NOTE: The procedures outlined in this document have been superseded by a new map claim voting procedure ratified on August 17th, 2020. In any circumstance in which this document conflicts with the procedure ratified on August 17th, 2020, the more recently ratified procedure will take precedence.
…1.1- In order for any exercise of the Cartography’s voting powers, a quorum must be shown to exist. If the quorum is not achieved, the vote is considered ineffective and may not be acted upon.
…1.2- To achieve quorum, at least 1/2 of eligible Cartographers must have made their presence known during a vote, by providing their vote or abstention.
…2.1- A map amendment shall pass if a majority of votes are in favour of it:
…2.1.1- The quorum shall always be achieved.
…2.2- If the cartography team reaches quorum but the vote is cast as a tie, an Admin will be invited to cast the deciding vote.
…2.3- Quorum numbers and voting eligibility will apply to the Cartography size and its members prior to the voting period.
…2.4- Any Cartographer that was approved after a map claim or amendment shall not have their vote counted.
…2.5- A vote may be called back or made void if the user left the region before they were accepted onto the map.
…2.6- If a claim is made that overlaps a previous claim that has not yet been voted on, any such vote will be suspended until a compromise is met.
…2.6.1- If a compromise between claimant A and claimant B cannot be achieved, then the claimants will be voted NAY and will start over.
…2.6.2- If claimant B is found to have intentionally sabotaged claimant A, claimant B will be dismissed from the deadlock and may be cautioned by an Admin.
…2.7- Completed votes shall be recorded in the correct forum thread (currently Cartography Voting Hall).
…2.7.1- Records shall include links to the thread, the number of votes FOR, AGAINST or PRESENT, and shall include a ping to the user to notify them of the outcome.
…2.7.2- It is the duty of the Cartographer, Roleplay Moderator or Cartographic Researcher to submit the completed vote to the correct thread within 72 hours after the vote has ended.
…3.1- Claimants may appeal if their claim was rejected in the Cartography Voting Hall. Appealing involves a discussion with the Cartography Team on Discord and a new claim to be made.
…3.2- Users that have been previously temporarily banned from The East Pacific will automatically receive all NAY’s from the Cartography Team if they make a claim of any sort.
…3.2.1- If a user has been pardoned from a previous ban then Standing Order 3.2 is defunct.
…3.3- Users that have been cautioned by an Admin due to attempted claiming sabotage will be banned from roleplaying for a month.
…3.3.1- If this is found to be persistent behavior then the user may be permanently banned from roleplaying within The East Pacific.