The International Sealab (2020 Revamp)

(OOC: This is open to any and all who wish to participate in this RP. A partner OOC Discussion Thread has been posted here:

Roughly ten years ago, nations in The East Pacific, in order to understand and study at previously unlivable depths, came together to build an International Sealab, a facility used to further education and development in the region, as well as strengthen bonds in the realm. They created labs in two locations - one in the “ring” region in the ocean, and one in the sea bordered by Infinite Loop, The Capital District, and Stromburg. This focuses on the latter sealab, which just finished construction roughly one year after the first one. Various underwater subs / diving equipment have been fashioned exclusively, donated by various nations, for the advancement of underwater exploration and discovery.

A map of the building is provided below. The building, which consists of various sections built and designed by different nations, is connected via a series of tubes (no pun intended) and, in some cases, is joined wall-to-wall. The facility is massive - larger than the first sealab - providing sufficient space for some 40-60 people to live comfortably for an extended period of time. Important points of the lab is a greenery where plants and vegetation can grow (as well as supply sufficient oxygen), and a cafeteria where all scientists may eat. Classrooms also exist for students wishing to learn more about the sea on a more personal basis, along with personal and communal labrooms. Sleeping quarters and living quarters are located in the central section and east wing. Docks for submarines are located on the west wing in addition to diving chambers capable of allowing divers to pressurize and explore the waters surrounding the facilities.


A - Main room / lounge room (two stories)
B - Cafeteria
C - Conservatory
D - Submarine docks
E - Exercise room
F - Restrooms (scientist’s quarters contain bathrooms too)
I - Infirmary
J - Diving chambers
K - Library
L - Communal labs (labs everyone uses)
P - Private Labs (designated by supporting nations)
O - Observation area
R - Residencies / scientist’s quarters
S - Service closet

Smaller rooms not pictured

Some pictures:

Outside view of the residencies

Interior view of the residencies

It was an exciting time for University student Matilda Aura. She was an undergraduate from the University of Samburtsten, the capital of Louzaria. A few months ago she applied for a position in the 2020 Sealab but she didn’t hear anything more, so when she got a letter from the Board, she was chuffed. It was such an amazing feat that all of her family and friends were proud of her for.

Having packed all of her belongings into one overly large suitcase that nearly matched her height, Matilda set off for The Capitol District. This was a sure scary time for her as it was her first time out of Louzaria. When she was there she got transported to the sealab. She offset her belongings in her room, where on her way saw a load of other young and nervous faces of all races and species. She waved at a few with her elegant blonde hair and cheesy smile, before setting off to the Main Room to meet some faces.

The sight was impressive from that height. Amétaro Rhámos and his 1.95 metres were the only ones who could see where the queue for the police control ended. At least, he didn’t have to wait that long for taking the flight to the Sealab. And at least, and most important, he didn’t have to go to university that day. He talked with his friends on the phone to make the wait lighter, and when they didn’t talk to him, he played some retro simulator he had downloaded some days before. He was studying Biology on the Tauríllien University in Privétia Tauríllien, and, even when it was the career he always wanted, he was having such a tough time there. Participating on the International Sealab would give him the best opportunity to impress professors and make them forget about his low marks, and he luckily was the only one that wanted to participate from his class so he won directly the ticket to go there.

Now there he was, passing time with anything he could and forgetting about how extremely long the queue was. He couldn’t move from there or other people would take his position, and so he couldn’t sit anywhere. His legs were suffering heavy pain, but the smartphone, the greatest invention of latest decade, was acting as the best doctor. When he passed the control, he went to wait for the flight. The future was ahead, and now he was nervous, but it was a short wait and now he was flying to the greatest experience of his life.

Today at 1 Am,The orderia receive an invitation to the Sealab.All part of university in Orderia was excited and try to join the journey to the sealab. Many scientist,citizen,and student are waiting in line at Nexo int.Harbor.Of course the president Neo was also joining the party and quotes"The orderia never miss a party,so we join in"

Some famous scientist also join the party.Using the UR-455 Sea bus submarine for the journey. It may take a while to arrived,but the orderia has join the party.

By the first look of him, no one would guess that Ymir Olavson was a university student specially as a student studying marine life. From his muscular build to the scar on his left cheek, Ymir seems more like a man for military life, having even knowledge about fighting thanks to having been in several street fights. Hell, even for most of his life he has been told several times by friends and family members alike he should have joined the military. However, for this young man the idea of studying marine life was much more interesting. Studying in the University of Hirdvik, he got notified about the possibility of getting a position in the 2020 Sealab he applied as quickly as he could. So, when he got a letter a few months ago about being available to get a position it would not surprise anyone that he was jumping in joy. Belongings packed in a relatively large suitcase, having contemplated on having his knife with him but realizing that it is safe there he decided against it. Freshly shaven with only having a pencil mustache on his lip he got transported to The Capitol District. As he set his belongings of into his room, he was rather annoyed that it seems people was bit afraid of him. Then he remembered that thanks to his looks he may not seem as friendly, with a sigh he took off to the main room. This dark blonde man may find more friendly faces there.

