Greetings, and Welcome to our great nation of Lunaeria
Lunaeria is a constitutional monarchy and has been such since our establishment in 1641. The relatively young nation is highly equal between all groups of people. Though we’ve had a tumultuous history, it is rich in patriotic spirit as well as culture. We are a peninsular nation and our land mass contains many lakes and scattered along the coast are a few islands. Overall, the population is 62 million, spread sparsely over the mostly rural land, whereas a good portion over the citizens remain clustered in our largest cities, the greatest hubs of which include Osvik, Antra and Kalani, along with our capital city. The capital, Libaana, is a port city good for exporting an importing goods, sitting on an isthmus between Lake Dishurst and an indent in the coastline opening into the ocean. Libaana is known for it’s overwhelmingly flat landscape and beautiful architecture, housing a population of 11 million.
Our Prime minister, Aurelijus Petrauskas, is currently on his third elected term, two of which are consecutive. His current continuous 6 years of being in this position have resulted in increased average Lunaerian income by 9 percent. The Queen, Evelina Vilkiene, and her king consort, Tauras Vilkiene, have held the throne for the past 7 years. Her majesty regulates the highly important religious activity within Lunaeria.
Lunaerians do not appreciate those who tread on our land unwelcomed. As such, we hold a strong, well funded and highly trained military which foreigners may find appealing to have on their side. Loyalty is a core Lunaerian value and the most important thing one of our citizens or cooperatives could display. That being said, we as a nation would like to put fourth the possible following relationships:
- Military cooperation or agreements
- Funding towards educational affairs
- Embassy exchange
- Non-aggression pact
- Trade agreements
- Any other unspecified offers may be considered
As a people, we greatly encourage requests for any of the above and enthusiastically await any inquiries about such and the curation of powerful bonds lasting many centuries to come.
The Lunaerian Organization for International Affairs