Good day, members of the Eastern Pacific!
If you don’t know me, I’m the Clockwork Vixen, known informally as Vixen and known in NS as the Clockwork Multiverse.
I used to be known as YSG Hermitcraft, but that name… uh… kinda makes me sick these days.
So. Technically this is my fourth(?) time running for Delegate, and as such this is the return of the title of Delefox (due to my status as a prominent furry, and my main fursona is a fox)!
Alright, with that introduction aside, here’s what you’ve all came for: Why should you vote for the Delefox?
As someone with lots of real-world administration and leadership experience (I was Warrant Officer Second Class in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets program), I can safely say that leadership is no new concept for me. I’ve held several high-profile positions during my time in the role, and I was seen as an inspiration for the younger cadets. Hell, I received an award (the first one my CO ever actually recommended to the area office) for my leadership skills!
I pride myself in being approachable and friendly, being someone that anyone can come to for support, while similarly I’m not afraid to reach out if I’m in a bit of a pinch myself.
What I Can Do as Delegate
Now, to be honest, in terms of what I’d do in terms of being Delegate, I’d more address things as they present themselves. At the present moment, I see no issues with how things are currently run, and I’d hope to maintain that.
Of course, if things happen, things happen, and I’d be willing to tackle things with the assistance of my different branches of government. After all, support is an integral part of my views! We should be able to freely lean on each other for assistance and support should we need it.
Now, let’s get more specific…
Stagnancy and inactivity across the board is rampant. People just don’t seem interested in anything.
However, I might have some solutions…
First, if elected, I will give everything a major reform. I wouldn’t dissolve everything, as I would get a lot of (very reasonable) backlash, especially from people who have served in that position for a long period of time. However, the more stagnant departments will be dissolved and remade under new terms which will hopefully boost engagement.
Secondly, EPSA. The Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army has a dwindling presence, which was brought up to me thanks to our current Delegate, Merlovich. My proposed solution will be to dedicate an entire section of our World Factbook Entry to EPSA, promoting and explaining what it is and some benefits of becoming a member. My thought process here is that if EPSA is more prominently advertised, more people would see it and be willing to give it a shot.
Thirdly, endorsement rates. Endorsements seem to be a more of a “as the opportunity strikes” ordeal, which, as we all understand, is not ideal for the security of the region. I feel that we should emphasize the importance of endorsements via the Endorsement Affairs department within the Executive, who will be tasked with sending out monthly regional telegrams reminding people to endorse, as well as who to endorse.
However, there is something I need to voice:
I am currently a student in college. If something related to my education pops up, such as an assignment or assessment or anything, my focus will be prioritized there. As such, the task of delegacy will instead be given to, of course, the Vice Delegate, until the time comes where I am in a stable enough situation where I can return.
During my more active periods, when I am not currently working on college assignments or assessments, the Vice Delegate will be my main advisor or Co-Delegate, as there is no guarantee that I will be able to do this on my own.
In Conclusion
Whew, alright… I know this feels unfinished, but I’m running a bit dry in terms of creative drive, hehe… if you have any questions, I’m more than happy to answer them!
And to the rest of my fellow candidates, I wish you all luck, and no matter the results I’m glad to have been a part of this!
– Vixen