The Magisterium voted to amend the Order of the Golden Ocelot Act on January 19th, 2021. The amendment was signed into law by Delegate Libertanny on January 24th, 2021.
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…1.1- This act shall be known and cited as “The Order of the Golden Ocelot Act”.
For the purposes of this act:
…2.1- “Ribbon”- The small design displaying a medal’s colors.
…3.1- The medal’s design shall consist of the same design of the medal awarded by Delegate Ramaeus by Executive Order instated on August 19th, 2015.
…3.2- The ribbon shall consist of the same design as the ribbon awarded by Delegate Aelitia by Executive Order instated on January 20th, 2017.
…4.1- The Order of the Golden Ocelot shall be dictated as the highest civilian award to be given within the East Pacific.
…4.2- The Order may be awarded in two ways:
……4.2.1- The Magisterium may award the Order to any nation that qualifies for the Order with a 3/4 majority vote in favor of awarding the Order.
……4.2.2- The Delegate may award the Order to any nation that qualifies for the Order.
……4.2.3- The Order must be awarded publicly in a forum thread.
…4.3- The Order must be given only to those who hold the following traits:
……4.3.1- The recipient must have had a long-lasting impact upon the East Pacific.
……4.3.2- The recipient’s impacts must be consistent with the values of the East Pacific.
……4.3.3- The recipient must have served the East Pacific with distinction and honor.
…4.4- The medal and ribbon shall be simultaneously awarded with induction into the Order.
…4.5- All who were awarded the Order from Delegates Ramaeus and Aelitia shall have their membership in the Order, and its subsequent awards, validated. They shall remain part of the Order.
Section V - Repeals
5.1 - The Magisteruim may repeal the Order awarded to any nation with a 3/4 majority vote in favour of repealing the Order.
5.2 - The delegate may not award the Order to any nation whose Order has been repealed.
5.3 - All those who have had the Order awarded to them repealed will no longer be part of the Order.
…6.1- All those who have been awarded the Order shall be recorded in a forum thread pinned in the Plaza sub-forum, with the records updated by the Delegate, or an appointed official thereof.
…6.2- The information recorded for each inductee shall include the year they were inducted into the Order, who inducted them into the Order, and the reason(s) insofar provided for their induction.
6.3 - All nations from whom the Order was repealed will no longer be recorded with other members of the Order.
6.4 - All repeals will be recorded in the forum thread established in Section 6.1 of this act.
6.5 - The information recorded for each repeal shall include the date that the Order was repealed and stripped of the recipient and the reason why the order was repealed.
…7.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.
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Approved by majority vote on April 12 2020, & came into effect on April 22, 2020.
…1.1- This act shall be known and cited as “The Order of the Golden Ocelot Act”.
For the purposes of this act:
…2.1- “Ribbon”- The small design displaying a medal’s colors.
…3.1- The medal’s design shall consist of the same design of the medal awarded by Delegate Ramaeus by Executive Order instated on August 19th, 2015.
…3.2- The ribbon shall consist of the same design as the ribbon awarded by Delegate Aelitia by Executive Order instated on January 20th, 2017.
…4.1- The Order of the Golden Ocelot shall be dictated as the highest civilian award to be given within the East Pacific.
…4.2- The Order may be awarded in two ways:
……4.2.1- The Magisterium may award the Order to any nation that qualifies for the Order with a 3/4 majority vote in favor of awarding the Order.
……4.2.2- The Delegate may award the Order to any nation that qualifies for the Order.
……4.2.3- The Order must be awarded publicly in a forum thread.
…4.3- The Order must be given only to those who hold the following traits:
……4.3.1- The recipient must have had a long-lasting impact upon the East Pacific.
……4.3.2- The recipient’s impacts must be consistent with the values of the East Pacific.
……4.3.3- The recipient must have served the East Pacific with distinction and honor.
…4.4- The medal and ribbon shall be simultaneously awarded with induction into the Order.
