- How Steven Japp and Jebediah Prongs meet
Car Industry District, City of Tingstad, Creekwater County, North Tingst.
- Automobile manufacturing - So maybe it’s not heaven, but it could have been a lot worse. Steven Jaap was walking from the factory towards his car. Even though you might think working 8 hours a day assembling cars would make for a rather strained relationship with your own automobile, Steven Jaap was the living proof of the exact opposite. Steven adored his car and spent most of his waken, non-working, hours in it. Whether it was driving around the city of Tingstad itself or its surroundings, the feeling of control over 85 00 pounds of Tingstian pride made him feel good. - There’s really nothing else to it, he thought to himself as he approached his car. - It makes me feel good, simple as that. He took out his keys and passed by a big group of people standing outside the factory compound. There was no doubt that a meeting was being held, and the safe bet for organizer was the Workers Alliance of Tingst.
Steven Jaap was by no means an ideological scholar, and the nature of the Tingst political life and its dominating libertarian ideology, wasn’t something he had given much attention too. He did, however, find the nations motto, and fundamental concept and core beautiful. “Audentes Fortuna Iuvat” - “Fortune Favours the Brave”. For Steven it meant something in the lines with: If you want it, it’s yours; go out and get it. Whatever it might be, you should, and ought to try reaching it; if you want too that is. - Lady Fortuna and the general philosophy of Tingstian life rewards ambitions", Jaap thought to himself as he entered the car and started preparing his Cat pipe. He had never sympathized with the so-called workers movement and their rhetoric about “Tingst City Fat Cats” and the unjust state of the nation’s economical and political realities. - If you want to make a shitload of money, buy a suit and move to Tingst City. You accomplish nothing, and make no individual progression by simply bitching about the state of things. He was feeling worked up, he always did before getting that first drag of the pipe after work.
After getting the Cat ready with remarkable skill and speed, Jaap, commenced with lighting up the pipe and then placing the mouthpiece by his lips, he closed his eyes and inhaled. - Finally. he said out loud as he felt the Cat heating up his entire body. - Ungrateful bastards, you get what you give. If you choose to work in cars, you get paid car wages. Don’t like it? Try the fucking Uranium Mining out at the fields. That’ll get you a Tingst City income for sure. You probably won’t live for long though, he thought to himself as he sat in his car watching the big red flags that the protestors were waving in the air at the meeting. “The red plague, The big red! Commies!” The initial calming effect of the Cat had changed into a state of feeling ridiculously cheerful, and he was laughing out loud at his own witty communist remarks. All of a sudden the car door opened, and outside stood a man in a dark suit and a well-groomed haircut. - What the fuc… Steven didn’t get a chance to finish before the man said; - Mr Jaap, I am Jebediah Prongs. I thought we could have us a little conversation, you and me. Steven looked puzzled. - About what? he asked. - Well, the future of our great nation Mr. Jaap, and how you can help shape that future. Please step out of the car and follow me.