Statement on Reclamation of Region (5-26-11)

Foreign Minister HEM has issued another update:

— Begin quote from ____

The legitimate government of the South Pacific is thrilled to once again control our region. The events of the last few days have reminded us of the obligation we have to actively solve problems and confront questions of inactivity and incompetence. There have been mistakes made, but most of the world agrees that revolution is not the answer to those problems.

We thank our friends abroad for their moral and military support. We firmly believe that without the backing of a world community, this struggle would have been all the harder. As it is, the most historically stable feeder is once again up for business.

Now that we are operating smoothly again, we are going to hear all sorts of interesting things from regions we may have lukewarm relations with. The bizarre declaration of war by the West Pacific being one of the most profound displays of peculiarity in the history of Nationstates. We firmly believe in strong inter feeder relations, and our Delegate has extended an olive branch to our former friends in the West.

Likewise, we have heard scathing remarks from our comrades in the Rejected Realms. This is a great shame, and it is my hope that as Foreign Minister, we can repair bonds that have been broken over months of scatterball commentary from both sides.

Today is the day the South Pacific has been reclaimed – but it is also the day we remind ourselves how much work is still to be done. We cannot stop at merely controlling our region. We have to define our region, grow our region, sustain our region, and ultimately – change the world.

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