…4.5- All who were awarded the Order from Delegates Ramaeus and Aelitia shall have their membership in the Order, and its subsequent awards, validated. They shall remain part of the Order.
…5.1- All those who have been awarded the Order shall be recorded in a forum thread pinned in the Plaza sub-forum, with the records updated by the Delegate, or an appointed official thereof.
…5.2- The information recorded for each inductee shall include the year they were inducted into the Order, who inducted them into the Order, and the reason(s) insofar provided for their induction.
…6.1- This bill shall be enacted upon its signature by the Delegate, except if the Magisterium votes to override a veto of this bill by the Delegate.
The following individuals were on August 19, 2015:
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1 Infinite Loop: For founding the Confederated East Pacific.
A Slanted Black Stripe: For leading the efforts to free The East Pacific from the Empire.
Bachtendekuppen: For creation of the modern Executive structure of The East Pacific.
East Malaysia: For long-term service as a Vizier, Administrator, and several other roles.
Packilvania: For continually assimilating us against our will.
Todd McCloud: For outstanding service as Delegate of The East Pacific.
Xoriet: For outstanding service as Erelim General of The Eastern Pacific Sovereign Army.
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The following individuals were on January 20, 2017:
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Free Pacific States: For long-standing and deep contributions to role play, historic service as a Magister and Provost, and the role in shaping The East Pacific from its earliest days.
British Grand Pacific: For outstanding service as former Minister of Culture and Education, Vizier, World-Builder, and dedication to his values.
Hobbesistan: For service to the home forum of The East Pacific, and marked contributions to the Conclave and Regional Governance.
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The following individuals were VOTE: Nominations for the Order of the Golden Ocelot - The East Pacific - Tapatalk on April 27, 2020:
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Mex: For his exemplary work in regional government and roleplay.
Drakkengard: For his work as Arbiter, Viceroy, and Magister of the East Pacific, in which he helped craft government policy and precedent that stands to this day.
A mean old man: For his work as a Delegate, Citizen, and Vizier, in which he helped to fine tune the region’s security policies and helped improve the East Pacific’s legislation. Also for his impertinent advice and work he preformed after the attempted coup by Delegate Fedele.
Lazlowia: For his excellency in serving as one of the first Arbiters of the East Pacific as well as being a leading example in roleplaying.
Kelssek: For his work as a Magister, in which he helped craft many of the East Pacific’s legal concepts which still exist in law today.
Daanistan: For his essential work in aiding A Slanted Black Stripe in freeing the East Pacific from the Empire, as well as his contributions to government and roleplay post-coup.
Wachovia Coalition: For his activity within forum roleplay from the founding of the East Pacific to the Empire coup, activity which kept forum roleplay alive and helped it to grow after he left the game.
Fish Island: For his immense contributions to the East Pacific as a roleplayer, as well as in his service as one of the region’s most earliest Magisters.
President of Hoophoopland: For his contributions in helping to jump-start forum roleplay in the East Pacific in 2004, known today as TEP Evolved.
Codex: For his legal expertise where he served as an Arbiter and Magister, as well as serving in a prominent role while helping to craft the Charter, the regional constitution that guided the East Pacific’s pre-Empire government.
Lothlanderamore: For his importance in the East Pacific’s history. Without the invasion of the Farkers, of whom he lead, it is doubtful the East Pacific would be what it is today.
Barb: For her contribution to East Pacifican justice, serving as the second Viceroy of the East Pacific as well as in her crafting of the Standing Orders of the Conclave, which still guide regional justice to this day.
Aelitia: For his immense contributions to East Pacifican law, including but not limited too the reformation of the Conclave and a redrafting of the Concordat.
Ramaeus: For his excellence in his services as a Delegate and Vizier to the region, in which he helped to promote activity and maintain the region’s security, as well as his impertinent advice and work he preformed after the attempted coup by Delegate Fedele.
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