SOV Amendment

I propose a change to the SoV to make both terms throughout the year for the position of Grand Vizier and EPPS Commissioner to both be 6 months long.
Currently, January 1st to June 1st is 5 months, while June 1st to January 1st is 7 months. My proposal is as thus.

— Begin quote from ____

…9.1- The Grand Vizier shall lead a six-month term, with the term starting on January 1st and June 1st July 1st.

— End quote

— Begin quote from ____

…10.1- The Commissioner shall lead a six-month term, with the term starting on January 1st and June 1st July 1st.

— End quote

This will make both of the terms the same length at 6 months instead of a 5 month term and a 7 month term.

Fine by me, yup

Yes please!

This was definitely an oversight. So clearly, I’m in support.


It’s funny because I swear the original SoV had it from Jan to June, and then July to December. Oversite during the rewrite, obviously.

So since I see no argument against it, I’d like to motion to vote.

I’ll second it

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Hey that’s my birthday!