The Fall of Monarchies- Planning

This is probably the most complicated RP project I’ve ever planned.

The SRT’s backstory (as well as the ineffective First Republic government) is very complicated, and I plan on splitting it into separate chunks, with each having their own thread.

Basically, Tretrid used to be a monarchy, but the king died, and his eldest son was put on the throne. Then his younger brother, Froemeous II (Yes, ridiculous name), assassinated him, and got into power, Anyway, people started protesting against him (just the king, not the government), but then the king called the military on them. Long story short, the protestors decided to overthrow the government and create a republic, and did so.

There is no way to change the eventual outcome. But other nations can involve themselves. Planning is needed beforehand, which is why this thread is here.

Title: Succession and double crossing
Time: 10 weeks before Part 1
-Old king dies
-His eldest son is coroneted
-That king gets killed by Froemeous
-Froemeous takes power

Title: Power and Protests
Time: May 1997
-Froemeous undid all the reforms that the old king did
-He then really abuses his power
-People start becoming unhappy with him
-His further actions started protests, which were outlawed by the king
-The police arrested the protestors, and executed those who organized it
-An anti-Froemeous resistance group is founded

Title: New Ideals
Time: August 1997 to June 1998
-The resistance group plans ways to destabilize the reign of Fromeous
-The police find out, causing many members to be arrested and executed
-This spurs further outrage
-The king decrees that anyone who is suspected of being in the resistance may be arrested at will
-The group, which was recovering from the raid, decide that the monarchy itself is bad
-They explore ways to change the government, from running a coup against the monarchy to secretly influence the government
-Sabotage operations against the police and the army begin

Title: Instability and Instigation
Time: September 1998 to January 1999
-The government has been slowly worn away from the money wasted in vehicles which were sabotaged
-The king declares martial law
-People who are arrested at a mere whim of resistance now could be executed at a moment’s notice
-The resistance group plans a revolt
-They carry it out, marking the start of a civil war
-The prince ruling northeast Tretrid strikes a vein of gold and also finds uranium ore, and noticing the civil war, secedes and forms Toksun Ance

Title: Revolution and Reform
Time: July 1999 to December 2001
-The revolts have escalated into a fully-fledged war
-In the (then small) village of Drenezky, near the capital of Kudohofa, the anti-monarchists declare rights that may not be denied to any human being
-The forces in Kudohofa form a defensive line, cutting off all passages from Drenezky and other rebel-held cities going to the capital
-Important leaders in the resistance are arrested

Title: A Giant’s Fall
Time: December 2004 to March 2008
-Captured resistance members are executed
-Rebels have overpowered the defensive lines
-Ground forces siege the city, while anti-aircraft guns destroy any planes attempting to drop supplied
-Kudohofa surrenders, Drenezky is renamed Tretridia, and Froemeous II abdicates
-Froemeous flees and isn’t seen for 3 years
-Over those 3 years, search teams tried to find and apprehend Froemeous
-He is eventually caught and executed shortly after
-The people who overthrew the monarchy then focused their efforts into a new government

Title: All to History
Time: February 2016 to present
-Formation of First Republic
-April Incident (Don’t ask)
-Summary of the SRT’s history
This can be changed, but the start and the end may not.

I really do think that as Tretrid’s neighbor to the north, The Atlae Isles should involve itself in this situation. Possibly a failed trade and/or peace attempt, or a futile resistance effort (not unlike the Bay of Pigs incident).

Why? Did your king feel obliged to protect the monarchy?

There is a difference between your constitutional monarchy and your absolute monarchy. Would your king be willing to protect such tyranny?[edit_reason]Grammar[/edit_reason]

I would fund the AFRG , but being the distance I wouldn’t count on seeing any of our troops maybe few personal and equipment no more then 20 personal.

I’d also support the AFRG with some equipment and military advisors


There isn’t a name for the group yet, but I was thinking along the lines of “Tretridian Resistance”.

— Begin quote from ____

Why? Did your king feel obliged to protect the monarchy?

There is a difference between your constitutional monarchy and your absolute monarchy. Would your king be willing to protect such tyranny?[edit_reason]Grammar[/edit_reason]

— End quote

No, my king is funding the resistance.


I’m kind of thinking the original group opposing Froemeous is a different group than the one that actually opposes the monarchy. What do you guys think?

So, the original resistence group you’re thinking of was the parent resistence group of the one that actually opposes the monarchy which splintered off the original group?

[spoiler]PK-FU members are discussing what our equipment should be in skype[/spoiler]

Well, I’m thinking it changed its name, and the membership changed with the ideology.

By the way, I’m not getting the thread started until I’m finished with Breezes from a day long past, so there’s plenty of room for change.

Now if there’s more then just 2 groups to fund or help I think that will be a hell of a lot more fun.

I’m going to shamelessly dredge this up from the depths of the forum.

Any more ideas?