The Delefox (DeleVix?) - Once Again


Hello again, Eastern friends!

Y’all have seen me before, and you’ll likely see me again rather frequently. If you’re brand new to the region, or if you simply haven’t seen me before, I’m the Clockwork Vixen, known in-region as the Clockwork Multiverse, currently serving as one of this region’s Magisters in the Magisterium, aka the regional legislative.

Once again, I’m running for Delegate! This is, what, my fifth time at this point? Damn, am I determined, hehe… but determination is a valuable quality with a leader, is it not?

Why Me?

Really, I’m gonna be honest. You probably shouldn’t vote me. I’m just a regular girl who’s gone through this process many times before. However, if I do get elected by some miracle, I hope to be one of the best Delegates this region has seen. I know it’s going to be difficult, mixing Delegacy with my college expectations, but I’m confident that I can make it work.

What Can I Do?

Delegacy is a role with a lot of expectation put on it. After all, it’s the highest authority in the entire region. However, if I didn’t think I was up to it I wouldn’t put my name on the ballot.

I plan to use my IRL leadership skills, for one. Being a Warrant Officer Second Class in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets program comes with a lot of leadership expectations, as well as administrative. I have reason to believe that the role has prepared me for future leadership positions, and as a long-standing member of the TEP community (Zuk was the first Delegate I had when I joined TEP and NS for the first time), I believe it’s about time that I make my mark.

Secondly, I like to make communication a major part of my daily activities. If someone has questions on certain things, I would answer. If I need to step away for a while due to real life obligations, I would make that known. If anything happens, you can rest assured that I will be there to communicate.

Thirdly, I like to think that I’m pretty charismatic. No matter what I’m doing, chances are I’ll be doing it with a smile on my face. Not to mention, I also really enjoy being there for those who might need a bit of a pick-me-up after a rough time. After all, nothing pains me more than seeing someone else in pain.

Lastly, I plan to make use of my own experience as Delegate for another region to help improve operations around the East Pacific. Again, it’s almost certainly going to be difficult, but I hope that everything can go as smoothly as it can.

What to Address

As Delegate, I’ll likely have to address a lot of things. Let’s make a list (which I will add to as elections go on)…

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Concluding Statement

Regardless of what comes out of this, I just want to say thank you for taking the time to consider me, and I would like to wish all my fellow candidates good luck!
As always, love you all, and I’ll be seeing you!

– Vixen

Really, I’m gonna be honest. You probably shouldn’t vote me.

You’ve already lost me. I wouldn’t recommend starting your pitch by telling me to not bother listening.

Not sure if this campaign will have more added to it later, so I’ll reserve judgement for now. I love the enthusiasm, if nothing else :slight_smile:

Only reason why I have that is cuz it’s better to be honest than to get people excited over false hope. While I do want the Delegacy, chances are I’m not gonna get it. Although, if I don’t get it, then it’s even more reason for me to keep pushing!

So you don’t think you will win, but are trying anyways? Sell us on why you think you would be a good delegate. You mentioned why you think you would be good as delegate, and that you think communication is a major point.

What you haven’t mentioned is what your plans as delegate would be. Is there some project you want to work on for TEP? Is there an issue you want to rectify? What was the other region you were a delegate of so that people can see the work you did that could easily be brought over to TEP?

Basically, yeah. While I do want the position, the chances of that happening compared to all these other candidates, all of whom are probably way more experienced than me and have been around for much longer than I have, are slim.

From what I’ve seen around, everything is running smoothly. EPSA is up and running considerably well compared to when I was Admiral (to be honest, that’s not a good basis lol, if I remember correctly I didn’t even last a month). FA, WAA, EPNS, UTEP, etc. are all in good hands, and if they want to keep doing what they’re doing then they’re more than welcome to.

To be honest, my Delegacy in the Gateway Hall (aka my own region) was… about a week long in length before the whole WA expulsion of Multiversal Alliances (still relieved I was allowed to move WA back to Clockwork Multiverse, otherwise I wouldn’t be here lol). However, having the weight of a whole region on your shoulders is definitely an eye-opening experience. The threat of removal is a motivator that will hopefully keep most people in line, especially considering everything a region like TEP has in place to protect itself from corrupt Delegates.

As for “issues I want to rectify”, while I will admit I may be a bit blind, I haven’t exactly seen anything that could do with fixing. As stated above, everything seems to be in good hands, and I want those who enjoy what they’re doing to have the opportunity to keep doing it if they want to.

And finally, projects. At the present moment, I don’t exactly have anything in mind, however I would definitely try and think of some should the opportunity arise.

Basically two people asked for your actual plans, and there still are no plans you propose. Is this a serious campaign or not?

In any case, I will ask my question of the season to you as to any candidate.

I realise this is a broad question, but I would like to go a bit beyond the next term or the details of the platform of each candidate: how do you see and how would you guide TEP’s evolution in the wider game, and how would you build on our region’s strengths to shape its future?

Tryin’ my best to be legitimate, but I can definitely see how it can be seen as a joke considering my lack of plans… for which I apologize.

As for your question(s):

TEP’s evolution in the wider game is definitely a major part of the NS community. As a GCR, new and new-ish UCRs (like mine!) look up to you guys for inspiration and/or as a model to follow. I personally want it to stay that way, if not try to push for a more positive trend. After all, we have more than enough systems (in my eyes) in place to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as it can, plus we have plenty of allies who we can count on in tough times. Why wouldn’t we want to maintain this positive image?

Honestly, I feel that there doesn’t need to be much building that needs to happen. The amount of measures and countermeasures we have to ensure that the region remains in the right hands is simply amazing. I personally think that, while the idea of building on to further ensure regional wellbeing is definitely something a Delegate should keep an eye open on, at the present moment I trust everything to remain as is.

Apologies if this isn’t super-helpful, but I answered in whatever capacity I could. If you need me to expand on anything, please just let me know

what are your plans for culture?

As I’ve stated above, I feel that it’s in good hands as things stand right now. I might encourage (but not require!) them to do a bit more, but ultimately I’d leave whatever they do up to them.