Submitting a Proposal for Certified University Status

Submitting a Proposal for Certified University Status


Below is a form which is to be used if you want your work to be reviewed and awarded official status by the University. The benefit of certification is that the University will help promote your work to encourage discussion and conversation. The UTEP seal can be used in the header of your thread, and you may use the official certification badge as well:

Submissions must be sent as the form of a Google Doc link so suggestions may be able to be added. Set the link permissions to allow to comment. This link is to be sent to the Chancellor either as a forum message or Discord DM. The message should have the following information:

Discord Name: 
Are you a TEP citizen?
Are you a part of university staff?
What college of UTEP would your work go in?
Google doc link: 

Send to @StyxPrincess in forum or to StyxPrincess#1077 in Discord.

The staff will then review your work and ask questions or make suggestions. So log as there are not major academic issues with your work, it is bound to be certified. Make sure the work is a scholarly topic and does well to address the topic. More creative endeavors like poetry or creative writing are also enterable, but they will also be checked and suggested upon. Good luck to you and your academic pursuit!

If you wish to begin a department or agora where the purpose it to foster dialogue or discussion, one must garner University approval.