Nation Name [long]: The Empire of Hanishia
Nation Name [Short]: Hanishia
Motto: To please the motherland.
National Animal: Swan
National Flower: Passion flower
National Anthem:
A nation full with nature and beautyyyyy - A nation secure and strong
United with society and religion
Freedom and equality for the poor and rich
Together in the dark sides…glowing as the sun
A nation evolved and intelligent
A nation known for peace and wealth
A nation holding on in what we trust
A leader staying brave and popular
A leader leading us till dawn
Together we shall rise and together we shall fall
To please the motherland.
Capitol: Solarus
Largest city: Solarus
Demonym: Hanishians
Language: Staynish & Hanishian.
Species: Humans
Population: ~13 million [3,34 Million in Solarus]
Government type: More like a democratic system with a slight taste of monarchist dictatorship
Leader(s): The supreme leader of the empire has always been the Ton-qwan family, from the early tribal times to the imperial times. To the public, they have lost their power and are just a rich family who get worshipped by many people, but secretly they have been still controlling the whole empire, manipulated the elections and has complete control over the government. The official leader is always “elected” by the people and is called the Imperial President of Hanishia.
Legislature: Mainly at the government council and by the Imperial President.
Formation: At the Imperial Revolution.
GPD: 794 Billion Hanishia Dollars. Hanishia mainly focuses on mining ores in the mountains in the region and on farming several local plants.
GPD per Capita: ~60k Hanishi dollar per person
Calling code: +666
ISO 3166 code: HA ; HAN
Internet TLD: .han
Historical summary: Hanishia has started as small tribes known as the Hanishian Tribes. One day a wealthy family came across the tribes and offered them food and money if they would obey the family. This family is called the Ton-qwan family. Within 4 months, the family started to improve the food and and ecenomic situation of the tribes and started to unite them. Soon forming a united nation of Hanishia. Hanishia grew and grew to wealth and power and to advancements like small chunks of wood floating on the water. Sadly some parts of the nation didn’t like the idea of being a second class part of hanishia and with that the Hanishia civil war broke out. 5 factions, central hanishia, north hanishia, south hanishia, western hanishia and eastern hanishia faught against each other and at the end Central hanishia was able to win after a 7 year war and united hanishia once again, this time as an empire. The empire of Hanishia was born with an elected government and an elected leader where every region is able to equally vote on the new leader.