The Crystal Blue Pipeline


Arrowhead Highs

Among being a powerful tyrant and warlord, Bronson Armani maintains a burgeoning drug empire that spans the entirety of the island of Westmore. If you go to the right place and find someone who will sell you a packet of high-octane drugs like cocaine and Bronson’s personal specialty, methamphetamine, very likely it will have the symbol of the Arrowheads emblazoned across the front of the package.

Now where does he get this stuff from? Why, his goons make it. And how do they make it? Oh, it’s quite simple…

If they run low on hired men to make drugs, and this is a quite common occurrence, they simply pull their labourers from the helpless citizens of Sadoriwymmu.

It can be done through coercion or through misguided consent. What matters though is that someone can make the good stuff for Armani to stick in his ass and to sell off to the miserable of North Westmore and the Wastes.

The Arrowheads have anywhere of upwards to 18,000 known citizens working for them to make the drugs. Many of them are children no older than 10.

How in the name of God did they end up in this position? I wouldn’t know, and even if I did, you’d have to come with me to understand.

So, are you in?

Are you ready to ride the Crystal Blue Pipeline?

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1: Hereditary

My father was… a drug addict. For as long as I can remember, he would always be smoking something, injecting a needle or inhaling powder through his nose.

No, not pleasant at all.

But I always wondered how he got the stuff. How did he make it, or where did he get it from?

As all things do, this was revealed to me in good time.

I was shown his business at age 15. His miniscule drug empire. His workspace was a modest one, a few weed plants, a few cocaine leaves, and some methamphetamine-related apparel. Powerful stuff.

But what stuck to me the most was the workforce he had to make it.

Or more the lack thereof.

See, my father, he was running the operation solo. I guess he didn’t have the means to afford for a lot of employees.

He was humane like that. Believed everyone should be paid for their hard work.

But I’m efficient.

I don’t see to eye on that manner.

I prioritize quantity over pay, but I digress.

When I inherited the business from my father, I expanded the scope.

And to do that, I got employees.

Many of whom are children.

Now, I know that to some that is morally wrong. But I operate on the mantra of if they can walk and talk, they can work. Simple as.

It’s better than using noncompliant adults to do the work. They’re malleable, therefore they are easier to manipulate.

Given my business scope, it is important they are adherent to my cause.

That they won’t turn on me.


Care to have a smoke with me?