Matilda felt flustered by the presence of such a taller man. She was short, very short, in fact 4ft 10 to be precise. She forever was the “midget” in class at all of her schools and colleges. She was usually confident to speak to people but this tall man was just something else. Darting to miss his eyes, she headed to the coffee machine which was one of many around. After pouring her drink, she turned around and bumped into the Norgsveltian who himself was waiting for a drink.

“Oh…” she looked embarrassed. “I’m sorry…” she avoided eye contact.

“No pressure,” she said to amuse herself. “No pressure at all.”

In fact, the pressure was overwhelming, both figuratively and literally. She was the first Acronian scientist to participate in an international research project of this magnitude, and it seemed like everyone she had spoken to back home was sure to mention it. And, of course, as she was approaching the literal bottom of the ocean, she could not help but think that the pressure outside was thousands of atmospheres and if there was just one small weak spot in her sub… well, she decided not to think any further about that.

Nope. Not thinking about it. Not thinking about it. Not thinking about it.

Dr. Alara Nevran Naktrovat was definitely thinking about it. The truth was, even in the deep ends of swimming pools she got a little unsettled. But she just couldn’t help how fascinated she was by the ocean. And as her sub approached the lab and she got her first look at all the domes, she found her fear of dying in a catastrophic, watery implosion giving way just slightly to a growing sense of wonder. This was really it. She was really here. She, the newest post-doctoral fellow at Crystal Cove University, just months out of having defended her thesis, was at the bottom of the sea, with the chance to see and learn things no Acronian - perhaps even no person - had ever seen before.

The Church taught that the ocean was a sacred place, a holy place. It is from the ocean that the Goddess emerged to bless the people. It was from the ocean that all blessings flow, as the saying went. Alara wouldn’t call herself a religious person necessarily - not that she would ever admit that out loud - but here, even with the lights from her sub and the rapidly approaching lab illuminating barely a fraction of what was outside her porthole, she felt a sense of awe she had never felt before. She couldn’t stop thinking about it, all through the docking and even as she unpacked her suitcase in her room. What a chance this was. What an opportunity.

“No pressure,” she whispered to herself one more time. Then, she took a deep breath and walked out into the hallway.

Dr. AC, the Head of State of ArenaC*, was going to make a trip to this place for no reason at all but to figure out what this place was,
He’d brought some equipment for running the Commonwealth of ArenaC while he was gone.

“An international oceanic study. Interesting…” he said to himself.

*ArenaC is not yet a recognized country of Urth.
Dr. AC isn’t exactly human either, we’ll say that much.

Ymir had to stop himself from giggling, the small woman in front of him was too cute when she was embarrassed. Getting his cup off coffee he turned to the woman, “No need to say sorry it was a small accident” Ymir’s voice being deep but calm so that the woman may not feel shy around him. After taking a sip of his coffee he sighed and stretched out his hand towards the short Morstaybishilian woman, so that they may shake hands.
“The name is Ymir Olavson, what is yours?” Ymir asked as he smiled.

She thought she had gotten away with it, but the northerner was persistent. She shook his hand, it was a lot bigger than his, and followed up with:
“Matilda Aura, nice to meet you.”

Amétaro took a time to realise he was under the sea. He touched the crystal walls, with the illusion of the child he had inside. —OMG, what if all this blowed up? Well, probably we would die. Who cares? I’m here, the only Cukish here, the only one. Go f*** yourself with a cactus, Ryodósan, and let all your stupid friends go after you!! All your A+ don’t matter at all, you all are in class while I’m on this paradise.

These were the thoughts Amétaro had in mind while he stepped through the Sealab. He started to feel tired after such a long trip, but it wasn’t yet the time for going to bed so he established the cafeteria as his final destination. He smelled the parfum of coffee from the distance, and his long legs went after each other so fast that hardly a professional runner could follow him.

Seemed like he was one of the first to arrive to the Sealab, even with such a long journey before arriving there. He went to the coffee machine and decided to take a cappuccino. He turned his look to the next coffee machine, and nobody was there. Well, not really. He only had to turn down his look and the Louzarian girl he had seen before on the submarine was also getting her coffee. —She’s pretty, though she definitely needs skyscraper heels.

