The Rhadamanthian Embassy of Halo

Welcome to the embassy of The Esoteric Empire of Rhadamanthia

Leader: His Sublime Imperial Majesty, Marcarias Rahl, Emperor

FA Minister: Halo
Address requests to the FA Minister
Population: 15 million
GDP: 650,000,000,000 SHD

-Alliance offers
-Trade offers
-Military development
-Cultural relations
-Intelligence exchange

To: Govt. of the Esoteric Empire of Rhadamanthia
Subject: Business Opportunity

Mr. Halo;

We at Herrero Consolidated would like to welcome you to the international stage of business!

Speaking of business, let me not delay in getting to mine. On behalf of my company, I would officially like to enter discussions to open a gem mine in your nation, and to have an office in your capital city.

Should you agree, I am willing to negotiate how you would receive your just payment: a monthly, annual, or lifetime flat pay; a percentage of profits made from such an endeavor; et cetera.

May this prove most lucrative for your nation and my company!


Anatole Korot
Chief Financial Officer
Herrero Consolidated

Addressed to: Halo, Foreign Affairs Minister, The Esoteric Empire of Rhadamanthia

Greetings, Mr. Halo.

The Principality of Ivlya respectfully applies for the following:

[li]Diplomatic Recognition
[li]Exchange of Embassies/Consulates
[li]Free Trade Agreements
[/li][/ul]My best to you.

Viscountess Vita Tataryn

Dear Halo,

Let’s open military development, intel exchange, and trade

Queendom Yuno

Official Communication of the Oan Isles
To: Minister of Foreign Affairs
From: Foreign Office
Subject: Diplomatic and economic relations


The Oan Isles has identified Rhadamanthia as a potential and we wish to establish strong relations with your nation. We request an exchange of embassies and diplomatic recognition.

Rhadamanthia has proven to be resilient financial market. Many of our banks, insurance companies and other financial services providers would like to open offices and begin operations in your nations. We would like to begin dialogue to adopt common financial controls policies and exchange mechanisms to promote economic growth and prevent and control financial crimes.

Our common involvement in the financial services sector, behoves us to enhance those relations and bonds. As such, the Bank of the Oan Isles would like to establish a facility in your nation whereby private and public stock, bonds and equity can be traded or purchased. This will ease the process of making investments, buying property and selling liabilities and avail new economic opportunities for both our nations.

We also request that you refrain from establishing diplomatic links with dictatorial nations. After the Auroran Pacific War, the economy and politics of the world are fragile. Choosing to align yourself with psychotic dictatorships such as Yuno and Celannica or bodies such as the Fire Pact Alliance, will lead to your isolation.

With Respect
Locklyn Le Roy
Head of Diplomacy
The Oan Isles

— Begin quote from ____

To: Govt. of the Esoteric Empire of Rhadamanthia
Subject: Business Opportunity

Mr. Halo;

We at Herrero Consolidated would like to welcome you to the international stage of business!

Speaking of business, let me not delay in getting to mine. On behalf of my company, I would officially like to enter discussions to open a gem mine in your nation, and to have an office in your capital city.

Should you agree, I am willing to negotiate how you would receive your just payment: a monthly, annual, or lifetime flat pay; a percentage of profits made from such an endeavor; et cetera.

May this prove most lucrative for your nation and my company!


Anatole Korot
Chief Financial Officer
Herrero Consolidated

— End quote

Mr. Korot:

We appreciate your interest in investing in Rhadamanthia.

As you probably already know, gems have been mined in our nation since antiquity. Currently, all gem mining is done by three Houses.

Have you located an untapped area that you think has potential? Is it on land that you already own, or are you considering leasing it?

Let us discuss further in other channels.

Rhadamanthian Minister of Foreign Affairs

Lady Tataryn,

Your outreach to the nation of Rhadamanthia is most appreciated.

His Sublime Imperial Majesty instructs me to accept your nation’s requests.

We look forward to a lasting friendship.

Rhadamanthian Minister of Foreign Affairs

— Begin quote from ____

Dear Halo,

Let’s open military development, intel exchange, and trade

Queendom Yuno

— End quote

Your Majesty,

It was with delight that we received your request for closer relations between our two nations.

