January 18, 2023
Æthelstansunu To Hold Summit With Federation PM Pierre
CYNEBURY—Prime Minister Eoforwine Æthelstansunu is currently set to hold talks with Côtois Federal Prime Minister Jeanne Pierre, in a summit that is likely to have implications for Northeast Novaris.
In a press release published shortly before Æthelstansunu departed Cynebury, he stated his intentions to “jointly assess the current security arrangements in Northeast Novaris, as well as evaluate the current state of Tretrid-Federation bilateral relations.” He acknowledged that “relations between [Tretrid and the Federation] have historically been cold,” but argued that “as Tretrid and the Federation of the Southern Coast of Lapérouse both have stakes in the continued stability of Northeast Novaris, it is imperative that the possibility for cooperation regarding regional security be explored.” Also in attendance will be Ymir and Kuoväinne leadership.
This was received with some surprise by outside observers, especially since relations between Tretrid and the Federation have historically chilly, especially due to Tretrid’s alliance with Tavaris and Tretrid’s outspoken condemnation of Côtois nuclear armament in early 2022.
When asked about the seeming about-face in foreign policy, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that “Tretrid and the Federation are both interested in making Northeast Novaris more stable in the long term, though the Federation and we have sought to achieve this in different ways.”
This meeting could have wide-reaching implications for the region. Hustreache, which has significant economic connections to Tretrid, lodged a diplomatic complaint to the Tretridian government over the summit. Since Hustreache’s government has roots in Hirdism, both Ymirland and the Federation are hostile towards it, and the summit will likely put the relationship between Tretrid and Hustreache under international scrutiny.
Jarisven, which, due to Tretrid’s and the Federation’s mutual hostility, may stand to be hurt the most. Sources mention the Côtois-Norgsveltian military intervention into Jarisven in the 1990s and note that such a coalition might be formed between Tretrid and the Federation in case of Jarisvi aggression.
Conversely, Ymirland, which is both hosting and participating in the summit, may benefit significantly from potential closer ties to Tretrid, especially if the talks result in economic agreements with Tretrid or the creation of a foreign aid program aimed at encouraging further Ymir development.
Kuovälsna will also have a say in the results of the meeting as another one of its participants, though observers are unsure on whether they will have a major role in the conference other than weighing in on Jarisven and Hustreache, both of which Kuovälsna is hostile towards.
The Foreign Ministry spokesperson cautioned against “excessive” speculation regarding the possible long-term effects of the summit. “The goal of the meeting is to see where the interests of all the participants align. It is far too early to talk about any hypothetical future ventures involving Northeast Novaris.”