Star News Bulletin 12/28/23

Senate creates new “tax blocs” amid rising population

2023 has seen a massive population increase from the previous years, amid the ending of the economic crisis in which the senate allowed their “Laissez-faire” policy on economics wreak its havoc on the stock market, average consumers and small businesses.

The new blocs introduced by the senate had two major parts:

Commerce bloc (Corporations, small business, self employed citizens)

Civilian bloc (Families, single parents, students, unemployed citizens)

Upon closer examination of the blocs, many analysts have discovered that most of the tax burden that ANP sought out to destroy has been placed on corporations and small businesses. When asked why this is the case, the senate hasn’t given any answers.

From all parts of the left, and even the center, the ANP has been criticized for stunning the growth of businesses, and not sticking true to their beliefs of removing the tax burden that falls on everyone.

Senate passes the Stance Act

While the senate has allowed for most of the Federates to pass their own laws on certain issues, many of them have no present laws on many issues that the AKP believes that certain topics–though unknown by the senate–should have clear laws on the matters presented to them.

This also comes after the Syros Federate attempted to pass more laws that still aimed to split interspeices couples, this time they had faced no scrutiny from the senate after citing the genetic differences between Humans, Elves, and Kenomini as the rationale for passing the law. Though this version is still under review by the Syrossian legislature, it is expected to be passed some time in January.

This act has also be under scrutiny from those who wish to see a decentralization of leadership in the country, marking this as a clear attempt to breach the states’ rights by forcing them to pass laws that go against their beliefs of neutrality on certain issues.

The debate on Federate autonomy has been ongoing for decades, ans is still set to be a major talking point in the 2024 Adress of The Union.