Hello again, Eastern friends!
Y’all have seen me before, and you’ll likely see me again rather frequently. If you’re brand new to the region, or if you simply haven’t seen me before, I’m the Clockwork Vixen, known in-region as the Clockwork Multiverse, currently serving as one of this region’s Magisters in the Magisterium, aka the regional legislative.
Once again, I’m running for Delegate! This is, what, my fifth time at this point? Damn, am I determined, hehe… but determination is a valuable quality with a leader, is it not?
Why Me?
Really, I’m gonna be honest. You probably shouldn’t vote me. I’m just a regular girl who’s gone through this process many times before. However, if I do get elected by some miracle, I hope to be one of the best Delegates this region has seen. I know it’s going to be difficult, mixing Delegacy with my college expectations, but I’m confident that I can make it work.
What Can I Do?
Delegacy is a role with a lot of expectation put on it. After all, it’s the highest authority in the entire region. However, if I didn’t think I was up to it I wouldn’t put my name on the ballot.
I plan to use my IRL leadership skills, for one. Being a Warrant Officer Second Class in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets program comes with a lot of leadership expectations, as well as administrative. I have reason to believe that the role has prepared me for future leadership positions, and as a long-standing member of the TEP community (Zuk was the first Delegate I had when I joined TEP and NS for the first time), I believe it’s about time that I make my mark.
Secondly, I like to make communication a major part of my daily activities. If someone has questions on certain things, I would answer. If I need to step away for a while due to real life obligations, I would make that known. If anything happens, you can rest assured that I will be there to communicate.
Thirdly, I like to think that I’m pretty charismatic. No matter what I’m doing, chances are I’ll be doing it with a smile on my face. Not to mention, I also really enjoy being there for those who might need a bit of a pick-me-up after a rough time. After all, nothing pains me more than seeing someone else in pain.
Lastly, I plan to make use of my own experience as Delegate for another region to help improve operations around the East Pacific. Again, it’s almost certainly going to be difficult, but I hope that everything can go as smoothly as it can.
What to Address
As Delegate, I’ll likely have to address a lot of things. Let’s make a list (which I will add to as elections go on)…
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Concluding Statement
Regardless of what comes out of this, I just want to say thank you for taking the time to consider me, and I would like to wish all my fellow candidates good luck!
As always, love you all, and I’ll be seeing you!
– Vixen