TEP Newspaper: YOU have the control!

With me bowing down after being in the paper for so long (too long) and EM taking some time away, I think it’d be a good time to impliment this idea of an “odd couple” newspaper team. Two people basically running the show and putting their blood, sweat, and tears into a great issue (hopefully it won’t be that painful!).

How does this work?
For each issue, two people will be chosen by the previous paper people to come up with a TEP Newspaper issue for about a 1-2 month period. That should be enough time to have some interesting stories occur in our region. The paper doesn’t need to be huge or elaborate; just do the best you can and work with your partner to get it out, if you’re on the team. Once the team is done, they can consult EM and I to deliver the paper. Or maybe youd’d like to deliver it yourselves? It can be a pain signing up to all those forums, but hey, there’s dedication in that! Once you’re done with all of it, the old team will pick two members to be on the new team for that month. Easy, right?

I’ve been chosen to do this? Oh no!
You can always decline: it’s not like you’re bound to the role. But if you do, try to respond quickly so the old team can find new people to take the reigns!

What can I have in the paper?
Anything you want, really, so long as it has some entertainment value or pertains to the region. You can include stuff like interviews, pictures, news and notes, news about things in the government, surveys, opinion columns, whatever suits you. Those are only suggestions of course - the paper is entirely up to you. You decide the length, you can get people to write columns for you, etc. Basically, you’re in the driver’s seat. Be creative and have fun!

When should it be done?
I’d try to have an issue out every 1-2 months. Yes, some months are slower than others, but that’s where the leeway comes into play. Plus it allows you to be more creative then, right?

What happens after it’s done?
After getting all the fame and envy of the people in the region for creating a really cool issue, you can contact myself or EM to distribute the papers. Or, alternatively, you may sign up on the forums we have embassies on and post them there. When you’re completely finished, pick two people to succeed you in making a newspaper and see what they can do!

I’m also interested in what others think about this. I’ll take any questions, comments, insults, etc.

— Begin quote from ____

I’ll take any questions, comments, insults, etc.

— End quote

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled like elderberries.

Hahahaha,I’ve only heard that line from one person other than me! ^_^Now I can say two!

— Begin quote from ____

— Begin quote from ____

I’ll take any questions, comments, insults, etc.

— End quote

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled like elderberries.

— End quote

I’ve been spotted!!

Anyway it’s with great pleasure I name Gulliver and Vulshain to pioneer this project. They’re both active and creative, and should help to produce a strong issue in TEP. Good luck!!

Does that mean only the two aforementioned people can contribute to the articles? :blink:

— Begin quote from ____

Does that mean only the two aforementioned people can contribute to the articles? :blink:

— End quote

Definitely not. You can of course write articles to the paper and you should feel more than welcomed to do so. They just organize it and make sure a good issue comes out come the end of the month

Hey there, any updates from our newspaper crew?

I don’t think so. However, I’m working on some nice pseudo-academic stuffs here, so where should I put it once it’s finished?

— Begin quote from ____

Hey there, any updates from our newspaper crew?

— End quote

Been busy lately at work, but I’ve been thinking about a few things. I might do some more interviews as I really enjoyed doing the last ones.

We will be doing a May-June issue, meaning twice the content you normally see. Also, if you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to post them here.

Sounds good. Now get back to work!! :stuck_out_tongue: (just kidding)

Things seem to be moving along fine. I have a lot of new features and ideas that will be added to this newspaper.

You’ll see videos, and some funny pictures.

So, expect a lot of great stuff.

Cool, can’t wait :slight_smile:

looks up

Thanks for the advice, old todd. Current todd will begin working on a series of articles shortly!!