He realised she was looking at him, but that wasn’t a reason to stop observing here discretely. A man that seemed Norgsveltian and, most of all, scary, in the whole sense of the word looking at his face, placed behind the girl and she suddenly bumped with him. —Hahaha, poor dwarfy— he thought. When he looked to his hand, suddenly saw his arm was now a sweet dessert with cappuccino topping. He approached to these people, which now were saluting:

—Hi, I’m Améti, nice to meet you in this strange moment. You have now two options: letting me have my own arm as dessert, thanks to your bumping, or showing me where the toilet is.

Matilda, after shaking the man’s hand, realised that she spilt her coffee over his.

“Damnit I’m sorry…” she reluctantly grabbed some tissues from the side and began wiping his arm, before giving him some more to finish it himself.

Suddenly, a second giant appeared. As it was the first two people she properly saw, she could only wonder, was she in the wrong place? Is this like some sort of giant academy? She began to wonder, but then realised that the new tall dude was talking to her.

“Oh uh… hey.” She put her now half empty mug on the side.

The submersible lurched side to side as it docked with the International Sealab, triggering Valentina Nobili to tighten the grip on her bag as she steadied herself in her seat. In the few moments as the submarine finished its docking procedures, she continued to gaze out of the small porthole in front of her, the view of the sea lab shining through the murky seawater. Although she did not appear as so, Valentina was excited for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Back home, she heard stories about the lab from a few of her colleagues, but never did she expect that she would be approved by the Departmental Council to be Fortuna’s representative. Above her, a small red light began blinking as the hatch door to her left, allowing for the Fortunan researcher step out into the busy submarine docks. Looking around the chamber, Valentina felt like she stood out in her deep green military-like uniform, a prominent look for all FSED employees.

“Wow, just beautiful,” she said to herself, adjusting her round glasses as she continued scanning the room while the last of her bags and containers were unloaded onto the dock. Her team already had their orders on where to move her belongings, so she decided to trek further into the sea lab on her own. As she made her way through the lab’s hallways and past laboratory doorways, her eyes glimmered as she marveled at the sea lab’s structure and design. As a senior researcher in FSED’s Naval Engineering Branch, Valentina and her team’s research and development was of utmost importance for the island nation. Their work in ship design, marine energy, and offshore drilling played important roles in bringing Fortuna to where it was today. In order to further their research, the ability for her to be able to study in the architectural marvel that is the International Sealab went beyond her wildest dreams.

Stepping into the Main Room, she paused for a moment as she looked over the crowded room. She quickly covered her excitement with an unemotional expression. Not wanting to linger for long, Valentina glanced around to see if there might be some kind of welcome speech. From what she could see, it appeared there was nothing she would be missing if she stepped out, and at the very least one of her assistants would fill her in if she did. Holding her bag close to her chest, she quickened her pace as she made her way across the room to the living quarters.

While Ymir may have felt a little annoyed with the coffee that splashed on his arm, he could not really become mad at the short woman. “It’s fine we all make mistakes, trust me i know” Ymir said to the shorter woman as he looked down at her while giving an ensuring smile to her. He turned to the Cukish man that spoke, giving him a firm handshake. Mabye even to firm, but Ymir did not linger on that thought.

“Name is Ymir Nice to meet you mate, i have no idea where the toilets are though. So your guess is as good as mine. This place is huge, and beautiful” Ymir said as he looked around.

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At the Arrival,Neo and the other pick up the baggage.Neo walk to the main room and talk with friends and the other.After some talk,He walk his way to his room,put his suitcase on the bed and standing in front of the windows staring at the Ocean.

A student just walk by in the hall.He saw Neo room was unlock.He look inside,saw Neo Was Standing in front of the windows.
The Student Ask"Sir,Are you okay"standing next to Neo.The student doesn’t know who is he talking.Neo Reply"Oh,didn’t see you little buddy".The kid ask again"Why are you staring at the ocean"Neo Reply"Well,Isn’t the ocean beautiful,Fill with wonder like your in a dream".The kid started to look to the ocean, imagining the wonder of the ocean.

Seeing to the kid fill with wonder,Neo ask" Hey kid,did you like sort of puzzle?".the kid reply"yes,sort of"Neo reply"Well,i got a puzzle for you,here it is, We fly but we never land,You saw it like you seeing in the dark." The kid look confused thinking about the puzzle. Seeing this Neo Reply"Well,if you got the answer,Tell me,I'll be here"Hearing the reply,the kid walk to the room exit/door while still thinking about the puzzle.

