The Anti-Alyunthian Coalition
This is an office for the coalition against the radical feminist regime, the Alyunthian’s, their radical regime has already managed to stick their fingers into international politics, this coalition is designed to contain them and their radical ideology from getting too far across the world.
We in Fargo believe that their ideology has already gone too far, when woman can so blatantly declare themselves to be superior to their male counterparts, in international politics no less, it is an ideology that has clearly gone -too far-.
Man and woman should be equal in their roles within society, not to be segregated with one being practical slaves to the other, as they do state quite clearly happens and is ‘acceptable’ according to them.
This coalition has two roles each nation state can participate in:
Diplomatic isolator:
These member nations are simply nations that only wish to diplomatically isolate the Alyunthian regime, these nations will be required to not trade, recognise or engage in international diplomacy with the Alyunthian regime, these nations are not however required to declare hostilities against them, we do not wish for nations to compromise their international relations with each other.
Hostile declarer:
These are the nations who want it to be known that the Alyunthian regime must be stopped, these members are required to declare their hostilities to the Alyunthian foreign relations office within their capital, with a condemnation of their radical feminist ideology.
Within the pact, hostile declarer’s are required to come to the defence of any nation within the pact that is attacked by the Alyunthian’s, whether they be hostile declarer’s or diplomatic isolators, diplomatic isolators are however not required to come to the defence of any nation that is attacked within the pact, they are however encouraged and expected to lend aid to nations within the pact that are attacked with military force.
How they wish to aid these nations is up to them, international condemnation, lend lease, volunteers, advisors, it is up to them, we simply wish for your aid.
[spoiler]Confederacy of Rufuina
[spoiler]Great Morstaybishlia (MBE)
Join the pact today
Yours truly
Administrator of the Anti-Alyunthian pact