To the citizens, Delegate, and region of The East Pacific,
Recently, there have been a series of grave revelations and accusations against the New Pacific Order. This statement will address them, what our motives were, what actually happened, and what grave mistakes were made. The first to address are the OOC allegations involving 94 Block and Attero.
94 Block’s identity was known to members of the previous Senate, as was revealed recently. This was expanded to the point that two Senators - in which Block confided - advised and concealed him deliberately. What we can confirm is that former Regent Pergamon had failed to look into the matter of 94 Block and the full extent of his past actions. Pergamon knew that 94 Block was a forum destroyer and that he was a liability to membership in the Order given his history of meltdowns. He did not know that 94 Block had doxxed Tim or that 94 Block had supported sexual harassers in Grand Central. Both Feux and Pergamon expected him to expose himself quickly, but that is not a good enough reason to never mention this to parties who needed to know. In Pergamon’s case, this was an act of negligence, to protect someone whose full history he should have investigated as he was aware of Block’s blacklisted status. Former Senator Feux was far more likely to have known the full extent, and thus his action is undeniably graver.
By concealing his identity while the player was in The East Pacific’s Discord, a violation of the treaty was committed. And while this was not the intent, it was what happened, and it was not an acceptable action on the end of the New Pacific Order. Hence, we apologize for the actions that potentially could have endangered your community.
It also came across that in the past, the identity of Attero was concealed by one of the former Senators. Again, an act of gross negligence in investigating people working with the New Pacific Order led to the graver of the two errors. Attero thus managed to infiltrate a community in which a player who had been threatened by him was in a position of leadership. That was the grossest failure in this entire string of events.
While we cannot go back and change the past, the three parties actively and plainly involved in these concealments have been banned or have resigned permanently from the Order. They will not be returning, and we will not whitewash the severity of these failures. This was a grave failure to the welfare of the entire community, not simply to the communities which these players infiltrated.
In the less morally grave but no less serious area of a wrong action, violations of Osiris’, Lazarus’, and TNP’s sovereignty were infringed. While not aware of Adytus’ identity during his time in Osiris, we failed to warn Osiris that they were infiltrated by people we later welcomed back. After Senators became aware of it, no actions were taken to protect the interests of Osiris’ sovereignty by the Order. Lazarus was manipulated in a covert manner by members of the Order on a few occasions. The North Pacific was denied their right to a secure community under former leadership as well. These are not small errors. These are glaring mistakes that have caused trouble for everyone, and most certainly you.
Having said that, and acknowledging that everything that has happened or been revealed was a display of disrespect and disregard for other communities unbefitting the Order, we also want to thank you for not completely abandoning us in this time. While we would have understood if you did, as we understand the reasoning of the other regions, that you did not was a gift that was not entirely deserved. We offer our heartfelt gratitude for this, and will not disappoint you again in the future with any further actions of this magnitude, of this manner, or of any manner that we can prevent.