The Rise of NBCJ

January 3, 1973
Kelville, Kolosia
0200 Hours
0674 Holmes Street, Near Center Street S, 435 W
Kelville was a small quiet town which didn’t have a reported crime in about 38 years.

Officials Got a call around 0200 about a murder in The Lester Household, when officials arrive the entire Lester family even their 7-month son were all murdered, News quickly spread around the nation as disturbing & shocking facts were released.

Prime Minister Henry Heim Spoke spoke out about it:

“The Brutal murders of the Lester family that were announced just a few hours ago breaks my heart, we are doing everything we can to stop this killer before they strike again”

Many Organizations are hired to help with the case.

The Methods of murder were released to the public.

Gerald (Father) was shot 4 times by a 9mm Bullet near the heart.
Sherald (Mother) Was Strangled To Death
Josh (Eldest Son) Was Thrown out of top floor to the middle floor
Kriste (Eldest Daughter) Was slashed at her neck around 40 times nearly decapitating her
Abi (Daughter) Was Shot by a 7mm Bullet in the head
Max (Son) Was Stripped onto the cement floor of the basement & Set on fire.
Tom (Baby) Was Hit with a glass bottle.
