherbaer,
current leader of the Government in exile of Smigsachenweiz

— End quote

Ernst was sitting in his office browsing through papers. His jacket was on the backrest of the chair. His sleeves were rolled up, his tie somewhere on the floor. That was another sleepless night for him. Past few weeks weren’t easy on him - it wasn’t easy to remove the monarch and then democratize the country. But the people would soon see what he was doing, and understand why. And even if not, he knew that the country-
Two quiet thuds outside his office interrupted his chain of thoughts.
The doors opened, and in went Kordian, along with two other generals, and soldiers. But the soldiers weren’t wearing the right uniforms, they clearly belonged to Titanwind Operations.
One of Serenitech’s PMCs.
Before he could do anything, bullet decompressed his head, exiting from his occiput. His lifeless body stumbled to the floor. Kordian went to the body still with a gun in his hand, and kicked the body very angrily. Then he scratched his moustache and sat down in a still warm chair.
“Hide the bodies of the guards outside” He commanded the soldiers. Then he turned to one of the generals. “Inform the military that Ernst Vonneghoot commited suicide, and now I’m taking the chair of Commander-in-Chief, and I’m the Head of the Military. And that I hired the Titanwind Operations the time-being to help us keep the stability.”
The other general, Kurt Schartz sat on the chair next to him.
“What about the protesters?”
“Move the army to the streets and disperse them. Don’t use force of course…Unless you are provoked.” The last sentence he said with a disgusting smirk.
Twas the Christmas that people remembered in Sachenvorbund for years.

It’s been a few weeks since Kordian Lehen became the most important person in Military Council of Sanation and in the Sachenvorbund. There were some protests, but they were quickly dispersed. Of course there were a few dead protesters, some soldiers were just too eager to protect the stability of the country and nothing could be done unfortunately, at least that was the official information in the broadcasts. The situation was becoming calmer and calmer, yet he knew that this would not go forever, at least not until people understood that MCS is the official and respected government. Some other major power had to officially approve of him. Until then he really couldn’t do anything. He took out his pen.

— Begin quote from ____

To Ikrisia Levinile,
Premier of Vekaiyu

While we know that the situation with Packilvania has calmed down a bit. This may be the perfect moment to negotiate our situation.

We would like you to commend our government, as that would surely help the stability of our country and the region, so much needed during these times. Given as Sachenvorbund has always been a close friend of Vekaiyu, we ask you to return the favor and help us straighten our position and bring calmness to the people who think otherwise.

We also bring a proposition for you. We are able to contain the situation so far, and nothing looks like it will change. Yet, if something indeed happened, we ask you of assistance. If you were to help us in such times, we can propose a treaty of cooperation, that would likely be accepted by you, as we believe.

As long as Demokratish Republik Sachenvorbund is governed by Military Council of Sanation, or any other ruling party chosen by them:
Sachenvorbund declares to a member and one of the founders of Vakaiyun Union Association, with given terms:
-Members of VUA are independent states which unite in a goal to preserve regional peace and stability.
-Members of VUA are linked in a free trade organisation.
-Members of VUA are allied and ratify a defensive pact.
-Members of VUA will not force other members regarding foreign affairs, but will try to have a unified stance in any case.

I believe this to be a fair and friendly relation between Sachenvorbund and Vakiyun Union, which also leaves the doors open to other states willling to join and help you spread your sphere of influence.

Kordian Lehen
Head of Military Council of Sanation

— End quote