The Chancellery of the University
Current Composition:
Chancellor – Bachtendekuppen
Vice-Chancellor – Aelitia
Announces the following:
As of now, all student entries are temporarily suspended. Reforms and a restructuring will be done, after which the University will be opened again.
Aelitia is hereby appointed Vice-Chancellor, for already extensive contributions made.
Any later announcements will be made in this thread. Questions to the Chancellery can be posted here as well.
Bachtendekuppen, Chancellor of the East Pacific University
Thank you very much, Chancellor. I believe I can speak for the both of us when I say we are very excited to implement our ideas and organization of the University.
As Vice Chancellor I shall serve in as many venues as possible while we rebuild this mighty University to the glory TEP deserves!
The Chancellery of the University
Current Composition:
Chancellor – Bachtendekuppen
Vice-Chancellor – Aelitia
The Chancellery is very proud to announce, officially, the completed! It contains a stunning 53 works by various foreign authors, as well as 20 locally created works and guides. These will of course be kept up to date and new works timely added.
Upon special request, the following will be added to this announcement:
Bachtendekuppen, Chancellor of the East Pacific University
The Chancellery of the University
Current Composition:
Chancellor – Bachtendekuppen
Vice-Chancellor – Aelitia
The Chancellery is thrilled and very proud to announce the re-opening of the East Pacific University!!
A first program is offered in the Faculty of East Pacifican Studies, allowing students to obtain an official certificate. More programs and courses will be added and offered in due time, on various subjects and in the various other faculties.
This program is aimed at giving the newcomers and any other a basic knowledge in Nationstates matters and our dear East Pacific region. We hope to see a successful start to this program.
Signing up for this program can be done here:
Bachtendekuppen, Chancellor of the East Pacific University
The Chancellery of the University
Current Composition:
Chancellor – Bachtendekuppen
Vice-Chancellor – Aelitia
The Chancellery formally appoints Prussia as Holder of the Faculty of NationStates and Strategic Studies.
Bachtendekuppen, Chancellor of the East Pacific University
The Chancellery of the University
Current Composition:
Chancellor – Bachtendekuppen
Vice-Chancellor – Aelitia
The Chancellery formally announces the opening of the Bachelor in East Pacifican Law program! More information can be found
Bachtendekuppen, Chancellor of the East Pacific University
The Chancellery of the University
Current Composition:
Chancellor – Bachtendekuppen
Vice-Chancellor – Aelitia
The Chancellery formally announces the appointment of Aelitia as Holder of the Worldly, Fantasy & Mystery Studies and it’s Faculty.
Bachtendekuppen, Chancellor of the East Pacific University
The Chancellery of the University
Current Composition:
Chancellor – Bachtendekuppen
Vice-Chancellor – Aelitia
The Chancellery formally announces:
Mikgonnia has succeeded in the ‘Introduction to Nationstates and East Pacifican Basics’ program and
Two new works have been added to the library: by ASBS, and, by the Dourian Embassy.
Bachtendekuppen, Chancellor of the East Pacific University
The Chancellery of the University
Current Composition:
Chancellor – Bachtendekuppen
Vice-Chancellor – Aelitia
The Chancellery formally announces reforms to the East Pacific University. All running programs are stopped and a new & simpler way of working is started. The various faculties will be hosting several lists (compendia) on the various subsections of their field of education. These can be a help and a source of information for all interested people and students. The faculties are still managed by the Holders, who still function as knowledgeable people in their field. Questions will be administered by them or the Chancellery.
Students wishing to receive an academic title are free to choose a topic, to use the compendia and library and present an essay or research to the Chancellery. The Board of Holder will vote on awarding an academic title to the student.
Any contributions to the University will be added to the university library and new initiatives are always welcome. The Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor can be PM’d at all times.
Bachtendekuppen, Chancellor of the East Pacific University
The Chancellery of the University
Current Composition:
Chancellor – Bachtendekuppen
Vice-Chancellor – Aelitia
Dear Citizens, the Chancellery announces hereby the appointment of Hobbes as Holder in the Faculty of Law and Political Science. With this appointment the minimum requirement for a functioning board of holders, according to the Education Act,has been met.
Bachtendekuppen, Chancellor of the East Pacific University
I hereby appoint Bach to be a holder by the powers given to me fill the first three vacancies of the Council of Holders.
Additionally, by agreement of myself and Aelitia, two of three holders, Unibot and Babiana are hereby instated as Holder of Journalism and Holder of Military Science.