His Sublime Imperial Majesty Marcarius instructs me to accept all of your requests. He also sends his personal greetings and best wishes.

We look forward to a lasting friendship.

Warm Regards,
Rhadamanthian Minister of Foreign Affairs

— Begin quote from ____

Official Communication of the Oan Isles
To: Minister of Foreign Affairs
From: Foreign Office
Subject: Diplomatic and economic relations


The Oan Isles has identified Rhadamanthia as a potential and we wish to establish strong relations with your nation. We request an exchange of embassies and diplomatic recognition.

Rhadamanthia has proven to be resilient financial market. Many of our banks, insurance companies and other financial services providers would like to open offices and begin operations in your nations. We would like to begin dialogue to adopt common financial controls policies and exchange mechanisms to promote economic growth and prevent and control financial crimes.

Our common involvement in the financial services sector, behoves us to enhance those relations and bonds. As such, the Bank of the Oan Isles would like to establish a facility in your nation whereby private and public stock, bonds and equity can be traded or purchased. This will ease the process of making investments, buying property and selling liabilities and avail new economic opportunities for both our nations.

We also request that you refrain from establishing diplomatic links with dictatorial nations. After the Auroran Pacific War, the economy and politics of the world are fragile. Choosing to align yourself with psychotic dictatorships such as Yuno and Celannica or bodies such as the Fire Pact Alliance, will lead to your isolation.

With Respect
Locklyn Le Roy
Head of Diplomacy
The Oan Isles

— End quote

Mr. Le Roy:

As you no doubt know, Rhadamanthia does not involve itself in the internal affairs of other nations. We focus on providing all nations with discreet, safe and powerful banking; gems of the highest quality; unmatched education and knowledge in the areas of archeology and paleontology; and some of the finest beach resorts in the world.

To this end, we seek and welcome friendly relations with all nations.

We would be delighted to discuss monetary policy with you and look forward to a mutually beneficial friendship.

Rhadamanthian Minister of Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs Minister


The Kaiserreich of Asendavia wishes to apply for diplomatic recognition, an exchange of embassies/consulates, a free trade agreement, and a non-aggression pact.

Viktor Zharkov
Minister of Foreign Diplomacy

Foreign Affairs Minister


The Greater Xagrurgian Empire would like to apply for diplomatic recognition, an exchange of embassies/consulates, a free trade agreement, and a non-aggression pact.

John Smith
Foreign Affairs Minister
Greater Xagrurgian Empire

— Begin quote from ____

Foreign Affairs Minister


The Kaiserreich of Asendavia wishes to apply for diplomatic recognition, an exchange of embassies/consulates, a free trade agreement, and a non-aggression pact.

Viktor Zharkov
Minister of Foreign Diplomacy

— End quote

Greetings Minister Zharkov,

The Esoteric Empire of Rhadamanthia agrees to all of your requests and looks forward to a lasting friendship.

Rhadamanthian Minister of Foreign Affairs

— Begin quote from ____

Foreign Affairs Minister


The Greater Xagrurgian Empire would like to apply for diplomatic recognition, an exchange of embassies/consulates, a free trade agreement, and a non-aggression pact.

John Smith
Foreign Affairs Minister
Greater Xagrurgian Empire

— End quote

Greetings Minister Smith,

The Esoteric Empire of Rhafamanthia agrees to all of your requests and looks forward to a lasting friendship.

Rhadamanthian Minister of Foreign Affairs

A communique from The Realms of Yor Isles to Halo :

Foreign Affairs Minister


The Realms of Yor Isles will like to welcome you officially to the international community, we hope that we will forge a strong relation for the foreseeable future.

We will like to request the following:

Diplomatic recognition,
Exchange of embassies/consulates,
Free trade agreement,
Non-aggression pact
90 Day Visa Program
and Culture Exchange

We cant not wait to hear a reply.

Minister for Foreign Affairs
Miroslav Kostra

Greetings, Minister Kostra,

The Esoteric Empire of Rhadamanthia appreciates your welcome and looks forward to a long, peaceful and mutually beneficial relationship.

We accept all of your requests on the condition that you reciprocate.