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Though not claustrophobic by any means, Kaleva felt very cramped in his current environment. The sub he was in was on its way to dock with the International Sealab, which he had managed to successfully apply to, beating out all of his colleagues at the state-owned Tungrad Institute of Marine Biology who had applied alongside him. Glancing out the porthole, he saw the Sealab come into view. Under his breath he muttered thanks to Ademar; he wouldn’t have to spend much longer confined to this sub.

Carefully, the sub docked with the Sealab. After a few moments, the docking was complete and Kaleva was free to leave. Ducking so as to not bang his head, he stepped out onto the docks, taking a few deep breaths of surprisingly fresh air. Ducking back inside quickly to grab his belongings, Kaleva strode toward his quarters to deposit his things, clearing a path for himself as people quickly stepped aside to let him by. It was likely their first time seeing one of his kind, Ursines didn’t typically travel outside of Asendavia or Northeast Yasteria much, and it’s probable they might not have heard the best things about them either. Although his primary purpose here was research related, he also wanted to make a better name for himself and his species.

Once inside his room he quickly unpacked his things. His clothes went in the closet; his books went on a desk; and two pictures, one of Kaleva, his wife, and his son, and the other of his parents and siblings, both of which he put into picture frames by his bed. Exiting his bedroom, he made his way into the main room.

Alara very much got the sense that she had just walked in on something awkward. There was a tall man - he would have been a bit tall for an Acronian, which meant he was a very tall human - and a girl who was, well, not so tall who seemed embarrassed about something. She was talking to another man, also… less tall. In fact, Alara found herself feeling self-conscious. She did not see any other elves here, which meant she stood out. She was average for an Acronian, but tall compared to a human, especially human women. It suddenly occurred to her that she had never even been abroad before. Somehow, she had gone to the bottom of the ocean before ever going to another country.

She wasn’t quite sure where she ought to be. She hadn’t been told to report anywhere, and she didn’t know if there was supposed to be some sort of orientation, but there did seem to be people gathering here. Deciding she would wait to get some coffee until after whatever was happening over there stopped happening, she took a seat at a table and looked out through a window - was it a porthole? It probably counted as a porthole - into the ocean. As foolish as it was for a scientist to say, she couldn’t help but feel that it was magical. Even if it was mostly darkness; there certainly weren’t any plants at this depth. Still, how many people had ever seen the bottom of the sea with their own eyes? It was worth a little interpersonal awkwardness, she decided.

That said, she hadn’t felt this uneasy around a group of new people since her freshman year. She had needed quite a bit of alcohol to survive being a freshman. Somehow, she doubted there was nearly enough in the lab. Scientists were all stiffs, after all.

María was overjoyed when she heard the news that, after ten long years, the Sealab had finally been completed! As a marine botanist of over 30 years, she had of course been down into the depths of the ocean countless times, in countless regions of the world; she practically lived among the sea life. But the Sealab changed everything, she could really, truly live in the ocean, something she had always dreamt about when she was younger. She had spent much of the day unpacking her things, getting everything sorted and settled down, and decided to go get a bite to eat. María hadn’t eaten much prior to her journey down here, so she left her room, and headed towards the cafeteria to go get a bite to eat.

She could see a small group of fresh-faced jovenes talking around the coffee maker, but her stomach reminded her the reason she was here, and she made her way over to the breakfast counter, and began assembling a meal.

Matilda had never seen an Ursine before. A huge beast had entered and moved through the main area to his dormitory. She felt so small compared to him; a humongous male that probably weighed ten times herself. A few other faces entered the room whilst she was there; a Yasterian she presumed, and an Auroran. She was fascinated by who came next; an elf, but not just any elf, this was an Acronian Elf. They had a distinction from the northern elves of Borea and Concord. Seeing the two tall men besides her in a new conversation without her, she moved over towards the elf. Seeing the elf as uneasy as herself, she tried to break the ice.

“Hi, my name’s Matilda, isn’t this place wonderful?” she smiled.

Alara smiled as the woman walked towards her. “Yes, I can’t stop thinking about it. Who would have even thought such a thing is possible? Oh, and I’m Alara, it’s nice to meet you.” She placed a hand on her chest and bowed slightly.

Behind Matilda, Alara noticed that an Ursine had walked into the room. Or, at least, she was pretty sure it was an Ursine. She had never seen one, or met anyone who had seen one. Of course, it was unlikely anyone here had ever seen an Acronian before, either.  She tried not to stare and turned her eyes back to Matilda. “There are so many different kinds of people here, aren’t there? All of this feels so…” She paused and gesticulated with her hands for a moment, trying to find the right word in Staynish. “New. Like I… don’t know what to expect, you know? It’s exciting.”