The Collected Works of Unibot
[li]The Polysemes of Nativeness : Two Fundamental Conceptions of Nativeness Unravelled and Compared
Published: Oct 13, 2012
In The Polysemes of Nativeness, Unibot discusses what it means to be a native. He finds there are two ways to define a “native”, a negative and positive definition. In this paper, he distinguishes between Cosmopolitans and Regionalists and finds that Cosmopolitans tend to use a negative definition whereas Regionalists tend to use a positive definition. He proposes that the positive definition of “native” amounts to oppression and collective fear, but ponders whether Regionalism can be realized without a positive definition of “native”.
[li]The Transpacific Trade: NationStates as a Symbiosis between User-Created and Game-Created Regions
Published: Nov 10 2012
As a lecture for the 2012 NS World Fair, Unibot responded in The Transpacific Trade to the ideas of Francoists and others, who had seen NationStates as fundamentally in conflict between Game-Created and User-Created Regions. Unibot distinguishes between Feeders, “Brokers” (super-regions) and “Niches” (smaller User-Created Regions) and finds that they all benefit from one another since they all have something different to offer players in a functional cycle (or “Trade”) of human resources.
Handwritten Drafts & Scraps:Page 1, Page 2.
[li] Paradise Found
Published: Feb 04 2013
In his Magnum Opus, Unibot outlines the historical Decline of Defenderism from 2006 to 2009 and the epistemic causes of the Decline. He eventually concludes with a promotion of Defenderism and its return to the “centre of power” in NationStates but to do so he must reject the epistemic causes of the Decline, refute the intellectual claims of those that advocated for “Neutrality” and “Independence” in the wake of Defenderism’s decline and finally, provide a thorough reconstruction of Defenderism.
Handwritten Drafts & Scraps:Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Hand-drawn Regional Gameplay Alignment Compass.
"Attacking the Conventional is a commentary series that aims to provide a new take on old, conventional perspectives that have seeped into the gameplay consciousness as though incontrovertible. "
Unibot writing as “El Scorcho”
[ul][li] When Condemning Govindia Isnt Enough
Published: Mar 06, 2013
In this article, Unibot applies a critical feminist lens to NationStates and argues that patriarchy exists in the political structures of NationStates Gameplay. Overall, Unibot finds Govindia to be a “bogeyman” whose banishment from regions is a token gesture towards achieving true gender equality in NationStates. Unibot argues that female players are framed into four stereotypes (“Political Compromises”, “Apolitical Partiers”, “Manipulative Vixens” and “Crazy Pariahs”) based upon their popularity and influence. Also discussed is exploitation, masculinization of government priorities and marriages.
[li] [size=150]What Is The Recruitment Gap And Why Did It Just Get A Whole Lot Bigger?
Published: Mar 11, 2013
Unibot discusses the “means of production” in NationStates Gameplay in regards to recruitment. NationStates Gameplay’s recruitment system is found to be a mixed capitalist economy with a public sector (GCRs) and a private sector (UCRs). Ultimately, Unibot argues that inequalities between larger and smaller regions will increase with the reforms to the telegram recruitment system.
[li]A Tell-All Interview with EuroSoviets on Forum Destruction and Condemn Allied States of EuroIslanders
Published: Mar 13, 2013
Unibot conducts an interview with EuroSoviets discussing the Forum Destruction attacks that were done by The Red Factions and Ketoprofen against Invader forums in 2005-6. Also discussed is EuroSoviets’ opinion on the WASC Condemnation of Allied States of EuroIslanders.
About the Author
Unibot, as depicted above, is a huge NationStates fanatic. He began his career in NationStates on May 25 2008. He since has passed the most World Assembly resolutions by one author, been commended by the World Assembly Security Council and emerged as a notable figure in NationStates Gameplay as the founder and head executive of the major defender organization, The United Defenders League. His first NationStates essay, An Analysis of NationStates Generations, originally posted on March 2009, garnered overall positive reviews. In real life, he is (or was) a senior undergraduate studying Political Science and Philosophy at the University of Waterloo, who enjoys playing guitar and creative writing.