The Meeting Between Loop and LR

In a seprate area of the bar, a nervous Queen Ilyanna waits to hear from the Shiplord Stratha. Leah walks in with a drink for her.

“Here drink this.”

“What is it?”

“Just some orange juice.”


Ilyanna drinks the orange juice. Taking a nervous gulp afterwards.

Leah: “You know in your heart of hearts that this is what he would have wanted.”

Ilyanna: “Yes, but I am still nervous, I mean can I be the type of person she would need me to be?”

Leah: “Yes you can be, you are strong and most important you are Amazon, you know that we will help you when needed.”

Ilyanna: “Yes I know that. Oh Leah why? I mean couldn’t we have done something?”

Leah: “No it was his choice.”

Ilyanna: “But if only I had been there, if not for that coma.”

Leah: “Quit it right now, it was not your fault.”

Both women turn at hearing the door open.

Stratha Tamasaburo and Kitsurabami enter, and move toward the table,
Kitsurabami silently hugs Ilyanna, before she sits, and Stratha bows before he does,

Stratha, “It is good to see you, how have you been,?, You wish to discuss something?”

Leah turns and leaves the room. Ilyanna hugs Kitsurabami back, a silent tear falling down her cheek. She returns Stratha’s bow and sits down across from them.

“Yes I have something that I wish to talk to you about. I was thinking of trying to adopt Nei. I would want you and Kitsurabami to stay with her as her Guardians, and she would of course stay where she is comfortable. Do you think that she would like that? How do you feel about that?”

She sits back, holding her breath, her pale face still showing the ravages of her coma and the loss hit that the loss of her love had left behind.

Stratha falls back in his chair, “as it was written” he produces a index card, and hands it to her, on it is written, “, , , And when she asks to meet it will be about Nei,
I agree with the suggestion as she was almost her Mother anywho.”

Stratha lowers his eyeturrents, and says, “we had the paperwork drawn up already, I was to be her God Father, Kitsurabami is her “Aunt” and all we require is the completion of this form, *he hands it to her * and the red tape of the courts to assign custody and make it legal.”

he pauses so she can look it over,
“nei is currently enrolled at the Boarding school SHiro Akademi you can go visit her if you want.”

She reads the card through her tears. With a shaking hand she takes the papers and looks around for a pen. Leah walks back in and hands her a pen. Ilyanna takes the pen and fills out the rest of the form.

In a shaking voice, she asks: “Who do I need to turn these into? and yes I would want to see Nei…please?” at the last her voice drops to a chocked whisper.

With shaking hands she takes the index card and lifts it to lay it against her chest.

After clearing her throat: “May I please keep this?”

Stratha turns his eyeturrents down, “Kitsurabami can take it in, I have a meeting to get to , Enviromental Aide delivery, Tama will escort you to the school, it is in I for got the town,” Stratha takes her hand, “everything will work out, Ill see to it.”

She grips his hands, leaning over to kiss the side of his face softly.

“I thank you so much. Just one thing I have to know. Please tell me that it was quick, that he did not feel any pain at all.”

tag for Loop’s answer

“Well now I would like to go, I have a car right outside, ready to take us. If you need me I should be found at the Suites. Thank you so much Shiplord.”

Stratha’s scales turned a bit purple in his species blush,
“We know he had aparently been pondering it for some time , and we know that it was very immeadiate, and a clean well aimed shot, I seriously doubt that there was any pain”
Stratha pushes a small wooden box across teh table to her, "This contains a MP3 player that was on him when he died as well as the key to his car and house, you are free to use it "
He stands and bows, “I thank you for your time and must be going now, Nei will love to see you again”

“Thank you for seeing me, take care friend.”

She watches as he leaves, holding the wooden box in her hands.


“Yes MiLady?”

“Time to go see Nei, then over to Hikaru’s house.”

Ilyanna takes a deep breath, then bends down to pick up the walking cane that she has, not having wanted Stratha to see her weakness. She wonders if her mind and body will ever be right again.

Leah opens the door for her and they get into a dark sedan, with windows tinted. They drive to the Academy where Nei is. Ilyanna and Leah go into the office and ask to speak with the person in charge of the School.