Warmest Reagards,

Rhadamanthian Minister of Foreign Affairs

Official Correspondence from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Atlae Isles[hr]
To: Halo
Minister of Foreign Affairs

(OOC: From Deputy to Minister, I guess :stuck_out_tongue: )


The Atlae Isles would like to request the following:
Diplomatic Recognition
Exchange of Embassies and Ambassadors
Non-Aggression Pact
Intelligence Exchange

We hope to see good relations between our two nations.

Kyle Richards
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Atlae Isles

Official Communication of the Realm of the Oan Isles
To: The Imperial Court of the Esoteric Empire of Rhadamanthia
From: The Serene Court of the Oan Isles
Subject: Invitation to the Wedding of Oahoanu and Aroha


Please refer to the attached document.

Lady Noa
Chamberlain of the Serene Court
The Oan Isles

A communique from the Gordic Council to The Esoteric Empire of Rhadamanthia:

To: Whom it may concern


We would like to invite the Empire of Rhadamanthia to join the Gordic council, what is the gordic council you may ask ? Well here let me quickly explain for you.

The Gordic Council is a geo-political inter-parliamentary forum for co-operation between the Gordic countries. It was formed after the Second World War in 1952 to promote co-operation between the original five Gordic countries. with out first concrete result with the introduction in 1952 of a common labor market and free movement across borders without passports for the countries’ citizens. The Council consists of 120 representatives from Kasmiyland, Crania, Subrovania, Hausberg, Talusi, Lessau, East Polynesia, West Cerdani and East Cerdani. With representatives being members of parliament in their respective country/area and are elected by those parliaments.

Joining the Gordic council will bring a overall benefit to Rhadamanthia as we offer ,

  • Gordic labour market
  • Gordic Passport Union helps ensure Gordic citizens’ free movement around Gondwana countries in the GC.
  • Gordic Social Security
  • Gordic School of Public Health
  • The Gordic Cultural Fund and Gordic House
  • Gordic Industrial Fund
  • Gordtest and the Gordic Investment Bank
  • Gordic Environmental Agency which was set up in order to clean up the pollution in the Gulf Of Kyrtanas and South/Central Concordian seas(as of 2017 it was extended to clean up pollution in Talusi & Hausberg)
  • Joint energy network
  • Joint Military Cooperation (This is a very small part of the organization but it guarantees both a Non-Agression Pact and Defense Pact)
  • and The Gordic Science Policy Council

The Gordic Council uses the three Continental Gondwana languages (Cranish, Reiktic and Codexian ) as its official working languages .Since 1987, under the Gordic Language Convention, citizens of the Gordic countries have the opportunity to use their native language when interacting with official bodies in other Gordic countries without being liable to any interpretation or translation costs. The Convention covers visits to hospitals, job centres, the police and social security offices. The Council does not have any formal power on its own, but each government has to implement any decisions through its national legislature.

We sincerely hope you look through and take us up on our offer !

Secretary General of the Council of Ministers (Subrovania)
Dagfin Haybratan

— Begin quote from ____

Official Correspondence from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Atlae Isles[hr]
To: Halo
Minister of Foreign Affairs

(OOC: From Deputy to Minister, I guess :stuck_out_tongue: )


The Atlae Isles would like to request the following:
Diplomatic Recognition
Exchange of Embassies and Ambassadors
Non-Aggression Pact
Intelligence Exchange

We hope to see good relations between our two nations.

Kyle Richards
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Atlae Isles

— End quote

Salutations, Minister Richards!

The Esoteric Empire of Rhadamanthia accepts all of your requests, given that you reciprocate.

We welcome a long, peaceful, prosperous relationship.

Warm Regards,
Rhadamanthian Minister of Foreign Affairs

A communique from the Royal Republic of Furnifold to Minister Halo of Rhadamanthia:

Greetings Minister Halo!

The Royal Republic of Furnifold is pleased to agree to all terms requested. If said diplomatic relations involve an embassy exchange, we would also like to have a contract specialist be allowed to reside in our embassy, in order to enter into contracts with your nation.

We would also like to propose possible trade deals with your nation. Furnifold currently is looking to increase foreign investment in our humble nation, and need international partners to do so. Please peruse this Economy of Furnifold I have sent over at your leisure, and let me know if there is anything we can engage in.

I look forward to strengthening of ties between our nations,

Yours truly,

Jackson Woolf

Foreign Secretary for The Royal Republic of Furnifold